View Full Version : Cock growth until which age ???

March 9th, 2008, 14:48
This is a serious post asking for medically qualified replies!

My BF increased in cock length at least 3 cm between 21 and 23 years and his tool became also somewhat thicker. Is this normal and until which age growth is common.

March 9th, 2008, 17:34
I one has a computer and a connection to the internet, Google is a great place to find information. If you input search terms like "penis growth" you will get a bunch of links to both enlargement sites and information sites like:

www.coolnurse.com/penis_size.htm (http://www.coolnurse.com/penis_size.htm)

sexuality.about.com/od/anatomyresponse/a/average_penis.htm (http://sexuality.about.com/od/anatomyresponse/a/average_penis.htm)

Amazing the information that one can find.

March 9th, 2008, 17:47
This is a serious post asking for medically qualified replies!

My BF increased in cock length at least 3 cm between 21 and 23 years and his tool became also somewhat thicker. Is this normal and until which age growth is common.

Assuming that this is a serious post (which can be a rash assumption around here), the answer is that your BF's apparent delayed development is somewhat unusual. 90% of boys have reached their adult length by age 18, generally known as Tanner stage 5. See for example the last graph here:
http://www.apeg.org.au/Portals/0/resour ... 8years.pdf (http://www.apeg.org.au/Portals/0/resources/GrowthChart_Boys2-18years.pdf)

However, you only say that he 'increased' 3cm. You didn't say if he was small or average to begin with. Delayed puberty would assume that he was small to begin with.

See also:

Of course most of the studies on which such data is based were done in the west. I would have thought that such a subject would have been deemed way too prurient for 'respectable' Thais. However I was wrong ! According to the WHO standard on condoms (yes there is one !), there is Thai data, attributed to Bangkok Medical University (1979).

The WHO document is here:
http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1998/WHO_RH ... elines.pdf (http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1998/WHO_RHT_FPP_98.15_spec&guidelines.pdf)

Appendix III contains penis length data from Caucasian/USA, African/USA, Australia and Thailand.The largest group of Thais (51%) falls between 126-150mm.

I am sure we have some 'amateur experts' in our midst who might wish to volunteer their own Thai 'data'. :-)

March 10th, 2008, 01:46
I've noticed a (ahem) similar phenomenon in my boyfriend.
Thai boys hitting puberty later than Farangs?

March 10th, 2008, 11:12
cock strinkage is a big issue for many of us as we enter our golden years and our fat cells prove their ability to

A friend claimed that there are inches of manroot inside our bodies and that when we have excessive fat
in the pubic region, precious other inches get lost in the folds of skin/fat.
Maybe this has something to do with why some skinny guys look like ponies and some obese men can't find it at all..

I am also guessing that all the pubic hair trimming and shaving have something to do with looking a few cms bigger.. :cat:

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 11th, 2008, 20:54
well I do have a well kept secret which I am prepared to give to my many treasured firends on Sawatdee..in how one can make their COCK, ..

TWELVE INCHES LONG !!...all you have to do is ask.. (worked for me)

March 30th, 2008, 14:37
well I do have a well kept secret which I am prepared to give to my many treasured Friends on Sawatdee..in how one can make their COCK, ..

TWELVE INCHES LONG !!...all you have to do is ask.. (worked for me)

I just bend mine in half.

There once was a young man named Kent,
with a dong so long that it bent.
To make less trouble,
he put it in double
and instead of coming--
he went!

Kent had a friend named Cass: with the most magnificent ass.
(Not as you think, soft, round and pink--It brayed, had long ears and ate grass.)