View Full Version : Good to hear

February 6th, 2008, 19:58
that some of the Sunee Bars have already said they were starting to enforce the new non smoking policy. Good for them. The PG Report was advertising this. I hope all bars start enforcing it starting Feb 7....whoops Feb 11

February 6th, 2008, 23:26
Good to hear that some of the Sunee Bars have already said they were starting to enforce the new non smoking policy. Good for them. The PG Report was advertising this. I hope all bars start enforcing it starting Feb 7

Whilst I will admit that there is nothing new about the powers that be in Thailand changing laws without informing anyone else, a smoking ban that was originally intended to start on the 17th February, was then changed to the 11th, which I only learned of by reading the news in the following link. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080111/hl ... 0111142730 (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080111/hl_afp/healthlifestylethailandsmoking_080111142730)

I see PM, that you are now stating it will begin tomorrow on the 7th February. I ask if this is a mistake on your part? If it isn't, where and when was the new date for the smoking ban to start, changed yet again?



February 6th, 2008, 23:58
... based on your post, today is also a mystery - but This Is Thailand, and only to be expected

February 7th, 2008, 00:57
... based on your post, today is also a mystery - but This Is Thailand, and only to be expected

Edited, thank you.


February 8th, 2008, 01:13
No smoking? What, not even with a condom?

February 8th, 2008, 10:36
In me hast for wanting the smoking ban I wrote Feb. 7 meaning Feb 17 which I see in The Pattaya Mail as being Feb 11. Sorry if I confused anyone.

But in the post from Pattaya Gay Report...it was reported that some bars including ALL BOYS and Jimm Jimmy James were already enforcing non smoking. Is this true?....George....

February 8th, 2008, 18:12
In me hast for wanting the smoking ban I wrote Feb. 7 meaning Feb 17 which I see in The Pattaya Mail as being Feb 11. Sorry if I confused anyone.

But in the post from Pattaya Gay Report...it was reported that some bars including ALL BOYS and Jimm Jimmy James were already enforcing non smoking. Is this true?....George....

Hi PM, I think there has been a misunderstanding somewhere along the lines. Jim Jimmy James and All Boy had both stated that they would be complying with the new law when it came into effect on the 17th Feb. Pattaya have now decided that unlike the rest of Thailand they will be enforcing the smoking ban from the 11th February.

Whilst smoking is still permitted in both bars at present, it will not be from the 11th. Hope this post clarifies matters.

Choc Dee PM,


February 8th, 2008, 20:09
This reminds me of an urban myth that circulates around the UK from time to time regarding a couple who had full sex, openly on a busy train, in front of everyone. All the passengers, being typically British, were too embarrassed to say anything, no-one was brave enough to ask them to stop, and everyone just sat there reading their newspapers or looking out of the window. Yet, when the couple had finished, they both sat back in their seats and lit up cigarettes, at which point the whole carriage started wagging their fingers at them saying "Oh no, you can't do that on here".

I don't smoke myself, so I agree with the smoking policy, but I find it slightly comical that in a country like Thailand, there are certain bars you can just walk into, sit and look at near naked underage boys, some of them barely teenagers, offer them money for sex, and yet as soon as you light up a ciggie to go with your G&T, people will start wagging their fingers at you saying "Oh no, you can't do that in here".

Oh the irony...

February 8th, 2008, 20:38
Oh the irony...

Couldn't agree more.

The non-smoking farang population have really got excited about the possibility of being able to visit smoke-free establishments very soon.

But I wonder what the "Thai" reaction to all of this will be. After all it is their country.

Will the policeman collecting his monthly donation from an entertainment venue be told very politely "I'm sorry, you can't smoke that in here" I don't think so. :drunken:

Or will this just be another law that is enforced on a whim.

The crash helmet law. Thai nationals rigorously obey this law. I don't think so!

Only 2 persons to a motorcycle.

Smoking whilst driving a motorcyle, made illegal recently.

