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March 6th, 2008, 16:48
Re: Wowpow.I have just been informed that our forum friend Wowpow has died today.
I understand that he was in intensive care for a while.
I am sure that he will be missed very much on the forums.
For those that did not know him personally he was famous for his pictures and the name тАШMr. Cut and PasteтАЭ
If anyone has any further details please add to this.

March 6th, 2008, 16:56
Re: Wowpow.I have just been informed that our forum friend Wowpow has died today.
I understand that he was in intensive care for a while.
I am sure that he will be missed very much on the forums.
For those that did not know him personally he was famous for his pictures and the name тАШMr. Cut and PasteтАЭ
If anyone has any further details please add to this.

That is extremely sad and a shock.None of us expect that we will be next but I never expected that he was in
the queue It is ironic that this post is next to a thread about the closing of a fringe bar in Sunee .

Just look at the subject A profound loss for Sunee. It is irrelevant in the big scheme of life

I hope it is not true. I got a lot of pleasure from his cut and paste . Reading things I would never have caught up with

I will reserve any remarks hoping the news is premature. Please let it be.

March 6th, 2008, 17:10
Wowpow had struggled with respiratory disease and was a champion in the fight against tobacco smoking in
bars/restaurants right to the end..
I trust men who knew him will contribute their thoughts on this profound loss to our community.. Rest in peace Terry.. :cat:

March 6th, 2008, 17:15
I just talked to Terry's friend who told me they are now contacting his embassy and will be bringing Terry's body back from Bangkok tomorrow. Wowpow had just a great sense of humor. He was a wonderful man and always so interesting to talk with. He had been suffering for awhile, very hard for him to breathe, as he use to be a chain smoker (see his posts).

Terry had many friends. I was told that the arrangements for his funeral rites will be posted online.

I too was in disbelief. And grieve over the loss of this fine man and friend.

March 6th, 2008, 17:19
Sadly, it is true.

Our freind Terry - Wowpow - passed away today in Pattaya
following an illness over these past few months.

I confirmed this with a good friend who knew him well in Pattaya.

Such a shock..and loss of a true friend of our community.

And, his collection of photos were a delight to view...
and he enjoyed sharing them so very much.

He will be greatly missed...
as his postings were a cause for joy and brought happiness
to many who read the forums.

No word yet on funeral services...according to my friend in Pattaya...
May I ask fellow members to please post the information as it becomes available.

Rest in Peace, Terry (Wowpow)...

March 6th, 2008, 18:13
OMG, I am in shock, seems like not very long ago I sat with him at Dick's Cafe in Bangkok as he ogled every muscleman that walk past. Most knew him. Then he would convince me to go with him to the Tawan bar.

I noticed that Terry could walk down Soi Twilight and not get touted by the door boys. He told me, don't get aggressive with them, don't walk around them, make friends with them and you will not get bothered. He would pass out candy and talk to every one, knew several by name and would just glide down the street. I took his advise and now I am one of the few residents that gets to pass through soi Twilight with no one trying to pull me in a bar. In fact some escort me to Dick's fending off the odd new door man trying to grab my arm.

I first me Terry at Jomtiem about 3 years ago. He had occasionally posted a photo of himself. I looked at him and he looked familiar. I said you look like someone I know, he dead paned me straight in the face and said, yes, I am a nice person.

Terry often confounded me with his Brit-speak and entertained me with his dry sense of humor. He was a true gentleman and a friend that I shall dearly miss.

RIP dear friend.

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 6th, 2008, 20:12
I've dined with dear Terry-Wowpow many times..a thorough gentleman. I knew he was ill but he seems to have gone downhill quickly.

What a loss for Pattaya-a truly unique person and one of the town's most interesting characters.

vale Wowpow.

March 6th, 2008, 20:16

So sad, another friend has left us.
Terry was fond of taking pictures but a little camera shy himself.
I was lucky to have know such a true gentleman.

He was caught on camera Christmas last year.

He won't mind this other picture being shown now... A very pretty boy :)

1964 !

R.I.P. My friend.

March 6th, 2008, 20:40
There's been so much illness and loss on the forum over the past year, but this one really caught me off guard. Terry was someone I regret not connecting with there in the LOS; what an interesting and entertaining person he must've been. The report above that he could walk along Soi Twilight without being harassed speaks volumes about how well he was known and liked.

The board has suffered a real loss... again. I am both surprised and saddened by the news, and I'm sure I have a lot of company.

Rest in peace, Terry - and thanks for everything.

March 6th, 2008, 23:32
A few weeks since i last posted but just to say how sorry i was to hear of a great loss to the gay community. Rest in peace buddy.

March 7th, 2008, 00:52
I am saddened to hear of Terry's demise and will raise a glass to him this evening. Cheers to a bloody good sort. Farewell Wowpow.


