View Full Version : bareback massage

January 27th, 2008, 21:35
I went to blue house massage place 3 days ago and opted for an oil massage and choosed a very good looking surin guy.
Everything went ok, the guy was naked and started to massage my feet and ofcourse got up from that , by the time he was ready to massage my shoulders he lay upon me with his boner in my crack, nothing wrong with that but the guy penetrated me and fucked me withouth condom, I was to shocked to complain, and instead of that I fucked him hard too.
Is it common to go bareback in massage places?
I notice most guys are willing to go bareback and I always will go with condom if I not know the guy for 2 days already. but I was surprised to see this in an well known massage place.

January 27th, 2008, 22:37
For want of a better phrase "you are an idiot" either HIV positive already, and don't give a hoot about the guys you screw, or you want to get positive because you sure are going about it the right way.................

January 27th, 2008, 22:46
I can think of only one time were the 'boy' stopped what he was doing to put on a condom, all other times I've had to stop the action to insist that a condom be used. It made no difference who was 'topping'. i know the sensible thing to do is to stop all action and leave as if he is willing to do bareback either way with me then the chances are that he has barebacked with many and the chances are that he is at high risk of having aids - but it takes all my self control just to stop the action to get the condom so I doubt I could ever be completely sensible and leave without a happy ending.

And this isn't just in massage places - boys from go-go bars are same-same

January 27th, 2008, 23:02
For want of a better phrase "you are an idiot" either HIV positive already, and don't give a hoot about the guys you screw,

Hey read again ok, I was not the one who did the barebacking. but I'm an idiot anyway. HIV posisive? nope maybe now who knowss??? I only know that I liked it and it's up to him as far as I concern.

January 27th, 2008, 23:08
For want of a better phrase "you are an idiot" either HIV positive already, and don't give a hoot about the guys you screw,

Hey read again ok, I was not the one who did the barebacking. but I'm an idiot anyway. HIV posisive? nope maybe now who knowss??? I only know that I liked it and it's up to him as far as I concern.

If you were getting fucked without a condom I think that is the definition of barebacking.
The term doesn't only apply to the top.
And I have to agree that you were very foolish not to put a stop to it immediately.

Get yourself tested.

January 27th, 2008, 23:18
I have to agree I am constantly amazed at the assumption by the majority of Thai guys I have met is that a condom won't be used. That doesn't put me off at all though - once you make it clear a condom is a must they don't put up a fight or sulk hysterically :compress: Statistically speaking, most of us have probably had sex at some time with a person who is HIV positive - but as long as safer sex is on the menu so what?

As to the original poster, sigh sigh sigh

January 27th, 2008, 23:36
bareback = murder :angryfire:
No matter who ask, no matter who is Top and who is Bottom, this guy don't know your sexual life as you don't know his.
To let him do is so stupid, and fucking hard too just after, why ? to be sure you are both HIV positiv now if first time failed ? :banghead:
How can people do to act like that ? How they do to look themself in the mirror on morning ? :angry8:
And no need to come here to ask so stupid question, Yes have many stupid guy everywhere, have in massage shop and have in this forum (just need to read your message) :angry7:
Go hospital to make a test, not only for you but for your massage boy too, and stop to play with others life, and really What kind of excuse is : I no do, I no ask, only him do... look like school kids between 6 to 10 years old argument
:angry4: :angry5:

January 28th, 2008, 00:07
"nothing wrong with that but the guy penetrated me and fucked me withouth condom, I was to shocked to complain,"

and it just happened I guess, you didn't realise? Did he just slip it in without you knowing?

It is a silly, silly thing to do. How many other guys have fucked him? How do you know his HIV status? Somebody should be talking to the bluehouse massage and suggesting they have all their boys tested. They definitely need some sort of policy about this if they don't already have one. Seems like a bit of education is needed.

I understand, bareback may be nice but for fucks sake don't be an idiot.

You DO need to have an HIV test.

January 28th, 2008, 00:11
... will just run and run - it plays to too many anxieties

January 28th, 2008, 01:48

You are a golden member with 577 posts. You must have read on this board a hundred times or more posts about the dangers of sex without a condom. Are you winding us up or are you a complete fucking idiot

Homeintern is right this post will go on forever but perhaps this is the intention of Jetsam.

January 28th, 2008, 02:57

I had a similar experience once with a boy I met at a karaoke. I knew he was a Top, and I am (or was anyway) also a Top, although 99 of the 100 Pipers were already down the shoot and by the time we stumbled onto the bed it was "Katie Bar the Doors." I think he fu*ked me without a condom, although, I'm not really sure. This being my maiden voyage, I just remember holding on to the headboard screaming something like..."go...go...you horny fu*king bastard...show me what you got."

Jomtien Quote:

How they do to look themself in the mirror on morning ?

I can't speak for the other guy, but my ass hurt so bad I couldn't stand up enough to even see in the mirror.

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 28th, 2008, 03:00
Bareback Mountain..sad about young Heath Ledger though..he was going to go so far.

