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View Full Version : Thailand's Block on Sawatdee seems to have been lifted

February 28th, 2006, 10:01
I was able to log on to Sawatdee Gay Forum directly this time, with no need to go through a proxy server. I hope that indicates some easing of what had appeared to be a new crackdown on gay sites in Thailand. Let's hope so.


February 28th, 2006, 10:14
Well, my block didn't go awat. I'm still getting the MICT page ...








?????? ??? ????????? ?????(?????)

at: mict.go.th/cit/block.html

February 28th, 2006, 22:18
Midday today (Thai time) this forum was still blocked for me. But now - 11 p.m. - it worked without going through the proxy. No problem either with CFS, whereas G-But still blocked.

February 28th, 2006, 22:28
Last evening I was able to access the site but this morning it was blocked again. Right now I did not encounter any problem! Strange!?


March 1st, 2006, 08:21
Well half day later I'm still blocked from Bkk.

March 1st, 2006, 09:21
Well half day later I'm still blocked from Bkk.

And a lot of good it's doing, too! :p

Look, I just think it is a fact of life for now that we will have to access some of our favorite gay sites via proxy for now when in Thailand. The block was never lifted. There are just some holes in the block. The one GP discovered is that if you go directly to the private message page, it lets you in through the back door.

March 3rd, 2006, 08:13

March 3rd, 2006, 08:29
Well, my theory is that the ICT has done us a huge favor by requiring that web-surfers in Thailand go through a proxy server, that is; it provides a much needed stupidity filter. :cheese:

That's not even to mention the fact that we now have pages showing in search results in major search engines for the phrase "Banned in Thailand". :compress:

March 3rd, 2006, 13:02
I say take the word GAY out of the name for the site and this won't happen again. What was wrong with keeping the name, Sawatdee forum?


March 3rd, 2006, 13:10
I'm kind of partial to the domain name "bannedinthailand.com"



But they are already taken. :cyclops:

March 3rd, 2006, 13:33
Gaythailand.com has not been effected yet

I would wait until something happens to them

March 3rd, 2006, 13:34
No name changes will save SF from its fate if some resentful prick reports it to the authorities.

March 3rd, 2006, 16:15
Edited pending attempted repairs.

March 3rd, 2006, 16:17
Gaythailand.com has not been effected yet

Yes, but the thought police may have thought it's not worth banning a board that attempts to drive mad large numbers of its registered users, including this 6 per center, by displaying a "Please Log on" page repeatedly while they are logged on if they attempt to post. Possibly the thought police see this as a public service.

Apparently the problem is being resolved user by user at huge expense.

March 3rd, 2006, 16:44
everytime I load a new page or read the posts on one thread, I get the please sign in even though I have done so

this is every page

and then all I get is Hedda and LMTU, and old posts to here.

March 3rd, 2006, 17:17
Since late 28 February I am not having any problems in accessing this forum or some other sites which previously were blocked (except Asianguys.com). I am using my hotel's high speed connection and I am not going through the proxy. So, rather mysterious that others seem to have problems but not me. But I am not complaining ...

March 3rd, 2006, 18:15
as usual the efficient workings of Thai government grind to a halt on just about everything.

March 4th, 2006, 01:02
The blocking is not consistent across every ISP.

March 4th, 2006, 01:19
So Asianguy.com has been blocked for a while? How about AEBN (The Cornucopia of Filth)? Is that blocked? If so; how long?

March 5th, 2006, 00:28
It's my first time being blocked from sawatdee, I don't know whose server I am on, it's not this hotel's. It's a real shocker to be banned from visiting a site where people are free to chat.... nasty buggers. It was workking at Starbucks earlier today.

March 5th, 2006, 01:01
Well, we aren't dealing with the Chinese government here. They are obviously not really serious about preventing access to information. They just want to appear to have solved some imaginary problem.

Hey, I just missed it! a few hours ago we broke our record number of people online at once; it had been 49, but now it's 64! Check out the who is online box.

March 5th, 2006, 01:05
But...how could that be? According to certain sources, SF is "dead"!

March 5th, 2006, 01:11
Interesting. Perhaps Google.com is more influential on traffic than these "sources" are? I suspect that there may be quite a few gay guys on the internet, and that a good percentage of them may have some interest in Thailand.

March 5th, 2006, 20:17
the key word is keep all postings in a respectful format------------cut out the unnecessary dirty language , whats happening is that Thailand is trying its best to clean up its image, and to clean up the sites that are representative of this country ,

stop referring to Thai bar hosts with all the filthy vernacular that some of you posters are prone to ,

being Gay is one thing --being rude and ignorant is another , you guys will of noticed that I am a defender of morals -and dignity,

AM I WRONG--------------? one doesn't have to be a camp foul mouthed idiot to contribute to forums ,

or constantly waving the gay banner into peoples face's , Because its spoiling it for every one ,Wake up to the bare facts of reality ,China will not allow it on there Internet connections -see how they have tied Googles hands ,

are there any nice people out there these days ,

March 5th, 2006, 21:11
SSS...I was starting to follow you, but...

What about situations when we're talking about some of the sensual aspects of gay Thailand, for instance, would it be appropriate to still mention body parts such as cock, balls, ass, etc., or should we refrain from being so direct. I guess when we're all belonging to a forum which flies under the banner of"Sawatdee Gay Thailand" we're guilty of flying the banner that most of us here ARE GAY.

I agree that common sense and disgression are good ideas, but where do you think we should draw the line.

Maybe we should just confine our conversations to things like; Travel Tips, Hotel Recommendations, Maps to Famous Temples, Thai Cooking Tips, etc. and any time we have the impulse to mention anything that is directly related to our GAYNESS we should use the private message function. This way we could be just like the Chinese.

Any advise?

March 5th, 2006, 21:47
the key word is keep all postings in a respectful format------------cut out the unnecessary dirty language , whats happening is that Thailand is trying its best to clean up its image, and to clean up the sites that are representative of this country
Yes, keep up that puritan heritage - sex and any mention of it is "dirty". So any site that mentions Thailand is "representative" of it? That's a nice totalitarian view of the world and one we should never, ever embrace

March 6th, 2006, 01:03
What about situations when we're talking about some of the sensual aspects of gay Thailand, for instance, would it be appropriate to still mention body parts such as cock, balls, ass, etc., or should we refrain from being so direct. I guess when we're all belonging to a forum which flies under the banner of"Sawatdee Gay Thailand" we're guilty of flying the banner that most of us here ARE GAY.

Any advise?

I believe the terms that might be more palatable include "peepee", "goobers" and "heiny" - much like the preferable terms for a female would include "hoohoo" and "funbags"

Or, as Gore Vidal did in his sequel to Myra Breckenride entitled Myron just substitute the names of Supreme Court Justices in lieu of all profanity - it was very amusing to read about Myron's enormous Rheinquist

hope this helps