View Full Version : Death of the disco

February 16th, 2008, 03:16
A recent post by Thrillbill reminds me of something i meant to post about a while back.... The death of the disco...

Its 8 years since my first trip to Thailand and one of my favoutite things in LOS (after the boys) has been the thai disco....

For those who have never been a typical Thai disco: It has no dance floor and usually consists of a stage surrounded by a couple of hundred tall tables and stools.

You bring your own bottle of whiskey (sometimes have to pay a cover or corkage charge) and then buy the neccessary soda, coke and Ice. There is usually a waiter assigned to take care of your area (6-8 tables) and they ensure that everyones glass is always kept topped up. :drunken:

The entertainment is traditionally provided by a high energy live singing and dance troupe, with live musicians and not a backing track or lip sync in site. Usually there would be 2 (or 3) 45 minute shows with DJ playing inbetween each show

Unfortunately it would seem this sort of venue is on its last legs as there as been a shift in the Thai psyche to a more upmarket type venue

Hollywood South Pattaya is now closed, replaced by new hollywood - half the size of the original and now practically in Naklua... The band is still there, but the 30+ dancers has been reduced to 3 singers and 4 dancers. Now the focus is on rock and "life" songs rather than pop

X-zyte has gone from being thronged everynight to barely open. On our 1 visit last trip they had barely 100 customers there, they have even scrapped the farang cover charge to try to win back business. I'd be surprised if they are still open after songkran... unless they retool and change their show

Disco Duck is gone as is Palais and Palladium

All replaced by places like Differ, Slim and Tawan Daeng...
the feeling in these bars is very upper-middle class === 80B for soda instead of 60... (everyone wins the bar owner makes more profit - the customers gain more face by spending more!

No Discos whatsoever in khorat now... Speed became Crocodile rock and subsequently closed.We spent the night in Ba Nana, Tawan Daeng and Living bar - both very upmarket- once again the focus was on life and rock songs and there was not a single show to be found in any venue.

Were advised by several people not to go to the RCA because of boy gang violence

Happy to report that Speed buriram is still open. Crowds down on before. Show was terrible though... at least 10 farang there. Across the square cyborg (or somthing like tht) has also turned into a life song bar, selling expensive wasabi and 80B sodas.
Tawan Daeng also popular in Buriram - once again life songs

Khon Kaen:
KK was next on our trip, having researched KK we knew that the best nightlife in town was near Tuk Com under the Sofitel and Chareon Princess.
Club Gik under the Sofitel has turned into a life song type venue (4 piece band again!)
It seems that RAD is the main venue in KK now
It had 4 zones karaoke, life songs a euro style disco and a lady gogo bar.
Of course there was a Tawan Daeng in KK too!

We spent the night in Zolid Disco - once again no show, just 3 or 4 bands, even more farang there than Buriram!

Instead of spending a night in Udon - as per our plan we decided to head to Vientiane in Laos, nightlife in Laos inon a different planet to thailand (but thats for a different post)

Of course whilst i miss the BIG entertainmant of the Thai disco - i am also easily entertained so will most happily settle for x-ray, T&T, Body Language or BBB anyday!

Just wondering what everybody else thinks of the death of the disco?
Good riddance?

February 16th, 2008, 05:37
I went to the new Hollywood with "bf" and thought it was great, I was actually drunk when we arrived, I had real trouble to handle my 900cc Honda RRFireblade , I asked the bf next morning what he thought about the new Hollywood and he was not impressed.

all is true, only the fireblade part is a bit exaggerated. I was a passenger on my friends 125 cc bike.

About X-Ray , I went there 2 times with guys from Krazy Dragon and also enjoyed myself there, I think alcohol can really improve the perception of having a good time

February 16th, 2008, 05:49
are you bemoaning the death of the dancing? The gayness? The Thainess? Or the music?

February 16th, 2008, 05:57
are you bemoaning the death of the dancing? The gayness? The Thainess? Or the music?

The Boy dancers!
Only reason to go to these style discos before was to look at the show (or get p1ssed! :drunken: :drunken: )

Now i have to go to X-ray to see my share of flesh!