January 28th, 2008, 06:02
... will just run and run - it plays to too many anxieties

Yes, you're right, but can you imagine how long it would be if the lad had lit up as well :kos:

January 28th, 2008, 06:26
Maybe I grew up in a different time and place to some guys ... but the only way this could happen to me would be if I were raped. And if that happened I'd be getting a viral load test over the next few days (when infection causes a spike) and also getting the treatment available for acute HIV infection.

January 28th, 2008, 06:31

Somehow relevant?

January 28th, 2008, 07:56
Bareback Mountain..sad about young Heath Ledger though..he was going to go so far.

haha.... i just realised why it might be called Bareback Mountain... because that's a term used in the gay community...lol... i never realised before

January 28th, 2008, 07:59
I might sound paranoid to smoe of you, but I always check there's a condom on, and I can feel it with my fingers (regardless of whether it's on my dick or his dick) just before it goes in... with such a terrible thing, it's important to double check... think of it like mountaineering or parachuting, only there's no reserve chute if the main chute fucks up!

January 28th, 2008, 10:00
" ... Jetsam... I knew he was a Top, and I am (or was anyway) also a Top, although 99 of the 100 Pipers were already down the shoot... "
You never fail to delight (especially in this hand-wringing thread) dear Dodger: 99 down the shoot, and the final soldier left standing up the shoot. A Phyrric victory if ever there was one.

I'd call that "analogies out the ying yang"!

Cheers ... :bom:

January 28th, 2008, 10:43
Risks increase if the top ejaculates into the bottom..
Some men drip seminal fluid before ejaculation and this also increases risk..
Ejaculating outside the body decreases the risks but accidents are not uncommon in the heat of the moment...

Many of us are secret (closet) semi-safer sex men and do not play safely 100%..
How many of us would continue to use condoms 100% of the time with a regular boyfriend/lover after we were both
tested? One or both could cheat and have unsafe sex...

HIV is not easy to contract and one can overdo the safety thing...like wearing double condoms or even insist on
condoms for oral sex and use dental dams for analingus but sometimes shit happens and somehow we survive.

This posting should in no way be perceived as advice not to use condoms and not to practice safer sex. It is only to
point out that many of us are not saints and do not always practice what we preach and stay negative thru out the years.

I for one am always glad to get the HIV negative results from my blood tests but I don't wear a belt and suspenders and somehow
my pants don't fall down.. Choke dee krup :cat:

January 28th, 2008, 10:58
" ... I don't wear a belt and suspenders and somehow my pants don't fall down. ... "
Count yourself lucky ... that usually means you have a great ass.
Has any Thai guy complimented your butt recently? I'd be glad to if you'd put up a photo of it.

Cheers ...

January 28th, 2008, 11:45
Getting an hiv test tomarrow will only let Jetsam know if he was infected more than 6 weeks ago,as that is the conclusive period for antibodies to develope. Its amazing how many thais will go condomless,jetsam,you should know better. yes,hiv is hard to get but that kind of sex is too risky. Im guilty of not using protection for oral sex,and Im sure some of the guys were positive.One was but i didnt find out till afterwards.Oral is much less risky than anal.

January 28th, 2008, 12:43
This scenario reminds me of the time a very well meaning community group in Pattaya raised much needed money to provide Condoms to as many working Boys in the Sunee Plaza & Boys Town District as possible.

After the fundraising - large boxes of condoms were delivered to each high risk establishment. Many smiles and thank yous made the volunteers feel good about what they had done.

Upon returning to each establishment the following month to see how many Condoms the establishment would need..... the volunteers were informed by most that the Condoms were very safe - and had been kept in the office in pristine condition..... trouble was - none of them had been used.

We can set our own boundaries - but we cant educate or change Thai Culture.

January 28th, 2008, 13:31
I've had some massages, and basically for me it was and is more the great feeling of those hands touching every spot without borders. I never went / go to a massage to receive a happy ending, and I never had a masseur who attempted to "rape" me.
In the cases it came to an happy ending, there was always the very direct question or my responses to the masseur's actions were obvious.
In some cases, the masseur asked me, whether he should f*ck me or not, and my answer was in all cases: "I came for the massage and not for sex". I could feel the relief of the masseur.

If the masseur in the OP came to his action after the described action, the massage would only have lasted 10-15 minutes, before the masseur started bareback-riding. I don't think so.

January 28th, 2008, 13:43
Getting an hiv test tomarrow will only let Jetsam know if he was infected more than 6 weeks ago,as that is the conclusive period for antibodies to develope.

That's why I said a viral load test, not an antibody test. I'm happy to be contradicted, but my understanding is that a viral load test with show an initial spike upon infection. This process is also often associated with flu-like symptoms.

This is also the time window in which one can be treated with HIV prophylactic drugs, however I am not up with the latest science on the effectiveness of this.

It is also the time during which an infected person is at high risk of re-transmitting the virus.

The antibody test will of course not show positive until antibodies develop, which usually comes some weeks later. That is the test most of us know as the 'HIV test'. More information on the time window after infection for this test is here:

January 28th, 2008, 14:02

Are you winding us up or are you a complete fucking idiot

only the idiot thing

January 28th, 2008, 17:32
hey, Jetsam, do you understand ? You play with your life but up to you ! but you play also with others life !
And you want we believe you, when you say this guy fuck you, and no ask to you, no ask for your agrement, and you are to "shy" to complain ?
How old are you ? what kind of thinking you have ?
I heard many story about moneyboy who have been fucked or forced by customers, I never hear customers who have been "raped" in a sex massage shop and gave tip after !
I hope you are just big drunk and your post is just a stupid and not funny Joke !
Or really when you go hospital for blood check maybe you can ask to speak with "psychiatre" because I think you really need.

January 28th, 2008, 17:55
hey, Jetsam, do you understand ? You play with your life but up to you ! but you play also with others life !
And you want we believe you, when you say this guy fuck you, and no ask to you, no ask for your agrement, and you are to "shy" to complain ?
How old are you ? what kind of thinking you have ?
I heard many story about moneyboy who have been fucked or forced by customers, I never hear customers who have been "raped" in a sex massage shop and gave tip after !
I hope you are just big drunk and your post is just a stupid and not funny Joke !
Or really when you go hospital for blood check maybe you can ask to speak with "psychiatre" because I think you really need..

I not wanted you guys become angry , just told my experience.

I love the holier than u attitude of all u guys, and excuse me I have to look for a nice pink coffin now. I not asked the favourite colour of my massage guy, in fact I not even asked his name or age only where he come from. yes I go to die an so does he . that mean I not can check this board anymore and buddha knows it was the hight of my life. ( do thai guys like broke white? )

January 28th, 2008, 17:59
Hey guys, back off a little and cut Jetsam some slack. If his account of what happened is not a joke and did in fact actually happen, we can all be wise after the event as to what he should have done. Hindsight is as they say, a wonderful thing.

I am inclined to believe that if this happened as it was said, there is a chance that others here may have allowed things to proceed as Jetsam did. We know also that it is fucking crazy to have allowed it, but in the situation he was in which he admits to as being a first, we don't always react as we should do.

Getting a test now will prove nothing, but there is no doubt that you should get one in about 6 weeks and in the meantime, don't ever allow this type of thing to happen again. You do not seem by the posts I have read of yours in the past, to be the sort of person that would make a post like this as a wind up. I therefore hope that you will realise that what you did was fucking crazy, something which we are all capable of being and I am sure most here have been in one way or another, if not in the same way as you, in which you will learn from this eperience.

Choc Dee Jetsam, if you do have the test, I hope it turns out to be negative, of which there is every chance that it will do.

G. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Peace.gif

January 28th, 2008, 18:48
Saying to Jetsam "he is stupid" not mean we no more want to speak with him or no care what will happen to him.
Trying to say to him to go check now, (even before 3 months he will have to worry), I think it's trying to make him go out his dream.

If so many people react so "bad" in this post, it's (I think) at the beginning of his post Jetsam was only asking "do you know others massage shop where it's happen".
I speak only for myself, but Yes, sure, I no want and no hope anything bad to Jetsam, and Yes I really hope he is still HIV negative, same his massage Boy.

And Yes I hope this story will make think many of the readers about what they do and what can Happen.
And for me a forum, a post and "friend" are not there only to laugh, to say every thing good, but sometimes to say "What you do is really Stupid, change your way of thinking, act another way, or just I can't be agree with what you do or think"

I no own the truth, I just try my best to own my truth in my life, and for me saying to someone what he do is "bad" and why, is more friendship, than to no say nothing, just laugh, or to say "No worry, no listen what other say, only you can decide and think for yourself".

And to finish my "speach" I still think : BAREBACK= MURDER

PS : Sorry, I am still french, and I hope my english is good enough to make understand what I mean.
Jetsam, what you do was really stupid, time for you now to come back on Earth, and to make what you need to be healthy and safe. TAKE CARE and like george say : Chok dee Krap

January 29th, 2008, 00:31
U guys r all TOTAL TWITS....jetsam is only winding all of U up.....where in Thailans R u gonna get a free fuck.....forget it....mother Theresa od fucking culcutta would have to rise from the dead and personally appear on my doorstep to testify before I Would believe...yeah...sure...he fucked u for free.....it must be Christmas in late January...pigs do fly after all.....whopee dee do.....

January 29th, 2008, 01:18
U guys r all TOTAL TWITS....jetsam is only winding all of U up.....where in Thailans R u gonna get a free fuck.....forget it....mother Theresa od fucking culcutta would have to rise from the dead and personally appear on my doorstep to testify before I Would believe...yeah...sure...he fucked u for free.....it must be Christmas in late January...pigs do fly after all.....whopee dee do.....

450 bht for massage + tip to guy (wich is minimum of 500 bht I was told)
so not exactly for free , btw free sex is very possible in Thailand. (even pattaya)

January 29th, 2008, 01:36
If so many people react so "bad" in this post, it's (I think) at the beginning of his post Jetsam was only asking "do you know others massage shop where it's happen"

On some occasions, the written word in posts is often misinterpreted by those that read it and is taken in a completely different way than that which was intended and meant by the poster. I believe the above statement you have quoted from Jetsam's post and your interpretation of what he meant by it, to be a perfect example of this.

