View Full Version : Piss Obsession

February 18th, 2008, 16:46
Got ya attention?


I have just finished reading the all boys post (s) amongst others

When r u guys going to stop this pissing contest - where r the moderators - it is just so pathetic
When I ask a question on this forum about aspects of Pattaya accomm, bars, etc no - one seems to know anything - how many of you guys actually visit bars etc or just use this forum as a fucking slinging match
If I were a newbie visiting this site for the first time I would wonder what the fuck I'd struck - ancient fucking queens full of venom and with nothing constructive to say (I apologise to those few members who really give valuable information - i.e. travelogues etc - and some tasteful photos - they are few and far between) but the continuous bitching about smoking, cost of drinks , paedophilia, blah blah blah, sick buffaloes and cellphones are just so fucking passe. And all this crap about Boyztown vs Sunee vs Day/Night vs Jomtien vs the rest of the world - goodness sake they all fulfill different needs for different people etc etc - as for those who think that 120baht plus is expensive for a drink need to get out of Thailand and try some other countries (Singapore e.g. or go west and pay outrageous prices for a beer - let alone a fuck

February 18th, 2008, 16:56
Got ya attention?


I have just finished reading the all boys post (s) amongst others

When r u guys going to stop this pissing contest - where r the moderators - it is just so pathetic
When I ask a question on this forum about aspects of Pattaya accomm, bars, etc no - one seems to know anything - how many of you guys actually visit bars etc or just use this forum as a fucking slinging match
If I were a newbie visiting this site for the first time I would wonder what the fuck I'd struck - ancient fucking queens full of venom and with nothing constructive to say (I apologise to those few members who really give valuable information - i.e. travelogues etc - and some tasteful photos - they are few and far between) but the continuous bitching about smoking, cost of drinks , paedophilia, blah blah blah, sick buffaloes and cellphones are just so fucking passe. And all this crap about Boyztown vs Sunee vs Day/Night vs Jomtien vs the rest of the world - goodness sake they all fulfill different needs for different people etc etc - as for those who think that 120baht plus is expensive for a drink need to get out of Thailand and try some other countries (Singapore e.g. or go west and pay outrageous prices for a beer - let alone a fuck

I have only one thing thing to say about your post above me4tha, although I think that there are more than just a few members who make some great posts and give valuable information: Bravo http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biggthumpup.gif

Choc Dee,

George. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Peace.gif

February 18th, 2008, 18:40
I could not agree more. It is unpleasant for a newbie to see all the crass posts. I have been viewing this board and its predecessor for years, but as you can see, seldom post anything for the reasons you highlight. A lot of posters don't seem to have a life. Well done and hopefully it will have some effect on the relevant posters.

February 18th, 2008, 18:41
full of venom and with nothing constructive to say

A very good description of your own post, me4thai. If you are going to plead for better-quality posts, at least try to set an example yourself.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 18th, 2008, 18:46
but you are correct !!

certainly complaining about prices in Thailand is bizarre compared to just about anywhere else on this planet -compared to what is on offer !

I don't think it's wise to keep mention this endless subject of pe*****ia merely because when one does a search on the net with that word and Thailand it's bound to come up with Sawatdee and really it's the last thing we all want. Why some keep harping on it is anyone's guess.

I don't see why reporting on the bar scene is really a problem..even though the most prolific poster on that subject gets on my goat ( and I often agree with his posts) and for some reason has it in for me because I'm apparently a friend of a friend who he hates or some other such rubbish -but these things are really all in the eye of the beholder , a fact that seems to allude some posters.

as to ancient fucking queens..I stand accused..ancient queen and hopefully with the aid of viagra..will one day be fucking again.

February 18th, 2008, 19:19
I could not agree more. It is unpleasant for a newbie to see all the crass posts.

Whilst I couldn't agree more with what you have said thanatorn, it would also be a positive move by the moderators if they immediately banned certain spiteful and venomous posts when they are made by new members claiming to be newbies when it is so apparently obvious that they are not. The posts made by these "newbies" are normally the ones that end up making the exact type of post me4thai is highlighting and end up being the ones, that in the majority of cases cause the most trouble.

A very good description of your own post, me4thai. If you are going to plead for better-quality posts, at least try to set an example yourself.

A bit unfair on you part I think Peter. I believe he was very constructive in what he said and if members along with the moderators did what he is asking of them, I believe the forum would be a lot better place to visit as a result.