March 7th, 2008, 01:15
Another profilic poster left us, RIP Wowpow
-3 - 999+ valuable posters - trolls

March 7th, 2008, 01:23
Like TrongPai above I first got to Know Terry in Soi twilight

I had been in his company a year earlier in the Old Two Faces on Thrappaya rd but never realised that Terry and WowPow were the same person... We eventually had a few drinks together in Dicks cafe and discovered we we knew each other from DreadedNed/Pattayagay

After that seemingly everytime I visited Bkk we would bump into each other.... Despite the fact that neither of us spent a large percentage of our time in Bkk and would also bump into each other when i was "about the town"

We shared a few Taxis from Pinnacle back to Pattaya... Me staying in The Welcome Plaza in his recommendation... He was always a fan of the Welcome - despite his background in Hotel Establishments with a far higher * Category!

One Notable meeting was at one of the weekly GayPattaya Meetings in Cafe Royale 6 years ago...

Besides GP, Somporn and others, at that Meeting were Wowpow, Boxer Brian, David In Pattaya and Ian McKnight... Now all 4 of those great unselfish, incredibly helpful and absolute Gentlemen have left us

RIP Terry
I regret that we never got to meet over the last year or so...

March 7th, 2008, 04:47
Also sorry to hear. Condolences to Terry's family and close friends.

As Colmx noted, this is getting to be too much of an occurrence. David in Pattaya, Boxer, Wowpow.....too many good people have left us.

March 7th, 2008, 09:43
These kind of announcements are always a shock to me since I don't live in Thailand and don't personally know more than 2 or 3 posters. I have no idea who is behind the words I see on the screen, how old they are or their living or health situation.
Wowpow was one of those posters in my "seems like a nice guy" category. After so many years of reading his posts I came to know him as one of the "regulars" and he became as familiar as one of the crew you meet up with in the neighborhood bar after work.

Some were peeved by his "cut and paste" style but that never bothered me and I wondered why it bothered others. One of my favorite Wowpow internet moments was when he changed his signature line to read: "Cut and Paste with Style and Taste". From then on every time I read one of his c&p posts I always said that to myself.

My favorite Wowpow moment though was when he photoshopped a pic of a hunky bodybuilder with his own head! That really made me laugh. I have no idea what the thread was about but I'll bet that pic is still floating around somewhere in cyberspace.

Ave atque vale Wowpow

March 7th, 2008, 10:37
Still shocked by Terry's sudden passing, I remember a time my Thai friend and I met Terry in Bangkok during one of the Pink parties being held by Telephone Pub in Bangkok several years ago. As my Thai friend and I were sitting having a drink, here comes Terry-wowpow walking down the street with a pink boa and a pink bag (not a purse) which was full of little pink candies he found on his way to the bar! He was such a teaser. Terry always fond of my friend and was always saying his famous line when he sees a boy he likes (which I think was every one).."Ooooo"...

This night they had a raffle. I had bought some tickets as had Terry, but as usually happens at these affairs, the time for the raffle got to be later and later. My Thai friend and I decided to go back to the hotel and gave Terry our raffel tickets. In his very British way he said, "What should I do with these?" Jokingly I said "Maybe you will win something." "Oooooo" was his reply.

A few days later after I returned to Pattaya Terry called. He wanted me to know I had won the main prize and that he had brought it on his lap back in a Taxi from Bangkok. Now Terry was a big man. He was maybe 6' 4'.

I asked him what was the prize? He said it was a painting approximately 1 1/2 meters by 1 meter, "Should I drop it by?". I was so surprised he would have gone to all that trouble since at this time we had really not known each other well! What a man.

Bravo Terry-WowPow. Here was a unique, humorous, good-hearted man who knew how to live with a zest most of us only dream of. As my Thai friend said when he heard of Terry's passing "He was a nice man. I mean a really really really really nice man". Bravo Terry-Wowpow you will live on in the memory of many!

March 7th, 2008, 10:54
As of noon Friday Joe, TerryтАЩs wonderful Thai friend, is still in Bangkok completing the paperwork necessary for TerryтАЩs cremation. Joe has asked my friend, Anurak, to make arrangements at Wat Chai (South Pattaya).

The time of cremation cannot be set until the paperwork is completed. The embassy will close for the weekend.

March 7th, 2008, 21:12
Although I had lived in Thailand BKK (area) and Pattaya for a few years I did not know Wowpow but as a avid read of this and other forums for quiet a few years I have enjoyed his post and this announcement came as a shock to me and I felt the need to post my saddest at his passing


March 8th, 2008, 01:16
I remember having a few drinks with Terry at Tawan. We both enjoyed the company of the muscle boys. Always a nice an interesting gentleman.

The boys in Tawan know him as "Papa Chocolate". He always had candy to give out. I teased him that he was a dirty old man offering candy to innocent Thai boys and he loved it, he laughed and laughed. I'm sure he will be missed there.


March 8th, 2008, 03:24
Like many I received Terry's 'Bulletin' on his hospital visit, but nothing could have prepared me for this. Shocking news. I am really upset.

