View Full Version : the joy of laser hair removal

February 10th, 2008, 09:07
I had my back and shoulders done about six weeks ago.As Im approaching the 50's it may seem like a waste of time but Im aware of how much Thais prefer as close to hairless bodies(and an uncut penis)as is possible. Cant do anything about being cut,nor would I,but thought it time to get this bear a trim. Had no idea what I was in for as far as the pain went.It was excruciating to say the least,specially the area around the abdomen! Yikes,it was painful!! However,Im glad to have done it as it looks much better than before,but,not done yet as it only killed about 20% of the hair,must go back a few more times as hair regrows in cycles(every 6 to 10 weeks it starts to regrow and is ready to be lasered again). The laser cannot destroy any white hairs as it targets the dark hair,and the lighter your skin the better results.So I have a few wild white hairs that will always be there. I thought about maybe doing the chest and front area but it would be just too painful.Cant imagine the private area either,that must be painful. The lady doing the treatment says she has some gay men get their ass crack done.So if your topping a nice bubblebutt bottom who has no hair there,they may have endured a lot for your pleasure.Its expensive here in states,about 900 dollars for one hour. Anyone have it done in LOS? Rocket

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 10th, 2008, 09:24
ye gods !!

and how many hours before you are totally hair free ?? ( I get sick of shaving Mrs O'Booze's back and bikini line )

February 10th, 2008, 09:31
I understand your wanting to please your Thai friends, but if they can not accept you with a bit of hair, one might question it the lack of it would really make you that much more appealing. If you are happy being a bear, and lots of guys are, then don't go back for more hair removal. If you really want the hair gone, I sure hope it is to keep you happy and not some potential Thai friend. Remember to please yourself in life, and you will probably please others too. I do know the laser hair removal is a big industry, and it is important to feel good about yourself as you look in the mirror in the morning. IMHO it is OK to have it done, but I do question if I would have it done just to please others.

February 10th, 2008, 19:57
package price here (usa) was chest/abdomen - $1600 ~ 5 treatments - 1 year + free "touch ups" (5 whole extra treatments) for the next year

February 11th, 2008, 00:15
Recently I read that LHE, or Light Heat Energy, could be used for the removal of blond or white hair. I wonder if it is available in Thailand?

February 11th, 2008, 21:29
Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok is a highly recommended facility. They have a good website with prices listed if you spend enough time searching. I considered them for hair restoration. The process where they remove hair folicles from the sides of your head where it is thick and then transplant the individual hair follicles into areas on top that are thinning or missing. Price in Los Angeles was $8,000 (admittedly at an upscale nationally leading specialty place, Bosley). At Bumbrungrad the website prices according to how many follicles you want transplanted, but the price is about half.

The price list according to procedure is very interesting. Takes time to search it all out but its there. The cosmetic surgery is a very minor fraction of their medical work.

Bumbrungrad is a first class hospital. The buildings look more like a 5-star hotel. Hundred of doctors and thousands of international patients each year. A very well respected medical hospital.

February 12th, 2008, 14:54
a google search for "laser surgery bangkok" yields such results as:

you guys crack me up how you'll ask a forum for health care advice
on everything from AIDS treatment to bleeding ulcers, but you won't
take 2 minutes and search it yourself. newsflash: there is a whole
world out there aside from internet forums for fag farangs. :idea:

February 13th, 2008, 08:08
.... The lady doing the treatment says she has some gay men get their ass crack done....

Now that's something I never heard on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy". :bootyshake:

Just another example of how the Gay Community is so fabulously beyond what those poor square Heteros can even imagine. :wav:

February 14th, 2008, 14:12
Actually, many Thais say they find hairy bodies, exotic and sexy.
Maybe a gorilla suit look isn't the ideal but chest and leg hair are not looked upon with any distaste.

It is a western or farang preference for hairless or less hairy bodies as the ideal..
Less hairy men look younger in general and more boyish.

You can have the wild white hairs removed by electrolysis by the way..

The fact of the matter is your body doesn't much matter in Thailand and hair removal
will only please the person himself. NO one else cares as long as he has baht in his wallet..

August 31st, 2008, 20:35

hair by hair, still a bit painful, but cheaper

August 31st, 2008, 21:59
A friend of mine had hair removal preformed at Pattaya International. The cost was 500US; he was very pleased with both the result and the hospital. Pattaya Internataional's demotologist name is Dr. Warnaporn.

August 31st, 2008, 22:10
One thousand, six hundred dollars is roughly 55,000 baht.

If I had 55,000 baht to throw away, I would certainly throw it away in The Floating World. Or, I would use it to put some nice Thai boy through school. I wouldn't spend it on useless vanity.

But your opinion obviously differs! :-)

I also think that my idea is much less painful. :-)

But my whole take on this could be wrong. After all, some farang are actually rich, and don't have to make the Painful Economic Choices forced upon the less wealthy.

Damn, what would I do with 4 million baht, anyway.

September 2nd, 2008, 09:51
laser hair removal is the ebst option if you want to be hairfree..but the price is really disgusting :geek:

September 2nd, 2008, 22:42
One thousand, six hundred dollars is roughly 55,000 baht.

