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View Full Version : New disease spreading fast

March 4th, 2008, 15:56
There seems to be a new disease spreading quite rapidly throughout that gay community in Thailand, which has now hit epidemic proportions. Luckily it seems to be just affecting Thai's so far, but the rate at which it's spread is quite alarming. When I was here just three months ago, only about half the male population seemed to have it, but now I'd say it's almost 100%. I am of course, talking about 'DHS', or 'Dodgy Haircut Syndrome'.

I shan't be too judgmental about it, after all, last night I locked myself out of my apartment, and the only way to get in was to get a small boy to climb up my boyfriends hair and get through the window, so it does have some uses, but overall, I do wonder where all the short haired boys have gone? Looking around some of the go go bars at the moment, you have to wonder who the hairdresser is, and just what he's trying to compensate for? Several times now, I've had to step in and pull a couple of boys apart who'd gotten too close to each other, creating the 'Velcro' effect, and I think enough is enough.

Whatever happened to the good old fashioned short back and sides?

I think I'm getting old. :idea:

March 4th, 2008, 18:32
First, your observations are PBBC or 'Pattaya Bar Boy Centric' not everyone is wearing those styles. Not those with real jobs.

Second, they are just coping the current group of rock stars much like you probably did with the Beatles back in the 60's. Get a hair cut hippie!

March 4th, 2008, 20:00
I wish I had sufficient hair to catch this disease :clown:

Lunchtime O'Booze
March 4th, 2008, 20:35
and let's face it..you have a real problem ..going around getting small boys to climb on your boyfriend's head. I reckon that would give Freud a field day.

March 4th, 2008, 21:11
It seems that the majority of the older GWM in Pattaya like the young, looking skinny types that have longer hair. The "butch" look or "man" look just doesn't seem to be the seen around here; yet, when the gay saunas, clubs, or bars advertise their place or events, they'll picture some "macho" looking guy with a buffed body and shorter hair. You'll have to go to BKK where there is more of a variety of "hair styles."

March 4th, 2008, 23:55
I like the skinny 18~25 yo type with longish hair.

Dodgy Tatoos are more of a menace IMHO.