View Full Version : Stress

January 30th, 2008, 08:35
"The leading cause of illness in industrial nations is stress". In the latest issue of 'GENRE', issue number 184 the author Greg Stevens offers some great ideas on stress reduction. Since bile seems to be bubble up in many posts, it crossed my mind to pass on a few ways to reduce stress for the guys in Pattaya. If a few of these help, that is all to the good.

1. Exercise
2. Do yoga or meditate
3. Do something you enjoy every day
4. Eat healthy
5. Get a massage
6. Take vacations
7. Get adequate sleep
8. Create less stress in work and in your life.
9. Have sex
10. See a therapist

Food --- Are you eating fish 3 times a week?
It is OK to drink a glass of Dark Red Wine and eat dark chocolate.

Visual ideas. ----- Put a favorite vacation picture on your computer opening screen.
Have a picture of your bf with you to look at when things get stressful. [/b]

January 30th, 2008, 08:46
... a few ways to reduce stress for the guys in Pattaya.
6. Take vacations
8. Create less stress in work
10. See a therapist
Have a picture of your bf with you to look at when things get stressful.Hmmm. I can see the guys in Pattaya perking up already :idea:

February 1st, 2008, 18:50
3. Do something you enjoy every day

lol wanking

February 2nd, 2008, 00:06
Strangely enough, the link in the "Over 50, Do You Use Condoms" thread contained the following information:

As many as 85% of respondents said they felt sex was less pressurised after the age of 50, and 70% found it more fulfilling than when they were younger.

This could be because people tend to have less stress at that stage in their life, and are more likely to feel comfortable with their bodies, Saga said.

Good News, Good News!!!