View Full Version : If it's between East and West, it's East for me...

February 2nd, 2008, 23:44
You have only to read several of the current threads - on charities, on visas, on building regulations (or lack of enforceability) to realise that Thailand isn't paradise and in many respects simply doesn't measure up to "back home". Consumer protection is a good example - there isn't any worth speaking about. It's an autocratic, feudal, hierarchical, chauvinistic, superstitious society where the main advantage for a Westerner living here is also the greatest disadvantage - you'll always be an outsider (I voted for the second last choice, and I've been in business here for the last 20 years)

February 3rd, 2008, 00:48
I think, Rainwalker, you certainly hear the "gimme gimme gimme" in Thailand, as well, it's just often disguised in the way it's said.