View Full Version : Colombo

February 10th, 2008, 23:26
Yes, yes, I know. This is a Thai forum, not Sri Lankan, but I'm flying out to Thailand at the end of the month with Sri Lankan airlines, which involves a 12 hour stop over in Colombo. I deliberately chose this because I've always wanted to go to Sri Lanka, and although it's only a 12 hour stopover, I thought it would be enough time to have a little look around the place en route to the LOS. (plus the fare was about ┬г150 cheaper than any direct flight I could find)

Has anyone else flown to Thailand via this route, or have any experience of Colombo? Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do, where to go? It would be great if I could manage to pull while I was there. From what I've read on the net, this shouldn't be too difficult, so long as I know where to go, but don't. I've read of a few areas which are popular for this, but they all look a bit too far away (on Google Earth anyway) to get to with just a few hours to spare.

Any advice?

February 10th, 2008, 23:38
Utopia has some comments - http://www.utopia-asia.com/tipssri.htm

February 11th, 2008, 05:37
I spent a week there in 1979. I recollect the airport was a long way from Columbo, but near a beach. I don't think you'll do justice to the place in 12 hours. I've never been back as they decided to have a war shortly after I left. I often have that effect on places.