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View Full Version : MORE Gay Affairs photos GayTingTongs March 6th Charity Party

March 8th, 2008, 10:48
Here are the photos & report from the recent March 6th
Gay Ting Tongs Charity Night at Oscar's Pattaya:

http://www.gayaffairspattaya.com/galler ... ayting.htm (http://www.gayaffairspattaya.com/gallery/0603gayting.htm)

GayTingTong's Presentation Night at Oscars

On Thursday, March 6, 2008 representatives and members of the popular internet forum
www.gaytingtong.com (http://www.gaytingtong.com) plus visitors and regulars to Boyz Town attended
a Charity Presentation Night at Oscars in Boyz Town.

Over the last few months members of the forum have very generously donated
money to be used for charity.

So, consequently GayTingTong.com organized a Presentation Night at Oscars.

Three charities benefited from the presentation:

* Thais4Life received 20,000 baht to be used specifically for the Bang Jing Jai orphanage in Pattaya.
Presented by forum-member Daniel.

* Dr. Philippe Seur of Heartt 2000 (www.heartt2000.org (http://www.heartt2000.org)) also received 20,000 baht.

* And Pattaya Gay Festival (www.pattayagayfestival.com (http://www.pattayagayfestival.com)) charities received 10,000 baht.

There was also a lucky draw and auction which raised over 36,000 baht,
the proceeds of which went towards the costs of the new swimming pool and facilities
at the Camillian Centre in Rayong which cares for children and young people living with HIV.


Thanks Gay Affairs for sharing the photos and fine report...
and Congratulations & Thanks to GayTingTong Board & Members & Party goers...
for their generosity :-)

Here is Gay Affairs Pattaya website:


March 8th, 2008, 15:44
Oogleman (fellow poster here on Sawatdee) and owner of
ay Ting Tongs Website..
has posted his pics from the Ting&Tongs Charity Night at Oscars...

A fine charity event...
Thanks to Oogleman for your forum leadership and generosity.

"Many thanks again to all who donated to our charity fund -
I can now reveal Wowpow was one of the first - hope he was looking down on us.

We had a great night and it was good to see so many of you there.

We presented the 50,000 baht as planned and raised another 37,000 from the lucky draw -
thank you all so so much from the 4 charities involved.

Special thanks to Oscars for letting us their bar for free and putting on extra staff and food,
To TOQ for setting most things up and to Daniel for helping with the presentation.

Hope you like the pics"

Note: Oogie is in the first set - 2nd photo... seen presenting the
checks to David of Oscars & Thais4Life Committee Memer...
donations from the website and its forum members.

http://www.gaytingtong.com/topic2542.ht ... 390df60bf1 (http://www.gaytingtong.com/topic2542.html?sid=b0c329acde47f541948a88390df60bf 1)

Thanks again Oogleman and all involved in this successful charity event :-)