View Full Version : when does straight become gay eg with lady boys

February 26th, 2006, 08:18
I have been fascinated with the recently posted link to the straight pattaya forum www.pattaya-chat.com (http://www.pattaya-chat.com)

straight guys who post to threads like

-which ladyboy has the biggest cock in pattaya?

-anybody felched a ladyboy?

-have you ever had your fudge packed?

-threads and pics of dildos and other toys, and what it feels like to receive

-share your ladyboy pics (with cock shows)

all from "straight" guys who would never go with a boy , as they are not poofters

Sounds like one or two on this board.

They cannot face up to their sexuality, abuse gay men as poofters, come to LOS only to give or take it

up the arse and claim they are not poofters because the LB has tits or going to have the operation

No questions please on felching or fudge packing.

February 26th, 2006, 13:20
Sounds like one or two on this board.

...who seem to be quite prolific posters. Perhaps ES could take the word gay out of the name of this site to make them feel more at home. Or maybe they could drop their abuse of the target audience.

February 26th, 2006, 13:32
No questions please on felching or fudge packing.

If I said I know someone who has made fudge packing his living, would you believe me?


After eating all that toffee and fudge I wouldn't be too keen on felching though!

As for the ladyboy thing, I have never really understood why someone would want a guy with tits (ok I have my own tits but they are 'man tits') who straps his cock between his legs and wear's a frock. I guess I have not thought about it or just thought 'each to his own'. Now, I wonder if the idea of straight guys not coming to terms with their gayness is correct, who knows?

I see an argument brewing on the board of 'I'm right' 'No you're wrong, I'm right' .... etc ... let battle commense!


February 27th, 2006, 03:01
You see you two are the classic poofs.Northstar and paulg ,You have a thing against straight people.Its almost like your angry because your a wooly moof.I bet your real name is Cyril.
The point of the matter you have a chip on your shoulders because its like everyone else is picking on you.Your the type who find straight men offensive and you are both stuck up poofs that makes people think the way they do about gay people.If you dont have a sense of humour ,get out of the kitchen.I dont find the words or jokes about poofs offensive at all.If you are in Australia in Sydney you would know that top rating radio broadcaster John Laws of www.2ue.com.au (http://www.2ue.com.au) was in court last week being sued and won against a Sydney poof who thought the comments John Laws made was offensive,I personally thought he was right when he commented that they shouldnt have "two poofs on TV kissing each other."
This is why people stereoype poofs as white shoe wearing limp wristed blokes because of you two.Poofs in Australia such as MOLLY MELDRUM and Graham "cyril" Kennedy told jokes about being poofs,thats tough if you get offended.Does anyone else here get offended if you hear the word "poofs".?

February 27th, 2006, 05:11
see below

February 27th, 2006, 05:21
You see you two are the classic poofs.Northstar and paulg ,You have a thing against straight people.

Nope I have a thing against people coming onto a site declaring itself to be gay using abusive terms stereotyping gay people.

Its almost like your angry because your a wooly moof.I bet your real name is Cyril.

No. My anger is only towards your stereotyping and abuse. If my parents had called me "Cyril" that wouldn't have bothered me. Do you see folk who can accept their sexuality as somehow belonging to a better class than yourself, where people might have been christened "Cyril"? Actually, I don't know any Cyrils, the odd "Scott", "Jason, "Rodney" but they're all straights who don't have a problem with their, or anyone else's, sexuality.

The point of the matter you have a chip on your shoulders because its like everyone else is picking on you.Your the type who find straight men offensive and you are both stuck up poofs that makes people think the way they do about gay people.

No. You have a chip on your shoulder and think that gays are the last folk you can kick around with impunity

If you dont have a sense of humour ,get out of the kitchen.I dont find the words or jokes about poofs offensive at all.

Nothing wrong with my sense of humour, but I don't expect to be ridiculed for being gay in a site that names itself "Gay". I'm not in the wrong kitchen, you are . Take your rabid homphobia back to your gutter.

If you are in Australia in Sydney you would know

I'm not. Neither is most of the population of the world or readership of this board. I recognise there are quite civilised gay Australian members of this site. How you must embarrass them.

This is why people stereoype poofs as white shoe wearing limp wristed blokes because of you two.

Well there you have one difference between you and me. I find all stereotyping offensive. Even of Australians.

Poofs in Australia such as MOLLY MELDRUM and Graham "cyril" Kennedy told jokes about being poofs,thats tough if you get offended.Does anyone else here get offended if you hear the word "poofs".?

Just because a few Australian "comics" choose to "Uncle Tom" you really shouldn't expect the world to follow Australia's lead in this.

February 27th, 2006, 05:34
You see you two are the classic poofs.Northstar and paulg ,You have a thing against straight people.Its almost like your angry because your a wooly moof.I bet your real name is Cyril.

I have nothing against straight people and do not object being called a poof./b]

quote mrsydney
I dont find the words or jokes about poofs offensive at all.
Does anyone else here get offended if you hear the word "poofs".?

[b]Forget us, do you mrsydney get offended being called a poof or wooly moof, or do you claim yourself to be straight.

February 27th, 2006, 07:55
I'm not. Neither is most of the population of the world or readership of this board. I recognise there are quite civilised gay Australian members of this site. How you must embarrass them.

Sorry NorthStar, but my karma points have vanished. Otherwise you would have been awarded some.

February 27th, 2006, 19:20
Many thanks, Dab69.

February 28th, 2006, 10:49
The guys who post in Ladyboy section of Pattaya Chat are defensive about about their sexuality and make it quite clear that they're not gay. I find it iritating that some of these guys insist on refering to ladyboys as he or blokes.

But I realize that I'm guilty of the same thing. On this Forum, I've often refered to my ladyboy companions as he rather than she. My rationalization was that it would be less confusing for new readers and also to avoid making a non-stop constant political statement to the regulars.

What I've done here could be considered what some refer to as "covering", that is it's OK to be a ladyboy lover but you can't stick it in people's faces, that the proper thing to do is defer to the majority and consider myself lucky that I can practice whatever sexuality I like as long as I'm quiet about it.