In seriousness i used to love the grandiosity of it all...
I feel the sequins, dancing flair and short costumes have been traded in for greasy mops, Dodgy facial hair and tattered denim

So i guess its the gayness i miss :albino:

February 16th, 2008, 06:31
Colmx, I hope your experience was on bad days.

I love going with the BF and friends to the disco. Our last visit to old Hollywood (just before it closed) was a blast. In our little area we ended up with all the gay boys from a single bar. An extra bottle and lots of sanuk made for an unforgettable evening for all. Although BF did not go up on the individual dance podium nearby, many friends did. I am so impressed at how well some of these guys can dance! So different from the bored shuffle in the go-go bar.

As usual the boys were amazed by how much Jack I can drink; they really are cheap dates in this regards, and how long I can dance. Most don't know that this old falang is a current marathon runner. Of course the BF tries to explain and many can not understand why someone would run so far for fun.

Taking the lot for an after disco meal is a big part of the fun. I just let them take me to a place they like, they order, and I have dishes that the average punter never sees. When all is said and done, everyone seems to have a great time and BF's status is always elevated.

On this last visit I had an interloper trying to hit on me while the BF was two sheets to the wind. One of the bar captains, who I always take to the disco with us, made sure I was protected. Darn it! I have found that taking a good captain with you guarantees the best tables, no funny business on the check-bin, and someone who will make sure nobody detracts from the fun.

For me doing the disco an integral part of the scene. Whether it is Hollywood, X-cyte, Maya or X-ray, I would hate to see this go away.

Brad the Impala
February 16th, 2008, 06:33
These venues are thriving in Patong. Galaxy, always busy, and Lamae, managed by the manager of James Dean and Friends. Galaxy is 25% gay.

February 16th, 2008, 09:05
....In seriousness i used to love the grandiosity of it all...
I feel the sequins, dancing flair and short costumes have been traded in for greasy mops, Dodgy facial hair and tattered denim

So i guess its the gayness i miss :albino:

Ah yes, now we're getting to the nub of the complaint.
I can (vaguely) remember the heyday of discos back in the late 70's/early 80's - the height of Fabulousness B.E. (Before the Epidemic). Today's discos by comparison are so dreary. You can wonder how anyone can dance with their heads stuck so far up their a$$es. Everyone preening like strutting peacocks and trying to act Too Cool.
Or maybe I'm just getting old and have lost too many shiny tailfeathers.

This last trip in Phuket, on our last night there, boyfriend and I went to Tangmo offed a boy he liked and the best dancer I saw. We then picked up a Farang friend (a poster here) and we all went of to Galaxy. It was as Colm X discribes - lots of tables instead of a dance floor, some kind of "Thai Rock" being played at a deafining level by a live band. Boyfriend now 3 sheets to the wind (thanks JoeM). My Dancer Boy was doing his thing but I wasn't too impressed.....UNTILL
I turned around and looked at the crowd instead of the stage. I've never seen so many happy smiling, laughing young people just getting drunk and enjoying life. These kids weren't dancing... but they were ROCKIN'!

I guess what I love so much about Thailand - what keeps me coming back despite all the problems and frustrations - is the the feeling of absolute joy you can find all over if you just look for it.

So from now on when we go to a Thai Disco, I'm gonna Off the Nelliest, bestest Dancers I can find and we'll all go to the Disco and

BRING OUR OWN FABULOUSNESS! :cheers: :flower: :occasion7: :hippy2: :leb: :bootyshake:

February 16th, 2008, 09:36
I've kind of grown out of the disco era. I did it in my twenties in West Hollywood, but that was another lifetime.

Fast-forward, Thailand. The only time I was invited to a disco was by my third off ever and I think I enjoyed myself. But mostly for his *company* afterward. He worked at BBB and wanted me take him out again the night after. I was staying at the Ambiance. After telling the story to hotelier Gordon M*y, he instructed me thusly: "Don't let these guys turn YOUR vacation into THEIR vacation!" Well, I didn't want to be manipulated. After all, the control factor is nice when offing a boy, I suppose.

These days I wouldn't be opposed to another visit, perhaps with someone more meaningful than a new off. Experiences like this are more enjoyable with people I know and trust when I am so much out of my element, like that-- since it's really not my cup of tea. I think I would get more pleasure from watching an entourage of gay Thai lads having a good time. And that too, is Thai culture, in a way.

