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February 27th, 2008, 02:29
Thaksin will be back in Thailand very soon.

February 27th, 2008, 12:13
so will the next coup be before or after lunch? I guess it depends on how quickly Khun Thaksin gets through Customs.

February 27th, 2008, 15:12
Don't hold your breath guys, Thaksin is far too 'Lich' has too much information about everyone else and will off course let on that he will be bringing Manchester City to play numerous games in Thailand with VIP season tickets for all in uniform and government.......Life goes on unchanged for the super rich... :bom:

February 27th, 2008, 16:28
" ... Yet his power base is among the working class, who love him ... "
Very true (even if said by the old Boygeenyus handle or not). Thaksin/PPP controls north and north east Thailand and will keep on doing so as long as Mr Samak/Thaksin keeps throwing out interestng and tempting impossibilities such as Samak's recent luciously-baited fishing line advocating diverting the Mekong River into Isaan's parched rice paddies.

The 'benevolent dictatorship' of Thailand's generals fucked things up so royally during the 'Difficult Realities' portion of their coup that they seem glad now to retreat to barracks (the only place where all good armies deserve to be) and let Thai politicians fuck things up all over again .... and thus keep on making the army look good (apparently as the only institution smarter than the dummies in the new civilian government ** ... which takes some seriously high degree of accomplishment).

Anyway, Thaksin has first escape the dock before assuming any cloak. Samak should hope he does very quickly (escape it that is), as he is going down (daily!) as one of the stupidest men to ever become a Prime Minister of any country . . . . and that's up against the US with Mr G. Bush (who's easily #2).

Cheers ...

** See, for instance .... Samak's unbelievably stupid/evil version/denial of the 1976 student massacre; the eyeball-rollingly surreal "Invisible Hand"; the aforementioned diversion of an international river; and the teriffic idea to plant water-sucking Eucalyptus trees all over Isaan ('coz their roots serve as great fertilizer for rice).

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 27th, 2008, 21:49
he should take care-Mr Acquino thought all would be well when he returned to Manilla. Sometimes knowing "where the bodies are buried" is inconvenient especially for former friends and compatriots.

February 28th, 2008, 01:03
... believe me, he wouldn't go back to Thailand if he thought he thought things were going to happen to him. He has a lot of support out there. He will probably get arrested when he arrives, but all will "iron itself out". When the dust is settled, he will want to run the country again, especially if he is cleared of any wrongdoings. See how things change within a year or so!

February 28th, 2008, 01:18
I have a feeling that Khun Taksin will not end up with as much power as he did before. If there is a whitewash of the charges against him, there will be some backlash (ie another coup). As popular as he may be in Isaan, the coup will come from the military. I dont think the new goverment have made enough changes there to get control back.
Anyway, if the new government comes to see his freedom as a threat to them continuing in government, self-interest will come into play and they may sacrifice him.

February 28th, 2008, 02:35
nah lol!!!

He will take one step at a time. If he is cleared of the alleged charges, then there is no reason why the people should not support him. Then, his next step - whatever that will be - he might decide that he does not want to be a politician any more, who knows. I don't think there will be another coup, well not in the near future, I think "they" realise now that a coup would serve no purpose. It will be interesting to see what does unfold. Now that he has his diplomatic passport restored, what other privileges does he have? It really is a tricky situation. I'm sure people in Thailand are saying "lets see". Its pointless getting wrapped up on what he is or is not "going to do".

February 28th, 2008, 14:45
He is back, bailed, and now free!! That is of course till the courst date in April.

February 28th, 2008, 19:32
been told not to leave Thailand.

February 28th, 2008, 20:08
Notice how he arrived with players from Manchester City and told everyone the team belongs to Thailand! Mind you it should belong to the Thai people as Thaksin stole all the money to purchase the club from them.....