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View Full Version : Reply from Manhattans to my earlier email

February 12th, 2008, 21:19
Here is the reply from one of the owners of Manhattans. I appreciate his reply.

Hi ........ Thanks for your email. Unfortunately, like so many other people you have heard wrong & malicious information. To answer your question of more affordable meals the evening service will remain the same possibly with the cutting out of the service charge and leaving tipping to customer discretion. We want to introduce a cheaper set menu in the early part of the evening, we're thinking from 5pm to 7pm and a bit later we'd like to introduce a Sunday lunch or brunch which will be cheaper than the current evening meals. Regarding our general manager who has now left, Tom was instrumental, along with Dave and myself, the owners, in setting up Manhattans. We knew Tom was gay when we hired him. Neither of us are homophobic. I liked Tom, and still do. We worked very closely together in making Manhattans what it is and could not have done it without his high level of professionalism. We both hold him in very high regard.

It would be unethical of me to detail the reason for Tom's leaving in an email.

But I can clarify with all honesty it was not for the reason that Tom was gay, or that he built up a gay clientele, or that we were too gay friendly, or that we had too many gay waiters.
In fact it was nothing to do with anything gay at all. I am very sorry that a lot of people feel that way.
We don't run our restaurant with peoples sexuality being an issue.
All who come to Manhattans are welcome. I hope this clarifies things.

February 12th, 2008, 22:53
Thank you to both Pattaya Male for asking the question and to Manhattan for responding.

Makes a welcome change for a rumour to be handled in this way on the board. Usually the speculation goes around in circles until it is completely blown out of proportion before being surpassed by the next piece of misformation!

February 12th, 2008, 23:35
An excellent reply from the owners of Manhattans. Strange that they should have put such emphasis on the gay aspect, since Pattaya Male did not identify himself as gay or straight in his e-mail to them ....

February 13th, 2008, 00:01
They should cook that up and serve that dish of hogwash on their menu. More to it than that I am sure.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 13th, 2008, 07:27
I've rounded up a bunch of the girls for a gala lunch at Manhattans now we know they are gay friendly !!

we'ver even got a real girl in there-if you can find her-and what's more Homintern is visiting Pattaya for the first time to join us..you know how much he loves a meat rack !

we'll give 'em Hooters !!

February 13th, 2008, 07:43
we'ver even got a real girl in there-if you can find her-and what's more Homintern is visiting Pattaya for the first time to join us..you know how much he loves a meat rack !Thank you for betraying my plans, outlined to you via a PM. I'll be sending George around to spank you. However yours is the first post in this thread of any value, especially as I have Pattaya Male on permanent {Ignore}

February 13th, 2008, 10:23
An excellent reply from the owners of Manhattans. Strange that they should have put such emphasis on the gay aspect, since Pattaya Male did not identify himself as gay or straight in his e-mail to them ....

Doesn't seem strange to me at all considering Pattaya Male included the following in his email:

Rumors abound. Is it true the former manager has been replaced? The direction the owners want to take the place is more affordable meals? They felt the place was too gay friendly and some of the owners friends were not comfortable with male waiters and rich gay customers?

February 13th, 2008, 15:29
To paraphrase the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies: they would say that, wouldn't they?

The owner of Manhattans himself concedes in his email that "Unfortunately, like so many other people you have heard wrong & malicious information".

Now that the allegations, be they true or false, have gained such wide currency, their problem will be that some folks will say that there is no smoke without fire. And, with so many known-to-be-gay-friendly and high quality establishments on their doorstep (Mata Hari, anyone?), their trade will inevitably suffer.

As anyone in business knows, it takes a hell of a time to make up the ground lost by any sort of adverse publicity.