My interpretation of what was meant by that statement above, was that Jetsam was so gob smacked by the experience of what he had just been through and in all probability, still unable to believe what had transpired, was asking if any other members had ever experienced the same thing in any of the other massage parlours.

I don't think for one minute that by any stretch of the imagination, Jetsam was asking that question in the hope that he would be able to repeat his experience at some time in the future, by getting fucked bareback again in some other massage parlour. I hope that you will see what I am getting at and what I have suggested he meant by his question, is far more feasible than the alternative reason being suggested for it. Well, do you? http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/shrugs.gif

PS : Sorry, I am still french

That's quite OK, you are forgiven. Are we to understand by this statement of yours, that you are taking steps in which to become a citizen of some other country which you hope to be successful in very soon? http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif

I hope my english is good enough to make understand what I mean.

Your Engish is understood by me perfectly, despite my little joke at your expense above, which by the way I hope is taken in the same way it was meant. Furthermore, I can promise you that your English will be understood far more by the members here, than any post of mine that I attempted to write in French; of that you can be certain. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/tongue.gif

I hope that Jetsam will appreciate this second post of yours for the other things you said in it, as I did. Hopefully he will also tell us if I am correct or not in the way I have interpreted his post.

Choc Dee jomtien2007, http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/beerchug.gif

George. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Peace.gif


Good to see that you have posted again Jetsam, obviously made whilst I was writing my one. I don't believe that your story was false and would be interested in your reply to my question above if you are up to it. If you arn't, no sweat, enjoy the rest of your vacation and take care.

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 29th, 2008, 06:17
"mother Theresa od fucking culcutta would have to rise from the dead and personally appear on my doorstep to testify before I Would believe...yeah...sure...he fucked u for free.."

there is a rumour that her likeness has been spotted wandering the streets of Pattaya :cyclopsani:

January 29th, 2008, 11:10
Yes how true Diao maa, and lets hope this post runs and runs. Well done Jetsam, your post is not unrealistic at all. I am sure many have been faced with this dilemma in the heat of the moment. Even an angel can kill you, be aware. Fuck with your brain and not your life.

January 30th, 2008, 09:15
Re some posts here regarding testing - there is a new hiv test, Procleix, which detects hiv as early as 12 days after infection - it is a genetics based test.

February 1st, 2008, 08:38
If a person either finds themselves having made a "bad" decision or if the condom broke and you don't know or are too afraid to ask your partners status (even if they know will they tell you the truth?), what one would do is to go and get on a 30 day supply of HIV meds ... this has been done in Europe for years as well as the US and it has been shown that if the person starts this "treatment" with-in 72hrs of the "risky behavior" he reduces the chances of infection by over 90%.

These post should be about help and advice not judgment !

February 1st, 2008, 09:53
GBMGymnast that is very helpful advice.
Is there a starter pack of assorted HiVmeds available? Or would one have to ask for them individually, if so what are they? I mean if it were to happen in Thailand what is one asking for, and where is the best place to get it? I assume this would be urgent given the 72hr limit, so I assume a contingency plan should be all set up.
Also can you keep these meds for any length of time, that is should those who indulge in relatively riskier sexual practises, like anal intercourse with a condom, have a pack in the fridge already, could/should these be bought before one leaves for Thailand?

And will this cover the litany of other potential sexually transmitted diseases that rent boys tend to carry and pick up, like anal warts pubic rashes, scabies scrapies that sort of thing?

February 1st, 2008, 10:21
The answer to your question about getting them before the "action", that would depend on the relationship you have with your primary care physician ... you could also go to a public clinic and try your luck there ... can they be stored...yes as long as they are stored in moderate (and dry) temperatures (shelf life is over 1 year). What are the medications ... any of the "drug cocktail" regiments...And, no they will not protect you, or potentially protect you from anything else. However, in regards to scabies, MRSA, or the like, neither will a condom as they can occur from simple skin to skin contact and that doesn't mean penis to anus contact, these can also be contracted by simply being in the same bed or sharing a towel etc. The bottom line is that we must think with our heads and understand that if you go home with someone we don't know whether or not he is a "bar boy" you do risk catching something. The only proven way around this is abstinence or monogamy after your both tested for everything including Hep A, B and C.

Hope this helps.

February 1st, 2008, 10:41
The only proven way around this is abstinence or monogamy after your both tested for everything including Hep A, B and C. Oops - there goes the main reason for the Thai tourist industry

February 1st, 2008, 10:44
The answer to your question about getting them before the "action", that would depend on the relationship you have with your primary care physician ... you could also go to a public clinic and try your luck there ... can they be stored...yes as long as they are stored in moderate (and dry) temperatures (shelf life is over 1 year). What are the medications ... any of the "drug cocktail" regiments...And, no they will not protect you, or potentially protect you from anything else. However, in regards to scabies, MRSA, or the like, neither will a condom as they can occur from simple skin to skin contact and that doesn't mean penis to anus contact, these can also be contracted by simply being in the same bed or sharing a towel etc. The bottom line is that we must think with our heads and understand that if you go home with someone we don't know whether or not he is a "bar boy" you do risk catching something. The only proven way around this is abstinence or monogamy after your both tested for everything including Hep A, B and C.

