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February 24th, 2006, 21:17
has been called. Surprised I'm in the UK and have to report to this first. There you go, how long will Thaksin be in for?

February 24th, 2006, 22:02
(Gee I seem to be feeling bitchy this morning ... don't know why). Above we have a message which on the face of it seems to be "about Thailand".

~ There's a specific Forum described as about "all things Thai".
~ There are 2 not-so-well-used Forums about "everything else".
~ Of those 2, the "Any Other Country" Forum is the less used ... and presumably less read.

So where does White Desire post his topic entitled "THAILAND GENERAL ELECTION"? In the least read, not-about-Thailand Forum!! :violent1:

Cheers ....

February 24th, 2006, 23:43
To keep Smiles happy... it's moved ok? :flower:

February 25th, 2006, 05:56
.... shouldnt you be sitting outside a bar with 1/2 a pint and free nibbles instead of pointing out that my post is in the wrong place. Talking of wrong places, where are you, shouldnt you be in Timbuktu or somewhere remote like that. :pain10:

February 25th, 2006, 14:18
.... shouldnt you be sitting outside a bar with 1/2 a pint and free nibbles instead of pointing out that my post is in the wrong place. Talking of wrong places, where are you, shouldnt you be in Timbuktu or somewhere remote like that. :pain10:

A very kind thought, providing Timbuktu is closer to Thailand than Canada?

Poor Smiles has been a wee bit snappish lately.
Maybe he needs to smoke a little Pot? :binky:
Too bad he must wait till April. :clock:

February 25th, 2006, 19:20
" ... Poor Smiles has been a wee bit snappish lately ... "
Guilty. Canadian winter an all that. Lack of sunlight over extended periods of time (vitamen D deficiency apparently). Periods of insecurity bought on by a season which is not only never-bloddy-ending, but schizophrenic (reminds me of H*dd*): All December and January, and most of Feb. has been incredibly mild ~ heavenly & spring-like in fact ~ then at end of Feb. it plummets to -14 with no warning. Only lasted 3 days but enough to make for blue funk. And I'm not the only one.
Indeed, I need a smoke!

Actually I never asked that the thread be moved. I was inquiring into the mindset of the poster who initially put up a topic "about Thailand" in the "not about Thailand" forum. Seemed strange at the time ... seems strange still. White Desire never bothered to explain, so keen was he to take offense.

Thanks for the comments, boys.

Cheers ...

February 26th, 2006, 16:31
The election to replace the House of Representatives will be held April 2, but since the opposition parties have "said" they will sit it out, the election will almost certainly return Thaksin's party with a huge majority again. Why the opposition says they want to "sit this out" in protest to Thaksin's failure to resign is beyond me, but that is what is being reported. Perhaps they think additional resentment will build up enough to put additional pressure on Thaksin to resign.

Supposedly there is to be a big gathering again this weekend, so no telling if anything further will come out of it, but seems doubtful to me.


February 27th, 2006, 07:39
The General Election subject I put under Gay Thailand - what are you on about Smiles "not about Thailand" and "about Thailand"? This site is Gay Thailand! All things Thai as far as I'm concerned a general election can fall under this, as it can the global forum, dunno what youre on about "not about and about Thailand"

February 27th, 2006, 08:02
Whatever your recollection, White Desire, you started this thread in the Any Other Country forum (when there where already threads in the Gay Thailand forum on the topic) and it was moved. However, I'm looking forward to a really original contribution from you. Something along the lines of the impact of the election on the direction of the Thai Baht vs. other currencies, perhaps? :geek:

February 28th, 2006, 00:31
is that what I did - sorry -

With regard to something original from me, in line with the impact of the election etc ...

why me, its interesting that you are waiting for me - anyway, that's a compliment I would have thought! I haven't put anything on here substantial for a while - once in a couple of months about "money" anyway.

With regard to the impact of the election, I aint got a clue, if Thaksin gets in, nothing will change, if another party gets in, then unfortunately I don't know their respective policies, I did wonder though what Songkla's (is that his name) policies are, and whether there are any other candidatesin the "running" that have a chance of winning or is it just one of two parties that are likely to win. May be you can tell me.

February 28th, 2006, 01:16
If the general election should take place, the Toxin gang will grasp 100 % of the seats as all opposition parties announced to-day they will boycott the election.
There has been an anti-Toxin rally with a lot of people attending on the last three days in Bangkok but no one knows how the situation will evolve now. Interesting to note that our old friend Purachai has been said to join the anti Toxin coalition.

March 2nd, 2006, 05:41
Does anyone know what the opposition parties' policies are, what type of reform they would do?

March 2nd, 2006, 07:10
Does anyone know what the opposition parties' policies are, what type of reform they would do?

Based on what I've read, their sole position seems to be like the Democrats in the US - just anti-Thaksin/Bush without any
clear statement of what they would do if in power. A few have given speeches against "corruption" in general and it would be nice to see some words ever result in some action; but pigs are likely going to fly first.

March 2nd, 2006, 10:09
The opposition parties are boycotting because they know they don't have a chance in hell of winning a majority. Despite 50,000 protesters here and 100,000 there, there are still nearly 70 million Thai citizens out there and a large majority support the PM and his party.

That's the problem with Democracy in countries -- like the US and Thailand --where ┬аthe majority of the population is made up of uneducated morons.

March 2nd, 2006, 15:28
The opposition parties are boycotting because they know they don't have a chance in hell of winning a majority...

Thai citizens out there and a large majority support the PM and his party

Right, but I think Bangkok votes may be different from the country's votes. In the last election, Thaksin's party won most seats in Bangkok and the opposition parties won only a few. But this time I may be wrong but I think it will be the other way round, or perhaps 50-50. In any case, the non-Bangkok voters will get Thaksin back to his PM seat.

I think the opposition parties are also boycotting because they cannot find a lump sum of money to support their election campaigns. They spent alot already a year ago in the last election. And being an opposition party they have not been able to get their money back to fund their election costs yet. Who will support them again financially this time ?, as the result is quite obvious that Thaksain and his party will win again. And they cannot compete with Thaksin who has 73,000 millions baht to spend either.

That's the problem with Democracy in countries -- like the US and Thailand --where the majority of the population is made up of uneducated morons.

Several people have told me that the most intelligent people in the US are tourists - this isn't groundless then ?

March 2nd, 2006, 16:23
According to todays' report by a local newspaper, Thai Rak Thai has handed out 1 millions baht to each Bangkok candidate and 2 millions baht to each non-Bangkok candidate to spend on their election campaigns. Thailand has some 500+ MPs, that means Thai Rak Thai will spend 1,000+ millions baht on this election ??.