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View Full Version : bringing out the newbies...

March 6th, 2008, 10:13
bringing out the newbies...

Always interesting to see a newbies first posting to start his own thread about a business..
Following is another newbie with his third posting and a very familiar variation of a handle..

Obviously, this dirty, fleabag of a beer bar is no loss and will only be missed by a few retrobates
and diehards.. Lamenting its closure as if someone died is pathetic and one can only hope it was
authored to be ironic.

I do recall some lamenting the loss of other cesspools of the past in Sunee Plaza including the infamous
Amigo Boys aka Diamond Pub, the kiddie beer bar next door, the predecessor to Corner Bar which stayed open
24/7, Leks Beer Bar etal..........

Well , the good news is one can still go right next door to Copa and indulge in a very similar atmosphere.. Why, just the
other nite while having a brew in Crazy Pub, we witnessed the lady owner in a wild tirade. First she flung a wooden bin container
at a Thai man and then still enraged she threw her dinner at him.. It was hot and wet and made a big mess over the chair and floor..
A class act and the customers just ignored her and continued.. The slightly effeminate waiters at Crazy Pub whispered that she was
axing the man for allowing a customer to violate the law but it seemed inconceivable to me to believe anything untoward could have
happened in such a classy establishment.. :cat:

March 6th, 2008, 13:36
always interesting to see the old-timers bitch about the new comers.
my favorite is when they scold the 40 and under crowd for being immature.
newsflash for you old queens, you were all once under 40 yr old newbies.

March 6th, 2008, 13:38
does the number of posts by itself make you more qualified
to comment on all "gay things pattaya?" i think not. all it
takes is an ego and a keyboard. see, here's another post
from this under-age newbie.

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 6th, 2008, 15:56
" see, here's another post
from this under-age newbie."

and what is your age you naughty thing ?

are you reading all the tosh on here instead of doing your homework ?

March 6th, 2008, 16:46
I am not an ageist per se, but frankly, the gay farang scene in Thailand is most attractive to men well past 40 and this
forum is composed of men with an average age in the 50's or maybe even 60 years of age.. (Assumption based on
non factual info and just what I think)..

Newbies are always welcome and new blood is what keeps things interesting.. Having become a dinosaur here, I get
very suspicious when newbies jump in with the same writing style as banned or shunned posters and also when
they use variations of others handles, it raises the possibility that they are the same old dinosaurs returning to wreck
havoc again until the moderators catch on...

It takes some time to become a trusted member of a community and especially on the Internet, newbies with one posting
who have strong opinions and are backed up by another newbie with 3 postings are unusual and worthy of consideration
as to their real status as a newbie or a disgraced dinosaur making their umpth newbie appearance...

Sure, genuine newbies feel some annoyance with being painted with the same brush as suspicious newbies but give it a
little time for us to get a sense of the newbie and out comes the red carpet but often it is just the same old trolls back for
another play and that is just the way it is.. nothing personal and of course, just my humble opinion.. :cat:

March 6th, 2008, 17:16
i would suggest that your comments re 'the gay farang scene in Thailand' relate more to Pattaya than to the whole of Thailand.

March 7th, 2008, 14:23
i would suggest that your comments re 'the gay farang scene in Thailand' relate more to Pattaya than to the whole of Thailand.

Indeed. But some of these old codgers haven't seen anything else of Thailand save the airport and the view from the Limo on the way to Pattaya.

March 7th, 2008, 14:39
Sure, genuine newbies feel some annoyance with being painted with the same brush as suspicious newbies but give it a
little time for us to get a sense of the newbie and out comes the red carpet but often it is just the same old trolls back for
another play and that is just the way it is.. nothing personal and of course, just my humble opinion.. :cat:

Being a newbie not so long ago I do agree with Cat that one must be shit upon a few times by the regulars before one's posts do not stink!


March 7th, 2008, 15:39
... can I be a retrobate? Please, please. NB: I'm already a reprobate, and catawampuscat is a blowhard

Obviously, this dirty, fleabag of a beer bar is no loss and will only be missed by a few retrobates
and diehards