Hope this helps.

Friend of mine who always showers with a boy when offed, usually dries the boy with the same towel he uses himself

He keeps clean and dry towels for later use in a cupboard. This will please if not shock him

February 1st, 2008, 11:21
Wombat that sounds very selfish, your "friend" should be ashamed. The boy might not have scabies, but your friend might, as in the case we heard about on another thread? I would assume customers are as prone as boys are to carry STD. Wouldn't a clean towel each be better, and besides he will have picked it up already in bed, or can you wash and rub it off afterwards?

Any HIV drug cocktail regiments will work GBMGymnie? Wouldn't the most potent combination possible be best, or is that over-kill? Do these combinations have a name, I mean what is it exactly you ask for from a doctor? Is there a risk the doctor will say no, not before a test? That would be too late of course. I assume not everyone has a "primary care physician", or a GP as we know them as.
A years shelf life sounds promising. That's a pity it wont help with scrapies, what about VD in general, the ones that are viral, hep, for example?

February 1st, 2008, 11:37
You would ask for Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis and no they will not say no, yes a test would be done, the reason being to have a baseline and to rule out prior infection ... further test would be done for the following 6 months to 1 year dependent on your physician . There are vaccines for Hep A and B but not for C so you could protect yourself from A and B prior to your trip ... at this point booster shots have not been recommended. To lower the chances for MRSA or other Staff infections after skin to skin contact simply shower with soap and water (it does not need to be anti-bacterial) ... this would lower the bacterial count (if there is any), and would generally allow your body to fight any remaining bacteria naturally. Further, I do not want to imply that you could not catch any of these things in the US or UK or anywhere else, because you can.

February 1st, 2008, 12:11
You would ask for Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis.

Thank-you that is very useful information.
The test, would that be voluntary? Or would that be a condition of receiving the APP's. A test might put people off getting them or even getting them to store for possible emergencies later?
Are "Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis" packs freely available in Thailand, can you pop into the nearest emergency pharmacy and get em? And lastly are they marketed under any other name, because for me to remember Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis I would need to get that tatooed on the palm of my hand, especialy if I was in a panic?

February 1st, 2008, 12:19
I am sure many have been faced with this dilemma in the heat of the moment. Even an angel can kill you, be aware. Fuck with your brain and not your life.

Very true, Cedric, and even to people like me who DO know better! Just recently I had one of a my gentleman callers (a middle aged Thai man who's done very well for himself down here in New Zealand) pay me a visit, and before I knew where I was he had his dick right up my arse! WELL, sawadee krub indeed!

Believe me, honey, it didn't stay up there very long. In fact, it didn't stay up at all after I was through with him! :cheers:

Which is why I'd like to know from jetsam, why he didn't do the same????

February 1st, 2008, 12:41
Aunty I have never had a Thai prick or anyone elses prick up my anus, or mine in theirs. I fail to see the attraction quite honestly. It must hurt like hell or be potentialy quite messy. But I gather it's quite popular in the heat of the moment, maybe jetsam thought that was the way it was done in Thailand I don't know. Probaly best to assume he is already HIV positive.

What if your gentlemen caller suffered from premature ejaculation? Did you take APP afterwards?

February 2nd, 2008, 02:32
Personally, I see nothing wrong with someone posting a thread like this, even if it is simply to rile some of us up. Too often we choose to stick our heads in the sand about this issue and try to sweep it underneath the rug.


People are still becoming infected, still infecting others and certainly still dying. We can post day in and day out about the merit of young Soon Thom's BIG FAT COCK or how we went to the bar the other night and Steven got so falling down drunk. But there is also very much a need to periodically discuss sexual activity and the choices that we make about it in the most rational manner that we can.

I have to say, if this topic is so unwelcome then maybe this isn't the type of forum I thought it was and listening to some of you bitch, moan and complain about some of the most USELESS crap is certainly no draw to participate. :angry4:

February 2nd, 2008, 03:01
Too often we choose to stick our heads in the sand about this issue and try to sweep it underneath the rug.Three cliches in the headline plus one sentence. Is this a record?

February 2nd, 2008, 06:03
You would ask for Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis.

Thank-you that is very useful information.
The test, would that be voluntary? Or would that be a condition of receiving the APP's. A test might put people off getting them or even getting them to store for possible emergencies later?
Are "Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis" packs freely available in Thailand, can you pop into the nearest emergency pharmacy and get em? And lastly are they marketed under any other name, because for me to remember Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis I would need to get that tatooed on the palm of my hand, especialy if I was in a panic?

I have not known for the testing portion to be voluntary. And as far as availability of drugs in Thailand, I don't know (but I am hard pressed to believe that they are not ... especially for a "wealthy" foreigner). Like I said earlier, the reason for the test is to determine if a Person is already HIV Positive. It is very important to understand that the most dangerous person to have sex with is someone that either doesn't know and is Positive or does know and is not on a drug therapy or is not responding well to it. They have done studies with HIV Positive and Negative couples and found that almost 100% of transmission took place if either the Positive Partner was not on therapy or if they (the Positive Partner) didn't maintain a non-detectable viral load count (not responding well to therapy). And of course these couples where having unprotected sex (this was the reason for the study). Now this is not to imply that anyone should go out and have unprotected sex, I believe that people should simply know and take action to protect themselves and their health. Sexually active gay men should get tested every 6 months.