If I had 55,000 baht to throw away, I would certainly throw it away in The Floating World. Or, I would use it to put some nice Thai boy through school. I wouldn't spend it on useless vanity.

But your opinion obviously differs! :-)

I also think that my idea is much less painful. :-)

But my whole take on this could be wrong. After all, some farang are actually rich, and don't have to make the Painful Economic Choices forced upon the less wealthy.

Damn, what would I do with 4 million baht, anyway.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________

I often wonder why is it if an older farang spends money on improving his looks (botox; face lift; hair removal; looses weight...) it is looked by some as "vanity." If that is the case, why do those "judges" shave, get their hair cut, or select certain clothes to wear? If any kind of improvement makes the person feel better-good for him.

October 4th, 2010, 06:17
I have my back and shoulders sugared - more to please me than others - every 4 months, cheap as chips in UK and not really painful if you go to a professional!

October 4th, 2010, 11:37
Glad I'm Asian and mostly hair free!

I like a little treasure trail though. That's sexy.

October 4th, 2010, 14:45
Wow! My post ressurected a couple years later,and I just happen to check out this forum,which is rare.
s o anyway,I never went back for my remaining sessions,as I lost interest.Im more worried about having enough baht for thailand than less hair on my bod.....But if I had a baht for each hair on my body,I'd be filthy rich.
A girl at work the other day told me I should get my hairy arms waxed! Imagine that. I told her that I don't need sunscreen with the hair and it protects me from malaria when I'm in thailand,he he.
like a little treasure trail though. That's sexy. You mean the trail from your navel down to your privates? yeah...that's sexy.
My last night in thailand last trip I spent with this guy from tom yums.He was real bitchy most of the night because I had told him I was going to be with him the night before and I never showed up.He was half dozing off while I was watching one of the nature shows.When a monkey appeared he pointed and said '"you". When he sent me an email after my arrival home,I replied how pissed I was about him calling me a monkey.He apologised,but that was a deal breaker for me as I could tell he didn't like my bearness.
I know money is an over riding factor,but I would love to meet some asians that like hair.

October 4th, 2010, 20:38
You go to areas in Thailand where there's a malaria risk? I don't think there's many places in Thailand aside from border areas with malaria. Dengue Fever yes, Malaria, not much.

The guy from Tom Yums was probably just teasing in the good natured way that Thais and Asians tend to do about personal appearances/flaws. Pointing out this kind of thing (e.g. fat, hairy, red, dark skinned etc.) seems to be more innocent and not as offensive as it is in the West. But it's understandable to be offended at the comment... stuff like that can kind of cut through and hurt a bit.

Personally, I don't like hairy guys at all either. Being Asian, a treasure trail and some light hair on the legs is fine for me and sort of sexy, but any hair on the chest or more is a complete turn off. I'd rather be with a girl (I lean a bit towards being bi). Don't think I've ever seen an Asian guy with hair on his shoulders or back etc. That would be really alien to me (don't mean that in a bad way).

But I think there are some Asian guys out there who like it or don't mind hairier guys at all... they're just a bit rarer but I'm sure you can find them. I mean, you hear about "chub chasers" being a common term. I'm sure there's a term out there for "bear chasers" too.

October 7th, 2010, 08:43
You go to areas in Thailand where there's a malaria risk? I don't think there's many places in Thailand aside from border areas with malaria. Dengue Fever yes, Malaria, not much.
I was half joking about the malaria.I need to get a couple spots ckecked out by my dermatologist that are on my arm.I think the hair has been a help in regards to blocking too much sun.My job forces me to be in the sun daily.
The guy from Tom Yums was probably just teasing in the good natured way that Thais and Asians tend to do about personal appearances/flaws. Pointing out this kind of thing (e.g. fat, hairy, red, dark skinned etc.) seems to be more innocent and not as offensive as it is in the West. But it's understandable to be offended at the comment... stuff like that can kind of cut through and hurt a bit.
Right,silly to get upset over trivial comment....need a thicker skin. Thanks for your as usual,sensible reply Beaclover.

October 7th, 2010, 19:01
Yeah, I just know that growing up in the West and not being so used to these kind of comments I used to get irked by my relatives doing it too... They talk about stuff like "your son has big ears" or "look at how fat Uncle Bob is getting" or "Aunty Jane has so many wrinkles now" as if you're not even in the room. Having said that, they will also comment on little stuff Westerners never say like, nice complexion or broad shoulders.

October 11th, 2010, 18:04
Yeah, I just know that growing up in the West and not being so used to these kind of comments I used to get irked by my relatives doing it too... They talk about stuff like "your son has big ears" or "look at how fat Uncle Bob is getting" or "Aunty Jane has so many wrinkles now" as if you're not even in the room. Having said that, they will also comment on little stuff Westerners never say like, nice complexion or broad shoulders.

How sweet -does Granny ever comment on cock size?


October 1st, 2012, 12:47
its a wonderful experience. i believe everyone should go for it. Laser hair removal is very popular among women and men who do not want to go back to the short-term methods of shaving, waxing, and twee-zing.