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February 25th, 2006, 23:52
lmtu. I haven't seen you around these parts in several weeks and wondered about you. So glad to see you around and safe. I will be back in Pattaya in about 4 weeks.

February 26th, 2006, 00:23
This is not a fact. Euroboys was sold to the owner of Sundance. Since LMTU reports the Sundance has new owners I guess we are talking about the previous owners of Sundance. This might explain the appearance of the old EB mamasan. Perhap LMTU can investigate and sort it all out.

February 26th, 2006, 02:13
No its good to see you back LMTU.Your our man in Pattaya,us sex tourists rely on you for info,its a pity you dont have a brother in Chiang Mai.
Anyhow keep up the good work.I think SUNDANCE Karaoke started late 2004 ? Hasnt been open that long.Whats in place of the old HELEN BAR now? Is that disco go go next to MONTYS POOL BAR still going?
Your a good man LMTU.I would love to do the CHICKENWALK with you .
I think i have met you actually.

February 26th, 2006, 05:21

I was not challengening your report. When I said "this in not a fact" I was referring to my own post, not yours. I was asking if you could confirm that the "old" Sundance owners had now purchased EB. Sorry for any confusion.

February 26th, 2006, 09:29
I talked to the new owner of Rob's Place in Sunee Plaza last night...She said to me that "it has been her dream to own a gay bar in Sunee Plaza"
...The remodeling decorum she has done to the club is beautiful - the masonry work, lighting and landscaping are all well done and another very nice improvement to Sunee Plaza.

Opening tonight - Sunday night...February 26th...Stop by and say Hello and Welcome to Sunee Plaza.-)


February 27th, 2006, 03:27
The CHICKENWALK is a flamin dance where you put your hands on ya hips and move ya neck back and forth.I dunno what your goin on about?
Am i missing some slang?
I will have to figure that one out,maybe i shouldnt mention the chickenwalk again if it means something else to paedophiles.

Now you got me worried LMTU.What did you think i meant?
I aint no flamin paedophile.You mean chicken as,"no spring chicken"?
Chickenwalk is the same as the goose walk.Why would the cops care if we done the chicken or goose walk on jomtien beach?
Now you got me woried,i have had about 5 private messages for people asking to do the chickenwalk with me.People this is a DANCEWALK.
nuthin to do with paedophiles,poofs or sex.

February 27th, 2006, 05:46
Any resemblance to anyone who is a member of this board is truly coincidental.

www.vimeo.com/clip=40302 (http://www.vimeo.com/clip=40302)

www.animationfactory.com/animations/birds/chickens/5e0cf/ (http://www.animationfactory.com/animations/birds/chickens/5e0cf/)

video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5166858382014040271&q=source%3Aupload+chicken (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5166858382014040271&q=source%3Aupload+chicken)