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View Full Version : Thai government reassures tourists?

March 23rd, 2008, 21:31
I started a thread last week about safety for women tourists in Thailand which drew the usual nay-sayers ("What's gay about this?"). The Thai government has now decided they need to be seen to be doing something, according to today's Bangkok Post, following the murder of yet another tourist (also not gay, apparently - sorry about that, nay-sayers all)
The murders come as a wake-up call for the authorities, who seem to show no concern about the shortage of investment in the tourism industry or the political will to improve the safety of tourists. The tourism industry continues to be the largest earner of foreign exchange and the biggest generator of jobs in Thailand. http://www.bangkokpost.net/News/23Mar2008_news01.php

In a related story the police have admitted to failure in finding the killer of an Englishwoman in Chiang Mai. Thailand AYOR - http://www.bangkokpost.com/News/23Mar2008_news02.php