February 2nd, 2008, 09:05
I dont know about getting tested every six months.Maybe if your totally ignorant and arnt aware of what safe sex is. If you arnt using a condom for anal sex,then yes,your at high risk.Oral sex without a condom,depends how many partners you have.If you have bleeding gums and already have an std like syphilys then oral can be risky,but not in the same league as anal. And if your using condoms for anal and using them correctly you wouldnt need to keep antivirals on hand. This is where education is important because a sex worker might think that swallowing a farangs jizz is more dangerous than letting him come inside his rear.Its sad to think how many must have gotten infected with hiv from not knowing.

February 2nd, 2008, 10:06
OK, so it seems quiet complicated to take and get the APP's immediately after an accident with a burst condom. So advanced planning is essential.

By "sexually active", do you mean having having protected anal intercourse, or any kind of sex? What about those who just get a massage with extra's like a hand-job, or simulated penetration. I assume many more fall into this category here, though I am not entirely sure? Should these also get a six monthly HIV test?

I have never had a test, but there have been a few accidents in the past. Like the time I was having drinks in a smart busy international hotel lobby bar in Bangkok, when I suddenly realised the cute arsed bar-boy was hand pumping my by now fully engorged and exposed cock under the bar counter. There was no way I could pull out as the joint was packed, some sort of wedding reception.
Same thing happened in the National Museum when I lagged behind the throng to get a better look at his majesties magnificent hand carved wooden stairwell, apparently he used the smooth balustrade in his youth as a secrete dark chute straight down to the dinning room, same thing on a busy commuter train in Mumbai. Would this be considered sexually active?

I must say the idea of a test frightens me, but if it's the responsible thing to do then yes I should do it.

February 2nd, 2008, 17:02
I guess it is very different in Thailand, but in London anyone who had unsafe sex can within 72 hours go to one of the many PEP centres and start the month long course of anti-viral medications if the prescribing Doctor feels that person meets the criteria. The other benefit of course in London is it is all available at zero cost to the patient.

Here is a link listing all the available PEP centres in England & Wales - not directly relevant to Thailand, but could be useful for some board readers:

http://www.pep.chapsonline.org.uk/pep_p ... entres.htm (http://www.pep.chapsonline.org.uk/pep_prescribing_centres.htm)

February 3rd, 2008, 00:15
I can't be 100% sure of course, but the guy seemed to have some taste and was very clean so I doubt his cock was up ur fat bottom.He was a hooker, wasn't he?

February 3rd, 2008, 00:29
I can't be 100% sure of course, but the guy seemed to have some taste and was very clean so I doubt his cock was up ur fat bottom.He was a hooker, wasn't he?

oh yes of course he was, but I think even they have their limits , he looked very healty and not like a crack hooker , so that is why I'm not really worried that Billy met this guy before.

also the 500+ bht tip they demand is enough to convince me that the guy was clean from billy, or he must have done a runner there also , but that is the risk I took.

February 3rd, 2008, 10:05
I guess it is very different in Thailand, but in London anyone who had unsafe sex can within 72 hours go to one of the many PEP centres and start the month long course of anti-viral medications if the prescribing Doctor feels that person meets the criteria.

Yarden that sounds terrifying, "if the prescribing doctor feels that a person meets the criteria". I know personaly that in a lot places immediately outside London and even within London itself that there are many doctors/clinics with a 100% zero tolerance for gay's, mostly it's just ignorance and assumption, but also good old fashioned bigotry. It can even depend on who you initialy speak to when you make enquiries.

What are the "criteria" that the doctors are looking for beyond the rights of a person to treatment? This sounds all very backward, how would one be able to get an emergency pack of drugs to keep for when an emergency arose, considering you might need them thousands of miles from London?

Would going private help,i.e. paying for the drugs, hopefully there might also be a list of gay friendly doctors or something out there that are willing to sell you post exposure prophylaxis, plus an indepth fact sheet concerning their use and the follow up procedures.

I just read your link Yarden thank-you very much. Seems I was right, it's not necessarily an easy task getting hold of "PEP". This is shocking news. I imagine it would be difficult in Thailand for different reasons. Very important then that you make these enquiries well before you get into difficulties,
it is also vital that you know how to take the drugs.

February 3rd, 2008, 12:28
Aunty I have never had a Thai prick or anyone elses prick up my anus, or mine in theirs. I fail to see the attraction quite honestly. It must hurt like hell or be potentialy quite messy. But I gather it's quite popular in the heat of the moment, maybe jetsam thought that was the way it was done in Thailand I don't know. Probaly best to assume he is already HIV positive.

What if your gentlemen caller suffered from premature ejaculation? Did you take APP afterwards?

