View Full Version : Pattaya Street Kids Support Project- Hauy Pong Party Photos

March 2nd, 2008, 14:30
I know some members of this forum contributed to the New Year Party for the kids at the HauyPong childrens home and I have received a link to the photoset of photos of the evening and the trustee has asked me to post it to the forum so supporters of the event can see how happy the kids were. The following text is from his email:

..."Thanks for the drink is Bangkok on my way back home, it was good to meet you again even it was only for 45 minutes and be able to update you personally on the project. ........... Maybe you would post the photos to the forum you contribute to so anyone who helped out can see that their money was well spent..............Having only arrived home on Feb 27 I will now get down to writing the report on the trip and let you have the link when it is on the website.

The link to the photos is on fotopic.net to give us a bit of breathing space on our own website's bandwith but all photos of the evening are there except for a couple where they were not usuable, many where taken by one 8 year old who persuaded me he was a good photographer, judge for yourself, the one drawback to taking the photos is that we were limited to two flashing strobe lights so taking pics was a case of point and shoot then just hope, as we could not see anything through the camera's screen as the hall was in darkness, I think that despite this the pictures do give a good flavour of the event..................Thanks for your help in getting the link out.


March 2nd, 2008, 21:06
These are Pulitzer Prize caliber pictures as far as I'm concerned. They are all just precious. I can't believe I was only the 7th viewer as of this writing. Please be sure to click the link and take a look. I've included one of my favorites. Photo tip to Cat: children are always a lead-pipe cinch. The goofiness and innocence are always a good mix. Scenes are sometimes well-composed, but perhaps by accident. I did enjoy these immensely. Thank you, Naughty but Nice. Great way to start the day.

March 2nd, 2008, 22:06
These are Pulitzer Prize caliber pictures as far as I'm concerned. They are all just precious. I can't believe I was only the 7th viewer as of this writing. Please be sure to click the link and take a look. I've included one of my favorites. Photo tip to Cat: children are always a lead-pipe cinch. The goofiness and innocence are always a good mix. Scenes are sometimes well-composed, but perhaps by accident. I did enjoy these immensely. Thank you, Naughty but Nice. Great way to start the day.

I agree with you, with young kids who love making fools of themselves pictures just cannot fail.

I queried the viewing count earlier on with the guy who sent me the link and it appears the visible count that you see is the hits from refering site and not the actual times the picture has been viewed, that information is available to the account holder.

I had the pleasure of meeting the trustee in Bangkok for a short chat and saw all of the pictures of the projects work on the trip first hand. I guess we will never get to see the more than 1700 images that he ended up with though.

My favourite has to be this one: http://pattayastreetkids977.fotopic.net/p48705896.html
apparently the kid in red on the left is the who took the camera and took many of the pictures, maybe a budding photographer has been discovered. :bounce:

March 2nd, 2008, 22:12
I sent a donation for the party from the looks of the pictures it was worth every penny :flower:

March 2nd, 2008, 22:25
These are Pulitzer Prize caliber pictures as far as I'm concerned. They are all just precious. I can't believe I was only the 7th viewer as of this writing. Please be sure to click the link and take a look. I've included one of my favorites. Photo tip to Cat: children are always a lead-pipe cinch. The goofiness and innocence are always a good mix. Scenes are sometimes well-composed, but perhaps by accident. I did enjoy these immensely. Thank you, Naughty but Nice. Great way to start the day.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: So great minds think alike.

Your picture did not download until after I had posted my message and the link to my picture which turned out to be the same image as you chose. Small world!

March 5th, 2008, 23:49
This year's report from the Trustees on the Childrens Party has just been issued.
It isn't on their website yet but anyone who wishes may download a copy in pdf format here (http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=b8759f29dddb991515dca8919d8f8c0c).
(Just scroll down to the bottom left of the page; when the counter reaches zero it changes into a download button.)
It's a good read! You may be encouraged to know that the supporter referred to who visited the Project is a member of our Forum(s).

The Parties were held a little later this year as one of the Trustees who plays a vital role had to go into hospital just prior to Christmas.

Thanks once again to everyone who contributed. You did a good thing!

Post Script: The Report is now available online here (http://pattayastreetkids.homestead.com/March-2008-report.html)

March 6th, 2008, 00:20
The time I was able to spend with Don from the Pattaya Street Kids Support Project and the the good folks at the Mercy Project were the most rewarding days of this past trip. Helping out in the slums and at the prisons was a real "in your face" reminder of how lucky I am to have a proper roof over my head and the freedom to walk out from under it whenever I choose.

I'd made a donation to the New Year party fund but like most folks wanted some reassurances that these organizations were what they represented themselves to be and not just black holes for donations that fund "administrative costs" in excess of 85% like some charities are. These folks operate on a shoestring and I believe them to be strictly on the up-and-up.

I'll post more about this soon. My thanks to Dick for sharing the idea with us.

Here are a few images from the afternoon I was able to visit the "slum" day care center to serve ice cream:


