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View Full Version : A profound loss for Sunee Plaza

March 5th, 2008, 12:11
A Sunee Plaza landmark has closed its doors for good. The Violet House, otherwise known as the "Old" Lek's bar has been sold due to financial problems. The site has apparently been purchased by the owner of "Good Boys" to make way for a "Go Go" bar (since apparently they're a shortage of these in the area).

This loss is as profound as when Dang's Bar closed up in late 2004. Dangs, as was the Violet, was a unique place, in that it was dark, seedy, had CHEAP beer, a loyal expat following, a pool table, and a bar owner who knew you and what you drank and greeted you when you came in. No flaming kathoeys, no throbbing loud disco music, just a place to hang out a few nights a week and shoot some pool with boys.

So Sunee looses another gem, to make way for yet another garden variety Go-Go bar. There is no justice in this world.

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 5th, 2008, 14:31
I'm not too sure this could really be called a profound loss..but something will rise phoenix like in it's place as is the wont of Sunne Plaza.

Lurve yor avatar.

March 5th, 2008, 20:20
Why what sort of Bar was this Handsome Hunks or dangerous Twinks.

March 6th, 2008, 00:04
i think 'profound loss' is over doing it a bit. Another bar closes, no doubt to be replaced

March 6th, 2008, 08:43