February 16th, 2008, 23:05
joe m = For me doing the disco an integral part of the scene. Whether it is Hollywood, X-cyte, Maya or X-ray[quote:3b2cmy0a] Shuee

i thought maya had gone & was replaced by xray, as when in xray last the manager is now there who used to be at maya.

just colmx its a shame, i REALLY miss hollywood as it was so easy to walk to & then stagger home from after.
Then there was maya, a little bit further to walk to & ok to get home from, now you have to go all the way down 2nd road to xray & a longer journey home. Or the new hollywood like you say is miles away so you can forget that, & too str8 so i'm told also.

Dont forget though there's jjdance in soi day/night area :drunken: [/quote:3b2cmy0a]

February 17th, 2008, 03:12
People's tastes change...not just individually but collectively. My recent trips haven't been as frequent as yours, but I have noticed "lately" a shift in styles among Thai young people the way you described it. Personally, I prefer to rock. But in most of the world, these musical styles have been running parallel for decades. I was pretty excited to see my first blues club in Bangkok years ago after many visits filled with mostly glittery music.

Still...the most fun for me has been in venues specializing in Issan music. High energy, at least marginally 'exotic' and always great fun as JoeM has described it.

February 17th, 2008, 09:21
Expect to see more such venues die out with the new smoking ban: what the rabid anti-smokers often forget is that the people who actually *BUY DRINKS* and *DRINK A LOT* are more often than not smokers, or in a party of friends with smokers (and thus can't be arsed). As these people seek their own forms of entertainment, the venues will die out without daddy around to pay the bill.

The big discos are giving way to more and more ramshackle huts on the outer edges of town -- still plenty of cute puppies to ogle, but they are wearing far too much clothing!

I miss the old Hollywood very much as well -- but then again, I miss the 80's as well :)

February 17th, 2008, 09:21
Expect to see more such venues die out with the new smoking ban: what the rabid anti-smokers often forget is that the people who actually *BUY DRINKS* and *DRINK A LOT* are more often than not smokers, or in a party of friends with smokers (and thus can't be arsed). As these people seek their own forms of entertainment, the venues will die out without daddy around to pay the bill.

The big discos are giving way to more and more ramshackle huts on the outer edges of town -- still plenty of cute puppies to ogle, but they are wearing far too much clothing!

I miss the old Hollywood very much as well -- but then again, I miss the 80's as well :)

February 17th, 2008, 10:01
Expect to see more such venues die out with the new smoking ban: what the rabid anti-smokers often forget is that the people who actually *BUY DRINKS* and *DRINK A LOT* are more often than not smokers, or in a party of friends with smokers (and thus can't be arsed). As these people seek their own forms of entertainment, the venues will die out without daddy around to pay the bill.

The big discos are giving way to more and more ramshackle huts on the outer edges of town -- still plenty of cute puppies to ogle, but they are wearing far too much clothing!

I miss the old Hollywood very much as well -- but then again, I miss the 80's as well :)


Have you got a stammer, you said it twice, or do you miss the eighties twice as much?

February 17th, 2008, 10:12
I remember the old Hollywood.
It took at least an hour for my hearing to return after leaving and my smoke infested shirt had to be tossed..

Granted these discos can be fun but only if one has ear protectors like they use in target practice gun places or
ground crews use when on the tarmac with the jets. I would go if they rented them out like they do in museums
with taped tours..
I believe some use them when flying to drown out all noise..

The smoking problem should be remedied soon and I can start working on the ear shattering noise in some bars/clubs..
Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:

February 17th, 2008, 10:44
Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:

I can't begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to that. Seriously..I really can't.

February 18th, 2008, 03:38
I remember the old Hollywood.
It took at least an hour for my hearing to return after leaving and my smoke infested shirt had to be tossed..

Granted these discos can be fun but only if one has ear protectors like they use in target practice gun places or
ground crews use when on the tarmac with the jets. I would go if they rented them out like they do in museums
with taped tours..
I believe some use them when flying to drown out all noise..

The smoking problem should be remedied soon and I can start working on the ear shattering noise in some bars/clubs..
Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:

Probably come in handy to cut out a lot of ther drivel you have to listen to in Pattaya also!

February 18th, 2008, 07:34
One gets so tired of the Smokers whinning that business in Bars and clubs will suffer because of smoking Ban. The facts do NOT support this. We heard the same BS when California went smoke free. Guess what? The clubs and Bars are just as busy and nobody complains about having to go outside to smoke. Those of us who don't smoke no longer have to worry about burns to our bodies from Smokers trying to dance with a lit cigarettes and we can go home without smelling like an ashtray.

As to Thai style discos. they are plentiful and busy in Bangkok. You wouldn't notice, because most Farang tourists never leave silom. The Thai discos are mainly full of Normal working thai gays.. not silom moneyboys. And they prefer OTHER thais.. so don't expect to be drooled over like you are in DJs by the resident moneyboys.

February 19th, 2008, 21:28
One gets so tired of the Smokers whinning that business in Bars and clubs will suffer because of smoking Ban. The facts do NOT support this. We heard the same BS when California went smoke free. Guess what? The clubs and Bars are just as busy and nobody complains about having to go outside to smoke. .

One also gets tired of people comparing Thailand to California, and might one suggest that the demographic is slightly different.

Brad the Impala
February 19th, 2008, 22:05
The "demographic" is different? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

You can look it up at this link, which you may find worth saving for future use.

dictionary.reference.com/ (http://dictionary.reference.com/)

February 19th, 2008, 22:47
One thing it could mean is that there is a different breed of law-enforcement in Thailand than in Orange County--and a different set of pockets for monies collected in fines. Its common knowledge that the entire 'entertainment' industry exists at the pleasure of (and for the profit of) individuals and institutions not directly involved in ownership/management.

Of course, this law could be enforced equally and fairly (even with the aide of little johnny badges) without becoming a burden on the operators of the establishments we all love. I doubt this will be the case, however.

And is there any need to mention the Thai reluctance to openly confront paying customers, the planeloads of 'fuckitall I'm on holiday' tourists that arrive daily, the mix of cultures, alcohol?

There's a few differences in demographics.

February 19th, 2008, 23:13
And I'm not talking about restaurants or buses, but about bars that already have to pay discounted 'fines' to be allowed to operate. Rightly or wrongly, I just see this as another burden owners of such bars will have to bear, or negotiate a new set of unofficial permissions.

I'm neither miserable nor particularly old and I've lived my entire adult life obeying 'No Smoking' signs--whether there was a law to back them up or not. Its the imposition of a law enforced by corrupt officials on marginal businesses I'm talking about here--and that's the difference between Pattaya and Disneyland.

February 20th, 2008, 09:01
There is no burden to bar owners. Obey the law and you don't have to spend a cent. Break the law, and you pay the fine. With the Ministry of Health involved in enforcement (not just the police), a well-publicized complaint line, and lots of non-smokers who are not going to stand for it, it will work. As for the "freedom of choice" folks, get a life. No one is preventing you from smoking. All you have to do is walk 10 meters out the door to do it. Doesn't seem like such an odious compromise to me.

Oh Noom Lex, now I am not speaking of the smoking law, but in a general way. I just ask you in a no offending way, how many times have you been to Thailand, what kind of bar you are visiting and the sorounding nations. During Thaksins regime, every bar had to close 1 am or even at sometimes 12. With a little tea money, if nessesary, it could be changed. I was in a bar with thai friends and suddenly it was changed into a place with closed front dors, I had to crawl into it down the doors, after closing time. It was the best fun I have had. 1 other farang than me. It changed into a closed karoke bar after 1 am. It was not a tourist hang out place. The patron made food to all of us, and the whiskey was so cheap. Great fun into 5 am. But I am still shure they will smoke the head out of you. I will see when I come back in May. If I am not wrong, small places with almost thai custumors will find a way to brake the rules. Or dont care. I am not talking about bars in Patpong, Silom, Boyztown, Sunee, but lokal bars where you will go with the thai people, friends and enjoy.
PS I doubt anyone will stop smoking in the free-style karoeke bar I like on Koh Samet. But we will see, just fullow the lokals. And I am sure no one would take care of your phone-number there. But I will find out in May :flower: But at least I dont care so much, beside DJ I am almost in an open air bar area. I am not fancy to closed bars when in the tropics with aircon, because the are unhealthy and make me cold.