Anal sex when it's down properly, Cedric, is FAABULOUS. And no it doesn't hurt (use enough lubricant) and it needn't be messy with the appropriate preparations :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

HIV infection only happens when there is an exchange of certain body fluids with someone who has the virus. If that does not happen then it is not possible to become infected. Fortunately for me I didn't exchange any body fluids with my friend. He wasn't up there long enough for that to happen. But you raise a very important point, Cedric. If he was a premature ejaculator then he may very well have cum up my arse, then the potential for me to have become HIV positive would have been very much greater - but only if has positive himself - Koch's postulates, eh, Plonker-Dunce? So given the potential of that to happen it's a timely reminder to never allow a dick up your arse unless they are wearing a condom.

But to answer your question, no I didn't go and get a course of APP, it never really occurred to me that the risk was sufficiently great enough to justify it.

BTW, massage and hand jobs are not known vectors for HIV transmission.

February 3rd, 2008, 19:45
...HIV infection only happens when there is an exchange of certain body fluids with someone who has the virus. If that does not happen then it is not possible to become infected. Fortunately for me I didn't exchange any body fluids with my friend. He wasn't up there long enough for that to happen.

Just to point out one small error in the final sentence of Aunty's quote above: pre-cum is a bodily fluid. The very act of penetration stretches (read: compromises) the strength and permeability of the lining of the rectum.

Have fun, but be safe.

February 4th, 2008, 07:12
Just to point out one small error in the final sentence of Aunty's quote above: pre-cum is a bodily fluid. The very act of penetration stretches (read: compromises) the strength and permeability of the lining of the rectum.

Have fun, but be safe.

Yes, that's what I thought? Is it a bodily fluid or is it a secretion? I also wondered, because I am sure this is important for some people, but if you ingest semen is the virus immediatly killed in your stomach, what if you have an ulcer or bleeding gums, are the digestive enzymes present in your stomach and mouth enough to kill the virus and halt HIV penetrating?

I just think it's too easy for punters to be blas├й about rentboys contracting HIV and later developing AIDS, when a) They think somehow that they themselves are immune and b) can themselves spread the disease to potentially healthy rentboys and then others by their lack of information.

Just because you might be over 60 years old, doesn't mean you will necessarily avoid a horrible and sad diseased end to your own life.

Aunty despite the pleasure some derive from it and the obviously pure unadulterated pain it has to cause, I personally don't think anal intercourse is worth the risks involved. So it's unlikely I will ever try it. Just try and push a dildo up your anus and you will know what I mean by pain.

BTW G***** and Travelerjim, wx40afp is not important enough to derail this thread, maybe you shouldn't either?

February 4th, 2008, 17:13
You are absolutely correct bao bao, precum is a body fluid, although in my own defence, I hadnтАЩt specifically excluded it from my post :-) ItтАЩs interesting stuff precum because although I know HIV virus particles have been found in it, IтАЩm not sure how infectious it really is. But wherever infectious HIV particles are found, the exercise of caution is terribly important. I know in the case of my friend, he doesnтАЩt leak precum before ejaculation, (although of course some men do, some flow like a tap) so IтАЩm reasonably certain he didnтАЩt leave any of his body fluids in me. And of course if heтАЩs not HIV positive then he canтАЩt infect me no matter what he did.

In fact the real danger in my situation was actually to him. If I was HIV positive, HIV can enter the body through the membranes lining the тАШpiss-slitтАЩ (urethra) at the top of the penis. This is a common route of infection for tops (and heterosexual men) that do not use condoms when fucking. HIV containing fluids, blood etc can get in here during sex, so he potentially was more at risk from me than I was from him for the few moments he was up my arse, if I were HIV positive.

HIV virus particles are actually quite delicate and are easily deactivated using the right conditions. Stomach acids would destroy them on contact as does bleach. The mechanical movements of the mouth, teeth and tongue and the digestive enzymes in saliva wonтАЩt do them any favours either, consequently to become infected via oral sex is quite rare. However the risk increases if a load of cum that has virus particles swimming around in it splashes over open wounds in your mouth or throat. This may allow the virus to gain access to your body and in my view, it is best to avoid all oral contact with cum as it may not be obvious that one has open wounds in the mouth.

To become infected with HIV is actually quite difficult and unprotected anal sex when an infected guy cums up your arse is still the sexual activity with the highest risk and should be avoided at all costs.

Aunty despite the pleasure some derive from it and the obviously pure unadulterated pain it has to cause, I personally don't think anal intercourse is worth the risks involved. So it's unlikely I will ever try it. Just try and push a dildo up your anus and you will know what I mean by pain. Use more lubrication, Cedric, and learn to relax. To be quite blunt about it, you've crapped far bigger than any dildo you're likely to have used!

February 4th, 2008, 19:18
You are absolutely correct bao bao, precum is a body fluid, although in my own defence, I hadnтАЩt specifically excluded it from my post :-) ItтАЩs interesting stuff precum because although I know HIV virus particles have been found in it, IтАЩm not sure how infectious it really is. But wherever infectious HIV particles are found, the exercise of caution is terribly important.

