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View Full Version : Kumquats etc

February 2nd, 2008, 09:47
A delightful picture in today's Bangkok Post showing kumquat trees being transported on the back of motorcycles (anyone know how to download it here?) reminds me that 'Kumquat' is my favoured choice of name for a gogo bar if I ever open one (about as likely as my becoming President of the United States). The name is a bit fruity, a bit exotic, a bit disgusting. Perfect! Are you listening Mr Kwill? There's still time to jettison that poofy 'Birdcage' stuff and call your bar 'Kumquat' (I won't sue for theft). You'll want a couple of kumquat trees by the entrance, of course, and dotted all over that smokers' garden of yours. Now, if anyone else is thinking of opening a bar, my second favourite name is 'Gonorrhoea'...

February 2nd, 2008, 10:02
how about No Smo King Boy Bar. I'm counting down the days until the tobacco addicts are inconvenienced
and put out.. :cheers:

February 2nd, 2008, 10:39
Kumquats are delicious in a preserve. Thinly sliced they make the best marmalade. Translucent dark amber cart wheels of joy. Im going to buy a small tree this festive season and try it in a pot.

Somethings up in this the year of the rat. I have noticed here in Hong-Kong at least that very few of the public displays are willing to acknowledge the fact that it's indeed the year of the rat. They have done everything in their power to pretend it's the year of the giant gaudy gold and red tinsel fish, phoenix , salamander or flock of tiny bird.

What's up? Our shopping mall, Festival Walk, is usually weighed under with giant sculptures of the creature who brings us vast amount of luck on the stock exchange, purportedly pouring foreign currency into our bank accounts the whole year through.
The horse was a triumph of architectural engineering, rearing up through three floors of cavernous mall. No sign of a rat doing the same, instead its a three storied ostrich with plumes of shredded Shanghai Tang.

Is Bangkok going through a similar denial?