Using a mobile phone whilst driving, illegal recently.

In Thailand you can be fined for not wearing a shirt/top unless on the beach. You can be fined 400 baht for this.
Try walking into an Immigration Office bare-chested.

Waiters. bar staff and go go boys must be at least 18 to work legally in a bar, but as maroonedmind pointed out in his post
you can see "near-naked underage boys" in some bars who are available for prostitution.
There's another two laws being broken maybe even more.

But the farang population of Pattaya have worked themselves up into a right frenzy about being able to go out and sit in a smoke-free environment.
I even read one poster who suggested that he would consider notifying the authorities of establishments that infringing this new law. Oh dear.

One scenario that I think will be interesting is:
You are sitting quietly in a smoke-free environment, when a group of Thais light-up. "I'm sorry you can't do that in here" says Mr. Farang.
"Oh how stupid of us, we will put them out immediately" says Khun Thai.

Mmmm, we will see. Fun times ahead.

February 9th, 2008, 23:50
One scenario that I think will be interesting is:
You are sitting quietly in a smoke-free environment, when a group of Thais light-up. "I'm sorry you can't do that in here" says Mr. Farang.
"Oh how stupid of us, we will put them out immediately" says Khun Thai.

Some recent stories in the Pattaya press suggest that Mr. Farang should not push to hard if faced with non-compliance.

February 9th, 2008, 23:59
Will the policeman collecting his monthly donation from an entertainment venue be told very politely "I'm sorry, you can't smoke that in here" I don't think so.We should expect a full report from George on this very matter

February 10th, 2008, 00:28
"I don't smoke myself, so I agree with the smoking policy, but I find it slightly comical that in a country like Thailand, there are certain bars you can just walk into, sit and look at near naked underage boys, some of them barely teenagers, offer them money for sex, and yet as soon as you light up a ciggie to go with your G&T, people will start wagging their fingers at you saying "Oh no, you can't do that in here".

Oh the irony..." maroonedmind

I can see a touch of irony there but the big difference with smoking is that it damages the health of all, the smoker, those around, other customers, go-go boys and the staff. Shagging underage boys barely teenagers is, of course, also illegal and also immoral and dastardly.

Pet peeve: Pattaya Male. I rather dislike topic titles such as "Good to hear" as it does not indicate the content in any way and so I have to open and read to see if it's interesting rather than skip by if I can see it is not of interest to me. I would rather have seen something such as "Good to hear Sunnee Bars banning smoking early" Pedantic! What Moi?

February 10th, 2008, 00:36
Pet peeve: Pattaya Male. I rather dislike topic titles such as "Good to hear" as it does not indicate the content in any way and so I have to open and read to see if it's interesting rather than skip by if I can see it is not of interest to me.As opposed to wowpow's cut'n'paste philosophy

February 10th, 2008, 14:31
Pet peeve: Pattaya Male. I rather dislike topic titles such as "Good to hear" as it does not indicate the content in any way and so I have to open and read to see if it's interesting rather than skip by if I can see it is not of interest to me. I would rather have seen something such as "Good to hear Sunnee Bars banning smoking early" Pedantic! What Moi?

Sorry wowpow, but most of the time I can not think of a good title for my posts. My pet peeve is people using words I must look up in the dictionary so I understand what they are saying...... like Pedantic. I am sure it is a very good word and one of the millions I should know, but....well, damn it I am illiterate

February 12th, 2008, 06:48
Ok, so its Feb 12 now in Thailand.
Did the World end?

February 12th, 2008, 12:37
Ok, so its Feb 12 now in Thailand.
Did the World end?

No, and the industrial estates of Chonburi still send their great drifts of smog over Pattaya for us ALL to inhale.

February 12th, 2008, 16:41
Ok, so its Feb 12 now in Thailand.
Did the World end?

Only in WOWPOW's cut and paste fantasies it appears. Close your eyes, click ur heels ...

I guess we'll have to come back to this in 3 months.