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February 26th, 2006, 16:24
Has anyone ever tried to get their Thai boyfriend a visa to Mexico and if successful just have the boy walk across the border in AZ or CA or TX with the other 5000/day? This sounds crazy but it might work.

February 26th, 2006, 17:11
Not only crazy, but illegal. I can't imagine putting one's bf at risk of being arrested with a bunch of wet backs and dumped back over the boarder in Laredo or Matamoros like a sack of potatos. What are you thinking???

But to answer your question, yes: my Thai bf and I have been to Mexico together three times. The Mexican Embassy requires exactly the same documentation of visa applicants as the US Embassy does, and is equally as strict. If your bf does not qualify for a US visa, he will almost surely not qualify for a Mexican visa, either.

February 26th, 2006, 17:19
Are you asking your boyfriend to break the law and run the risks of an illegal boarder crossing because he wants to live in the US with you, or are you asking him to do it just to satisfy your needs?

February 26th, 2006, 18:21
Has anyone ever tried to get their Thai boyfriend a visa to Mexico and if successful just have the boy walk across the border in AZ or CA or TX with the other 5000/day? This sounds crazy but it might work.

Sounds incredibly selfish if you ask me.

February 26th, 2006, 18:21
Good to see someone with knowledge has commented on how it is not easy to get a Mexican visa.
Even suggesting a Thai guy should try to cross the border illegally is crazy, he does not know the customs, territory or probably the languages.

February 26th, 2006, 19:08
To be clear, an alien cannot simply "walk across the border" in CA or AZ. That is precisely why hundreds of people die attempting to cross the desert to avoid the immigration rules levied on those attempting to enter the US legally through approved border crossing points.

February 26th, 2006, 22:48
Is there a border between Mexico and the USA? Is that why thousands walk into the USA and onto welfare each month? Hmmmm

February 27th, 2006, 15:46
How do you know they go on welfare? Do you administer a welfare program ?
Most Mexicans do hard labor for less than minimum pay, most times, to send home to their poor families.
Yes, some get benefits but please don't speak for the majority. Been there.

February 27th, 2006, 16:42
Is there a border between Mexico and the USA? Is that why thousands walk into the USA and onto welfare each month? Hmmmm
The usual ignorant American paranoia, doubtless gleaned from watching Fox News

February 28th, 2006, 15:58
many Mexican people cross, legally, every day, usually; to work & return home at night.

March 1st, 2006, 06:55
I knew a person from New York that had a girlfriend that was illegally in the USA. She had lived in New York for several years. She and her botfriend decided to drive into Canada. They were stopped (immigration was doing random checks). His car was imponded. He was arrestedand fined. She was arrested and deprted back to her country in Latin America.

It is true that there are thousands of illegal crossings. It is also true that there are hundreds of arrests. If your friend is arrested, fined and deported, who has the biggest loss? How would your friend leave the USA, let alone enter Mexico? These are serious crimes.

If you choose to move illegally to Thailand, you are putting yourself at peril, which is your choice. But to encourage someone else to break laws seem very unfair and foolish.

I am thinking that this is not something you really would have done and is just a bit of a protest against what appears to be a discriminatory USA policy