HIV virus particles are actually quite delicate and are easily deactivated using the right conditions. Stomach acids would destroy them on contact as does bleach. The mechanical movements of the mouth, teeth and tongue and the digestive enzymes in saliva wonтАЩt do them any favours either, consequently to become infected via oral sex is quite rare. However the risk increases if a load of cum that has virus particles swimming around in it splashes over open wounds in your mouth or throat. This may allow the virus to gain access to your body and in my view, it is best to avoid all oral contact with cum as it may not be obvious that one has open wounds in the mouth.

To become infected with HIV is actually quite difficult and unprotected anal sex when an infected guy cums up your arse is still the sexual activity with the highest risk and should be avoided at all costs.

Any time you're dealing with a virus, one "particle" is enough. I agree studies seem to show that enzymes in the mouth are fairly effective in killing the virus, but flossing or a vigorous brushing can open the doors via even the healthiest gums.

I guess my point was that any unprotected contact is risky behavior, and that choice of risk level should be "up to both;" however in a service industry where money and a lack of education rule that's not the case nearly often enough.

You also said in part "To become infected with HIV is actually quite difficult..." If only that were true. I assume you were referring to orally, but again -- we've all seen the ravages of AIDS... is any risk worth it?

...and this doesn't even touch on the issue of the cornucopia of other STDs out there.

In the interest of fairness and for the sake of everyone involved my suggestion stands: use condoms.

Brad the Impala
February 4th, 2008, 19:46
Very true, Cedric, and even to people like me who DO know better! Just recently I had one of a my gentleman callers (a middle aged Thai man who's done very well for himself down here in New Zealand) pay me a visit, and before I knew where I was he had his dick right up my arse! WELL, sawadee krub indeed!

I suppose that if gentlemen's callers parts are not touching the sides this is an accident that could easily happen to you! Nice to think that you finally had an experience that at least came close to the forum title!

February 5th, 2008, 01:39
Very true, Cedric, and even to people like me who DO know better! Just recently I had one of a my gentleman callers (a middle aged Thai man who's done very well for himself down here in New Zealand) pay me a visit, and before I knew where I was he had his dick right up my arse! WELL, sawadee krub indeed!

I suppose that if gentlemen's callers parts are not touching the sides this is an accident that could easily happen to you! Nice to think that you finally had an experience that at least came close to the forum title!

I see. Another outstanding and relevant contribution from Brad to a forum topic. From the nature of ALL your posts, it seems that making underhanded and snide personal remarks to posters' is all you are capable of around here Brad. I have yet to see any post of yours which is positive, open, real, sharing (things we never get from you, eh Brad?) that actually addresses a topic in a meaningful way. All we get from you is an endless series of unprovoked attacks on posters when have shared themselves and criticisms of how they are not doing it right. Lol, what arrogance and hypocrisy when given your own nature and example around here, Brad. What an unhappy and bitter loser you are.

From now on I will no longer be indulging you in your attention seeking behaviour and allowing you to take threads off topic. I don't deal with your kind of low-rent trash, sweetheart.

Brad the Impala
February 5th, 2008, 08:18
I reserve these types of comments for the pompous, the hypocritical, those with no knowledge of the subject matter of the forum, those who refuse to contribute financially to a forum on which they are so free with their opinions, those unable to laugh at themselves, and for colonialist rice queeens, unable to accept asian men as equals, in a way that is classically racist, and a positive disincentive for asian men to post here.

Tick your own boxes.

For contributions on other topics, you could learn to use the search engine, not too hard.

February 5th, 2008, 16:49
Any time you're dealing with a virus, one "particle" is enough..... use condoms.

One Virus? So what about under the fingernails? Or in the eyes? Is it best to avoid coming into contact with semen full stop? This is easily achieved with strong fresh condoms. I noticed on another sight very few Thais are prepared, ie have a condom on them. And many loose their erection (if I am to believe what I am told) when presented with one.

Now for example if you were to have precum on your finger then finger your partner they could also get an HIV infection if you were infected.
It's a pity viruses don't come in bright colours then you could see immediately what to avoid, but it's true they are fragile and dont last long lying around exposed to air. A steam room would be different I imagine, in that warm moist environment the virus could be quite content? Its a dry sauna for me.

The other thing I avoid are those hot tubs in hotel health clubs, they (in my mind at least) must be a veritable soup of bacteria, virus and what not? Unless I can smell the chlorox vapour I tend to stay clear, even then jumping into warm bleach is not that exciting either.

I wish I was coming of age in the seventies. I can't imagine the fun that must have been.

August 25th, 2008, 05:25
Have any of you checked to see whether your condoms are latex or non-latex? if latex, then you probably don't want to use while having any type of oil or oil-based creme massage. oil will breakdown latex making it more likely to break or leak.

so it's not simply a matter of using or not using. using a porous condom doesn't really stop the transmission.

of course, using or not using is an individual choice - and understandably, in the heat of passion or play, people don't always make the smartest choice. so know and speak your choices before you're caught with a dick about to penetrate - regardless of whether you are penetrating or being penetrated.

otherwise, it's too easy to convince yourself that just this one time - no harm done.