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View Full Version : Krazy Dragon Show Started......

February 17th, 2008, 09:30
Krazy Dragon, arguably Sunee Plaza's best boy bar and #1 in my humble opinion, if underage is not your thing,
has started it's new show this week.
Krazy has been having coyote dancing on its huge bar for a while and now they are using the small stage for the show..

The show is non-erotic and must have been choreographed by some of the Thai boys as it is fun but the same old dance
routines you can see anywhere.. The rumours about stripping and some erotic content seem to have missed the mark but
maybe one just has to be patient.

I am not complaining however and was entertained as the boys are hot and smiling and very friendly and it is not painful to
watch their lithe bodies even if they are underexposed. The coyote dancing is fun as well and the boys work up a sweat shaking
their booties.. One side benefit of the show is that when the attention is on the stage and the lites are low, well use your imagination
boys and don't be cheap with the tips..... :cat:

P.S. I didn't see any smoking of any sort but it can be painful to watch some elderly farangs contort their bodies into the boy's laps
to check out belly tattoos or whatever.. Wowpow can add Krazy Dragon to the no smoking boy bar list! :cheers:

February 17th, 2008, 19:28
Hi Cat. You are the sly one. I resemble that remark.