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View Full Version : Civil Partnerships..British & Thai..and more...

March 9th, 2008, 21:56
Thia Visa.com has a discussion about Civil Partnerships
for British and Thai bf's...etc...

also may be applicable to those from Europe...via Spain..
see the discussion threads...

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php ... pic=171025 (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=171025)

For those Brits with partners, the following posting about registering Civil Partnerships in SE Asia may be of interest:
http://dragoncastle.net/gayforum/viewto ... pid=52#p52 (http://dragoncastle.net/gayforum/viewtopic.php?pid=52#p52)

One of the 2 partners should be British for the UK Embassy to have jurisdiction.

Even then if the non British partner is Thai for example, it would not be 'valid' in Thailand
as Thai laws do not recognize (yet) partnerships of the same sex.

What is interesting is that the UK Embassy in Thailand do not register partnerships
but the one in Vietnam does (for non-Vietnamese)

It saves a lot of trouble and expenses to do it in Vietnam instead of going all the way
to the UK to register it including the hassle and aggravation of getting a UK visa and
proving the partnership (to get the visa) at the UK Embassy in Bangkok.

Once the civil partnership is registered, the non British partner has a much easier task
to get visas for the UK and for the EU countries BUT not for countries which does not
recognize same sex partnerships, it might even be a obstacle.....

read more...an interesting discussion and possibilities for Europeans..and more.

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 10th, 2008, 08:34
friends of mine got "married" in Britain last year..a Brit and Thai..no problem with visas, and for the express purpose of his long time Thai b/f inheriting his property which includes substantial holdings in Thailand. He swears it's airtight having had his top flier lawyer go over the whole thing..indeed the Thai lover must have read the advice as well as he keeps accidentally falling upon the farang in the swimming pool and holding him under.

I went to the ceremony..at the Wembley registry office off all places..very unsmart..but legal.

March 11th, 2008, 02:53
The OP notes that the British Embassy in Bangkok does not register civil partnerships. I have talked to them and it is not just civil partnerships - they cannot register marriages either, something to do with both Thai and FCO policy.

Not strictly correct. They can register marriages under British law that have been performed / registered in Thailand, under Thai law.

They cannot register a civil partnership because Thailand has refused the Embassy permission to do so. This has nothing to do with the FCO; for reasons which were never stated, but almost certainly out of "political courtesy", the requirement for permission to be granted by the host country was written in to the Civil Partnership Act - otherwise, in theory, embassies could register Civil Partnerships in any country as embassy premises are sovereign territory.

March 11th, 2008, 16:09
I was also under the impression that Thailand had not given permission, but again the staff said that was not exactly the case and there was more to it. But what the 'more' was they could not or would not tell me.

Sounds as if they are being diplomatic. That's what I pay my taxes for them to be. Extending services to British travellers must always be secondary as they have primarily to consider the interests of the British Government and state.

February 16th, 2011, 11:46
Hi guys

I'm interested in finding out what kind of visas those of you who registered a CP in Vietnam (Hanoi or Ho Chi Min City) used to enter the country? I'm British and my partner is Chinese - do we both just need to apply for a normal tourist visa for Vietnam? I guess this is the case as the CP is not actually anything to do with Vietnam itself (it's a UK issue right?)

Is this correct?

Thanks so much

February 16th, 2011, 19:16
The question's not entirely clear. You're trying to enter Vietnam or Thailand? You registered a Civil Partnership in Vietnam or Britain?