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March 17th, 2008, 14:30
A couple of evenings ago someone ran up behind me in a quiet Sunee soi and I thought for a moment that I was about to be assaulted. I span round as a young man, mid-twenties, stocky, came to a halt right next to me, smiling tentatively. 'You remember me?' he said. Not instantly, but, yes, I remembered him. He had been a waiter in a Sunee bar whom I saw on and off about four years ago. I'd liked his lovely eyes, his amusing way with words, his sexy bum (not necessarily in that order). It was those still-lovely eyes, dark and knowing, that helped me to recognise him. In other ways I could see that he has changed considerably: fuller-faced, heavier, a more masculine air. He had been a rather camp young thing, whose friends were all ladyboys, when I knew him before. I greeted him cheerfully, aware with a dull but brutal certainty that he was no longer of the slightest sexual interest to me.

We had lost touch because he went into the army. How he must be hating that, I'd think from time to time. With a secret smile I'd imagine him having to get up at the crack of dawn, mincing about on the parade ground, eating that sloppy food. With any luck an officer would take a fancy to him and give him an easier life in return for services rendered. Much to my surprise, I heard from one of his ladyboy friends after a long interval that he was enjoying life in the army and had signed up for more than the basic two years. Even more surprising was the news that he had got married. 'He big body now,' the ladyboy said in response to my gobsmacked look, as if this explained everything. I went away wondering if the army really had made a man of him, but seriously doubting the proposition somehow. Later, the same ladyboy told me that he was out of the army now and driving a taxi in Rayong, my most recent news of him before our evening encounter.

As we stood facing each other in that Sunee soi, I asked about his army days and he said they had been all right. When I mentioned his marriage he looked embarrassed and muttered something about family pressure. He said he'd just returned to Pattaya, the taxi business in Rayong having gone a bit flat. A sparkle in the eyes indicated that his gay credentials were still very much in order if I cared to check them out. I knew, of course, that that was the point of his running after me down the soi, the hope that we might resume where we had left off. I also knew that it wasn't going to happen. To be honest, I didn't even want to sit and have a drink with him, despite the fact that I had no other pressing engagements. Interesting though his experiences in the last few years may have been, I had a strong premonition that no probing of mine would take me much further than his initial non-committal answers. He had never been very forthcoming like that. I didn't want to give him any financial encouragement either. So, as I imagined a kinder, better me hugging him and walking off arm in arm with him down the street, we just stood facing each other in what soon became an awkward silence, his bright eyes boring into me. I recalled how this was an old trick of his, the long, silent stare which eventually leads to the other's capitulation.

'Look, I'd better go now,' I said at last. He asked for my phone number. I provided it, but thoughts of more awkward moments in the future made me add, truthfully, that I have been living with a young man for about a year now. He accepted the news like someone with a philosophical streak just informed that his winning lottery ticket is invalid - sadness with a hint of annoyance. 'Good luck,' I muttered, and we turned and walked away in opposite directions.

March 17th, 2008, 22:13
For a moment there, I thought you were going to post an experience similar to mine, but thankfully, it wasn't.

I think your post highlights natures cruelty which us 'lovers of the younger ones' are all too aware of. I'm not really attracted to boys who either are, or at least look, over about 22-23yo, which is why I don't get into relationships with them. At some point, I'll end up leaving them, for no more a shallow reason than they've simply got too old for me.

March 17th, 2008, 22:32
Yes, quite shallow and so Pattaya. My BF is 29, we have been together since he was 23. I have quite a few older farang butterfly friends (living in Pattaya of course) that proudly proclaim that they don't have sex with anyone over 25. I am not sure that's anything to proud of. I'm also not quite sure that a little of that ugly shallowness resides deep in my own sole.

March 17th, 2008, 22:42
... they don't have sex with anyone over 25. I am not sure that's anything to proud of.Why?
I'm also not quite sure that a little of that ugly shallowness resides deep in my own sole.Are you a foot fetishist?

March 17th, 2008, 22:51
Give me a chance to edit or delete my own post. Too late now.

Sometimes after reading a post I change my mind and delete the whole thing. You should do the same.

March 17th, 2008, 22:54
Give me a chance to edit or delete my own post. Too late now.

Sometimes after reading a post I change my mind and delete the whole thing. You should do the same.

The old adage 'Look before you leap' springs to mind :cheers:

March 17th, 2008, 23:03
Sometimes after reading a post I change my mind and delete the whole thing. You should do the same.My words are priceless, dear boy. Surely you know that by now?

March 17th, 2008, 23:18
I too am very fond of younger men. I've been having "long-term relationships" with young men since forever. Now that I have reached the grand old age of sixty, I look back and discover that every single one of them dumped ME, way before their age became an issue.

A number of them reached adulthood, and chose The Way of the Pussy. (yikes!) Another fragment grew to the age of 22-23, realized how desired they were on the gay scene, and trotted off.

But, for one reason or another, I have never had to face the need of dismissing a boyfriend because he had become too old.

Nope. They all relieved me of that task! :-0

March 18th, 2008, 00:02
I currently have the same situation as Peter UK with a Sunee boy.. He left for a spell and returned fat.
He is only about 21 but put on something like 20 kilos.
His once gorgeous hot body was now bloated. He used to prance about my place naked as a jaybird with
his prodigious joystick bouncing like a drumstick but now he hides behind his towel and is shy about exposing his body.
He was a firecracker in the sack before but has lost his spark. He was one of the ever-ready type of boys and now had a problem
getting and staying hard. This kid was a professional and always hard.
I saw him again this week in Sunee and he tried to
book an appointment but I remembered the last time, how distorted his body had become and his erectile dysfunction, and told him not now.

He went from around 65k to around 85k and I actually gave him some of my jeans that were a couple of years
old and would never fit me again but fit him. I also gave him a belt. He claimed he lost a few kilos but the desire wasn't there.
He knows he has lost "it" and I have tried to encourage him that I would see him if he lost some weight but it is a touchy topic for anyone..

Like many of us who are slightly overweight, I have no tolerance for fat boys with rolls of flesh on their bellies and backs.
How the boys can get hard with many of us is amazing but I guess you would need a cast iron stomach to perform with many of us. :cat:

March 18th, 2008, 00:54
My BF is 29, we have been together since he was 23.

Ditto - but in Pattaya!! It must be doing something for us, too, as friends tell us (and photos appear to confirm) that we each look younger than when we first met - must be something in the water (or, on second thoughts, maybe not the water!).