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March 27th, 2008, 03:40
ok i have to ask...
is it just me, or do a lot of thai boys have a hard time hitting the toilet when taking a piss?

the first time i noticed this unseemly occurance was with a boy who stayed with me about
a week. he never lifted the seat but rather chose to spray the seat when peeing. i asked
him to lift the seat next time and he looked like i was ting tong.

it happened again and again with different boys. in fact i don't think it's ever happened
with any boy i've brought home with me that they actually went to the bathroom without
hosing down the whole place. sometimes it's not just a sprinkle on the seat, but piss all
over the floor and everything else. i mean...what's going on in there??

i don't want to get pissed off every time my bathroom is pissed on...so anyone want to
teach me how to get a thai boy to hit the toilet? a waste of time? haha

March 27th, 2008, 03:52
he he, ask him not to shower :cheers:

March 27th, 2008, 05:46
I'm doubtful it's piss everwhere, more likely water from the "squirter hose" or the shower.
Every notice the drain in thai bathrooms? Hey, everyday is Songkran in the thai bathroom.

March 27th, 2008, 06:38
Maybe they should paint the fake fly in the bowl so they will aim at it.I dont think that Thai boys are squeemish about going to the bathroom. I had one guy from a host bar that was in such a hurry to enjot sex that he left a liquidy stool spot on the rimm of the toilet.eeewwww.

March 27th, 2008, 06:58
I think it's a territorial thing. They like to leave their scent so other boys that follow can tell who's been there before... ;)

I don't mind the piss thing, as Bob said, it's probably water from the arse spray, but I draw the line at boys who openly have a sit down toilet with the bathroom door wide open, in full view of me, accompanied with Dolby surround sound effects. Luckily that's a rarity, but it has happened.

March 27th, 2008, 07:44
I think it's a territorial thing. They like to leave their scent so other boys that follow can tell who's been there before... ;)


finaly something funny on this forum

March 27th, 2008, 08:54
... Hey, everyday is Songkran in the thai bathroom. :cheers:

One time when we were staying upcountry I went to use the bathroom after boyfriend had finished. There was water all over the place -including the ceiling.
"Honey! what did you do in here"?
"What? What poblem?"
"There's water all over the place"!
"Yes, I have to use toilet, ok? No poblem."
"Well, how did you get the water up there"? (pointing to ceiling)
"ohh... moskeeto".

What's really fun is when you find some guy squatting on the toilet seat instead of sitting on it!

March 27th, 2008, 14:33
The concept of lifting the seat for a piss certainly seems unknown to a large percentage of Thai boys, based on my many acquaintainces.

So, is this a Western cultural habit into which many of us have been trained? And not known here, or not considered important?

Boys seem to leave the seat wet; whether the liquid is piss or water from the sprayer, I haven't been overly interested to establish. Future sitters who are not observant may find they are wet unexpectedly.

Also true that some boys interpret the Thai name 'hong naam' (water room) literally during bathing; the evidence is everywhere!

March 27th, 2008, 15:18
I remember my first trip and wondering what a water hose/dish rinsing hose was doing next to the toilet. On the next trip, I used the toilet somewhere and the water hose was the only option and I used it but did not master it until a few more visits.

I went home and was remodeling a bathroom and decided to install an arse hose but with warm water. When I sold the house real estate agents tried to get me to un-install it. They also told me to stop telling the prospective buyers what it was or how to use it. I might have scared away a few buyers but someone bought the house in the end, arse hose and all. I wonder if they use it?

March 27th, 2008, 17:30
The arse hose as you call it ( I call it a bum gun) is not just a Thai thing its used in most countries from the middle east and Eastwood's vanishing again when you reach Australia. I have been using one for the last 25 years and wouldn't think of ever using just toilet paper again.

The water does go all over the seat and floor due to the pressure. BTW whenever staying in a hotel I always ask if it is installed in the bathrooms I will not stay anywhere where there isn't one.

A tip I learned from an Arab is when there is no bum gun, use plastic mineral water bottle filled to the top gently inserted and squeeze, that also makes a mess too when the water exits.

March 27th, 2008, 17:51
A tip I learned from an Arab is when there is no bum gun, use plastic mineral water bottle filled to the top gently inserted and squeeze, that also makes a mess too when the water exits.

Inserted? Like, actually, up the bum? A plastic mineral water bottle? Like a mini colonic irrigation? I could understand putting a small hole in the cap and using that as a squirty thing, but actually putting the top of the bottle up there? Sounds a bit painful to me. I've worked with Muslims before, and they were forever leaving empty bottles of water in the toilet. I always assumed it was to wash their hands a feet with before they prayed.

I'm thankful I never touched one of them now.

(The bottle that is, not the Muslims)

March 27th, 2008, 18:02
[don't want to get pissed off every time my bathroom is pissed on.

Sounds so funny

March 27th, 2008, 18:39

Yes insert it, the bottle top that is, I did say gently although some board members may be able to push it a good way up (lol)
squeeze so that the water goes inside and then blow it out as the way we did cum pre Aids condom era

April 7th, 2008, 20:06
The bum gum is not meant to be used as an enema device! How more unhygienic can you get than to stick one of those things -- that's been sitting around next to a toilet collecting other people's filth -- up your ass? I am completely revolted.