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View Full Version : 20 Baht coin?

Sen Yai
March 4th, 2008, 13:32
This weekend I was given 20 baht coins in my change. Is this a special 'limited edition' or are the 20 baht notes being replaced by coins?

Some would say this is just a government conspiracy to make us leave larger tips in bars. But conversely, since they are much bigger and heavier than a 10 baht coin, they will weigh heavy in go-go boys underpants.

Pictured here for comparison L-R 20 Baht, 10 baht, 2 baht, 1 baht



March 4th, 2008, 15:37
Sen Yai,
I have trawled the net for 20 mins, and cant find a thing about a new 20 baht coin. All l did find was the link below, showing a 20 Baht coin for sale, but in nickel!

http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/THAILAND-Y-NEW-2 ... dZViewItem (http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/THAILAND-Y-NEW-20-BAHT-PROOF-50-ANN-COOP-DEPT-LOW-MINT_W0QQitemZ120228246788QQihZ002QQcategoryZ45140 QQcmdZViewItem)

I'd keep hold of it for now!

March 4th, 2008, 16:04
Agree on the 2 baht coins. I think they are a bit like the ┬г2 coin in the UK, used if you have to...

March 6th, 2008, 16:31
Oh ye affluent ones! I daresay you would have no idea about the satang!

March 6th, 2008, 16:38
Or the farthing, and threrpunce happeny.

March 17th, 2008, 04:45
There are a few different coins of 20 baht , available to pay but they are collection coins , for special thai occasions . Also coins of 100 baht , banknotes of 100 baht etc...etc......
Alain from France

March 18th, 2008, 20:42
strangely enough I have a 1 satang coin I bought a long time ago as a collectable.

March 18th, 2008, 23:02
There coins of 1 ; 5 ; 10 ; 25 and 50 Satang.
100 Satang = 1 baht.
1 ; 5 and 10 are very rarely used .
EXample have a look of this coin of 10 Satang


Alain from France

March 18th, 2008, 23:19
Here is a picture of a banknote of 50Satang of 1942 !


Alain from France