Terry was a thorough gentleman. Kind, considerate, caring, and willing to go out of his way to help a friend.
We would dine together when he came to London same as when I visited Thailand. I'll not be packing any more English cheeses in a cool bag next visit no more, and I'll miss those humorous emails that Terry was fond of circulating.

Terry brought a touch of class to the forums. A poster to emulate, I was always dismayed when on occasions he was chided for bringing snippets of newsworthy material to the boards... invaluable for those of us non residents. But like a true gentleman Terry seldom rose to the bait or replied to those who only offered criticism.

I believe Terry's only living blood relative is an elderly auntie in the UK, but his greater family are the many many personal friends that he made. I am sure like me there are many deeply upset. My condolences to Khun Joe, who Terry would say 'looks after me', and who I am glad to hear is sorting things out. Joe I think is definitely a guy you would call an asset when it comes to sorting things out in LOS.

I suppose if we were to some how measure our lives, the question to be answered is 'did we make a difference'. I'm sure if you ask anyone who knew Terry they will say he helped to enrich their lives, and that applies as much to his Thai friends as those from this forum who had the pleasure to know him. Terry was never one to hesitate when any charitable appeal was made, and I feel sure there are many in Thailand who will say he was equally giving of his time. The Pattaya expat community has lost one of their finest.

Terry himself I'm sure would not be upset if I tried to make light of it by asking what will become of (that's one of) his later life's achievements. I refer of course to his extensive picture library of 'hunks'! Perhaps to be auctioned for the good causes... he would smile at that!

I'm sure Khun Joe won't mind me posting what I believe to be a complimentary picture of them both taken at Bruno's a couple of years ago.


Rest in Peace Terry.
You will be missed.

March 9th, 2008, 08:40
Goodbye Terry,

I will miss your banter on the board. You're the one who named me "Topic twister Quill" which I still laugh at to this day.

It was only a couple of weeks ago Terry PM'd me asking me not to respond to one of his Cut N Paste ads that he had posted without thoroughly reading.

A good man whose great contributions to Pattaya life and the board will be sorely missed, I am sorry to say, I was not aware Terry was ill.

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 9th, 2008, 09:15
thanks Dick-there's the Terry we love. Sitting at Brunos. How many times many we have sat opposite him ....

vale Terry. :salute:

March 9th, 2008, 11:31
What a shock. I had no idea he was ill.

Although I never met him, we exchanged a PM and he posted some pictures for me on the forum. I will never forget his kindness and his willingness to be of service for the benefit of board members.

What a classy man. His contributions will not be forgotten. He will be missed.

March 9th, 2008, 12:27
Funny how one gets used to certain guys 'always-being-around' on message boards . . . as if death/disease/disater plays no part in this kind of odd cyber-relationship.
But every once in awhile finality pops up unexpectedly (I was kind of wondering why Wowpow seemed not to be around lately) and then one remembers that they've been posting away with this same guy for what seems like eons. In my case, I remember Wowpow from when I first discovered a gay Thailand message board ... which would have been the original version of DreadedNed.

From the get-go I was never much of a diehard fan of Wowpow's style of posting, nor his alluded-to-above version of 'wonderful gentlemanliness' (never putting much stock in anyone's ability to measure such traits through message board posts alone).
But he was a fixture on many boards for sure, and posted how he wanted to, ignoring his critics, encouraging 'positive' posting, and providing (usually) worthwhile information: all in all ~ in the message board milieu, those are accomplishmments indeed.

Cheers ...

March 9th, 2008, 15:35
well said smiles and captures my feeling as well. :cat:

March 12th, 2008, 13:24
Wowpow was always a person I respected from two perspectives; one, that he had a great deal of wisdom gained through his own experience and two, that he was British, similar to myself, so his information was particularly relevant to me.

I saw him in various locations during my trips to Thailand, but only communicated with him through the various message boards. In recent years, I have been experimenting with the process of a possible move to Thailand by taking ever increasing lengths of time there. Inevitably, these greater time spans have needed more organising than the usual 3-4 week holidays, so whenever I needed advice I would post a query on the board and usually received very helpful responses from many fellow posters, but nearly always a detailed reply from Wowpow. Recommended insurance firms and what to do with my house back home during a lengthy stay in Thailand were typical questions ably answered by him.

As I come towards the end of a six month stay here in Thailand, I hold a feeling of gratitude to him and others who have helped me through their knowledge and guidance. It is that selfless sharing of information that encouraged me to spend the amount of time I have in writing my 'Living in Thailand' experiment (placed in the Resource Forum of the Sawatdee site) after each trip to further assist others who may be thinking of doing similar trips.

Wowpow, along with others I have met in this transition period, was a person who helped me feel part of a community here, supporting and befriending whenever necessary. Without these friends I would not be sitting here in a beautiful apartment, which I now regard as my 'home-from-home' overlooking Pattaya Bay (and his funeral service in the temple beneath my balcony) and contemplating my next 6 month trip.