Tell me Peter, or anyone else for that matter, one single thing said in me4thai's post, that wasn't the truth? The truth, now there's a word that seems pretty irrelevant in some of the posts I have seen on this forum of late. But hey, why let something as insignificant as the truth interfere with a good story.

Especially posts that are made by anonymous posters hiding behind pseudonym's, whereby they make character assassinations on members by making outrageous claims without any proof whatsoever. Why are these type of posts allowed, and why should they be tolerated?


February 18th, 2008, 20:25
I know where your coming from but the very fact that your annoyed by some posters is exactly what they want. They revel in your disapproval. Is it all that hard to just ignore some posters and have you considered the ignore function?

Mathematical genius John Nash suffers from schizophrenia, he went off all medication and when asked if he still hears voices in his head, he said yes, but now he just does not listen to them.

February 18th, 2008, 23:58
1-Peter UK has got it right and I have to agree with him on this one..

2-I am guessing Lunchtime is referring to this humble poster and is correct as well..

I do sometimes have issues with friends of those I don't like.. I have also been corrected in
that the person I thought was Lunchtime is someone else.. I do have it in for this other
farang and regret the ill will towards Lunchtime. I thought Lunchtime was the Snitch but
erred.. :cat:

February 19th, 2008, 01:33
continuous bitching about smoking, cost of drinks , paedophilia, blah blah blah, sick buffaloes and cellphones

Would there be any posts left after you took all that away??

February 19th, 2008, 04:56
True ME4... there are a few regular memebers who will find fault in the most innocent comment or question on these forums;however, you using the F word as a constant adjective seems to devalue the theme of your complaint.

February 19th, 2008, 05:39
however, you using the F word as a constant adjective seems to devalue the theme of your complaint.

Yes, please take note me4thai, it's OK for you to spread slanderous gossip about another member, as well as to start rumours about them without having any basis or evidence for those rumours. You may also carry out character assassinations on other members too, without any valid reason other than you may not like them. All of these things are perfectly OK, as well it would seem, as being permissible for you to do.

But whatever you do me4thai, p e r l e a s e don't use the words fuck, or fucking in your posts. By doing so, you may lower the tone of the board and Buddha forbid, we wouldn't want that to happen, would we? http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/rolleyes.gif


Lunchtime O'Booze
February 19th, 2008, 10:34
I hold no malice Swampy..you give good review..and so does Wowpow, and I don't even like musclemen.

February 19th, 2008, 12:48
thanatorn - thank you for your comment

Peter UK - I agree with your comment - but as per my topic subject, I was trying to make a
point - normally I would not post "venom" comments but I got so fed up with
the tone of things maybe I lost it a bit - point taken. Also many members on this
board make constructive comments - I would not like to be included in those who
continually bitch about everything. OK?

Lunchtime - Why would anyone want to type in "paedophillia" and "Thailand " into a search

As for the "ancient queens" bit - I also stand accused

TrongpaiExpat - Ignore? Ignore what? I'm just getting over my paranoia (that's almost as
difficult to spell as schizophrenia) I think I will just up my dosage of
chlorpromazine and haloperidol....

Brett 1 - Think about it


http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2002/nov/2 ... features11 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2002/nov/21/britishidentity.features11)

George - Not sure what you mean by this statement-

" Yes, please take note me4thai, it's OK for you to spread slanderous gossip about another member, as well as to start rumours about them without having any basis or evidence for those rumours. You may also carry out character assassinations on other members too, without any valid reason other than you may not like them. All of these things are perfectly OK, as well as it would seem, as being permissible for you to do."

I am sure you were being ironic

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 19th, 2008, 16:08
"Why would anyone want to type in "p*******ia" and "Thailand " into a search
engine?? ..I can think of the News Of The World for one, and other such respectable publications but after all-it was you that brought up the subject..and after a lifetime working in the business of newspapers and communications I have learnt that senationalism is what sells and the truth is of little consequence, hence as Thailand alredy unfairly carries that reputation I don't see why we should give them a free kick !

February 19th, 2008, 17:34
George, you are beginning to sound angry and a little bitter. I hope it is not so as your considered posts are more interesting.
I occasionally read Ting Tong's board and find it soporific as it has no controversy.
I am sure this board is more read because there are such a mix of posts and subjects covered.
Newbies looking for travel advice should go to Dreaded Neds or elsewhere.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 19th, 2008, 18:33
"but I honestly cannot think of a place where it takes so commercially and so out in the open as it does in Sunee Plaza, Pattaya, Chonburi, Kingdom of Thailand. Can you? "

yer right..I can't..mainly because it's the furtherest thing from my mind.