Brad the Impala
February 20th, 2008, 19:42
There is no burden to bar owners. Obey the law and you don't have to spend a cent. Break the law, and you pay the fine. With the Ministry of Health involved in enforcement (not just the police), a well-publicized complaint line, and lots of non-smokers who are not going to stand for it, it will work. As for the "freedom of choice" folks, get a life. No one is preventing you from smoking. All you have to do is walk 10 meters out the door to do it. Doesn't seem like such an odious compromise to me.

If the bars obeyed the laws there wouldn't be any bars, at least none with rent boys/girls.

Brad the Impala
February 20th, 2008, 20:47
And the reason that they dance in their underwear, or less, is because it is too hot with all that air conditioning on, I suppose?!

February 20th, 2008, 23:36
Nothing illegal about dancing in your underwear, is there?

In my case it would be an arrestable offense as indecent exposure

February 23rd, 2008, 18:16
You're to hard on yourself. I might be several stone lighter than you but do you really think I look any better in my undies?. That would be NO!

February 23rd, 2008, 18:21
Nothing illegal about dancing in your underwear, is there?


There is not anything illegal in what you state.

February 23rd, 2008, 18:23
The Galaxy in Patong is the most fun I have had with my clothes on in the last few months ... BUT ... I am never going out with kenc again ... even if it is my birthday. He made me get really drunk. Well, he didn't really make me but it happened nonetheless and I have to blame someone and it ain't going to be me.

I agree with kenc that as packed as the place was, there were no hideous incidents of loutishness or bullying and very many incidents of hilarity and good music and winking at handsome men.

What a great birthday to remember! Thanks.

February 23rd, 2008, 19:30
maybe the disco died because it was Noom Lexxed to death,
much like this thread

February 24th, 2008, 09:36
The Galaxy in Patong is the most fun I have had with my clothes on in the last few months ... BUT ... I am never going out with kenc again ... even if it is my birthday. He made me get really drunk. Well, he didn't really make me but it happened nonetheless and I have to blame someone and it ain't going to be me.

I agree with kenc that as packed as the place was, there were no hideous incidents of loutishness or bullying and very many incidents of hilarity and good music and winking at handsome men.

What a great birthday to remember! Thanks.

Oh Krobbie my dear friend. It matters not where you are, but who you're with in this crazy world of ours.

Email me guy!

I dunno. Kiwis seem to be the sweetest people on the face of the planet. Something in the water?
I shed more than one tear on reading the obits of SIR Edmond Hillary

February 24th, 2008, 10:53
Oh, fuckitall.
Like I said before, bring your own Fabulousness


February 24th, 2008, 11:43
I remember the old Hollywood.
It took at least an hour for my hearing to return after leaving and my smoke infested shirt had to be tossed..

Granted these discos can be fun but only if one has ear protectors like they use in target practice gun places or
ground crews use when on the tarmac with the jets. I would go if they rented them out like they do in museums
with taped tours..
I believe some use them when flying to drown out all noise..

The smoking problem should be remedied soon and I can start working on the ear shattering noise in some bars/clubs..
Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:

OIr just go home yo sleap. Yes the world will be safe for you, smoking or not smoking, if you just stay away. Let us others have the fun.,

February 24th, 2008, 18:53
went to look for a disco forget the name, in patong about a year ago, as i had a nice shinny leaflet for it, only to find when we got there it had burnt down - death of another disco in los :cherry:

February 24th, 2008, 22:52
The smoking problem should be remedied soon and I can start working on the ear shattering noise in some bars/clubs..
Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:

CATAWAMPUSCAT FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008! Well, here is the US anyway. Or we'll just move the White House to Thailand and re-name it the Pink House.

February 24th, 2008, 23:04
Actually, no I don't have a life and don't feel.

February 25th, 2008, 03:00
"Granted these discos can be fun but only if one has ear protectors like they use in target practice gun places or ground crews use when on the tarmac with the jets. I would go if they rented them out like they do in museums with taped tours..
I believe some use them when flying to drown out all noise.."

Oh how sexy. If you can not stay the noise, stay away. Discos are noisy. Oh btw. don't forget the white socks in the sandals. Ear protectors and white sandals will make you the hottest man in town.
Hope you all have some humour :cheers: