View Full Version : My boyfriend and his eyes - lets try again...

January 27th, 2008, 15:10
I'll start a new thread as I obviously overreacted to previous posts about my boyfriend's eyes and made a mess of my reply. If I misinterpreted some replies as hostile then I apologise. I've not revisited that thread and nor will I now.

I was under the extreme stress of trying to get news when my only contact was my boyfriend who was blind and using his mobile was difficult for him to say the least. If he has information to relay to me the easiest way is usually via a text when he can copy English details etc which he can't actually read out to me. This has become impossible for him as he can't even see his mobile.

He's still in the hospital where he was first taken which is not his normal HIV clinic. He's also still unable to see except for blurred images in subdued light. He will probably be there for at least another week and it could be two more weeks beyond that before it's clear if his sight will recover or how badly it's been effected.

Tests suggest that there isn't permanent damage but a constant discharge from both eyes is making a definite answer impossible at the moment. His eyes are cleaned and medicine given every four hours. He's no longer being put on an intravenous drip.

Through all this his mother has done her best to help but she is not well herself and finds travelling from Ratchaburi to Bangkok very tiring. His father died around six years ago. All his family know about me and it isn't a problem but I have to be careful in how far I try to interfere as I'm still a "Farang" and I'm not actually there except for a few weeks a year.

In some ways he's lucky in that he does get the support from relatives that many HIV+ Thais are denied. My boyfriend has made many friends in hospitals only to see them die and then for him to be the only one at the funeral. I can't risk interfering with that family care and support and can't just "take over" from the UK.

His CD4 count remains at a much higher level than was the case a few months ago so hopefully his body is able to fight this infection as well as the drugs. He continues to insist "Me stong" (I'm strong) and his main complaint at the moment is that he is given showers by a woman "Me shy my body!". He's also very bored but does seem to have finally accepted that he must stay where he is as long as the doctor tells him to. A very big worry was that he was going to discharge himself which even with no sight at all I wouldn't have put past him.

So still early days and the final outcome is uncertain but he remains optimistic and his sense of humour, which deserted him for a while, has returned which is always a good sign.

January 28th, 2008, 19:12
I have read this post over the last couple of days and tried to ignore it. I have obviously not succeded.
May I ask:-
1...What do you hope to achieve from these posts? (Be assured your friend has everyones sympathy!)
2...Most posters here don't know you or your friend so what is it that you would like us to do?
3...If the post is made to solicit funds for your friend, why not just come out and say it, the answer will be in the negative I think.
4...Does your friend know that you are posting his personal, unfortunate illness on a global web board?
I would be distraught if someone was discussing my illness on this forum. It could be considered an invasion of privacy.
5...Given that you have had no other replies to this (new) thread as many who enjoy this board are maily here for fun and do not wish to read such depressing, albeit humaitarian stories. That being taken as a 'given' many (maybe most) don't give a flying Fuc* about your posts.

WHY, WHY, WHY.......are you posting this story, WHAT do you want us to do?

Once again I wish your friend every best wish possible, I am sorry he is unwell and hope he might have a great recovery.

YOU however.........JUST tell me why YOU think this persons personal health issues are important to this board!

January 28th, 2008, 19:50
Please keep posting if you feel it helps you or your bf. If there is any information you need regarding your bf's condition, there is bound to be someone here who can point you in the right direction. Don't interpret the lack of responses as a lack of compassion or interest on our part. The earlier thread got off track and perhaps we were all treading more carefully second time around.

January 28th, 2008, 20:15
I have read this post over the last couple of days and tried to ignore it. I have obviously not succeded.
May I ask:-
1...What do you hope to achieve from these posts? (Be assured your friend has everyones sympathy!)
2...Most posters here don't know you or your friend so what is it that you would like us to do?
3...If the post is made to solicit funds for your friend, why not just come out and say it, the answer will be in the negative I think.
4...Does your friend know that you are posting his personal, unfortunate illness on a global web board?
I would be distraught if someone was discussing my illness on this forum. It could be considered an invasion of privacy.
5...Given that you have had no other replies to this (new) thread as many who enjoy this board are maily here for fun and do not wish to read such depressing, albeit humaitarian stories. That being taken as a 'given' many (maybe most) don't give a flying Fuc* about your posts.

WHY, WHY, WHY.......are you posting this story, WHAT do you want us to do?

Once again I wish your friend every best wish possible, I am sorry he is unwell and hope he might have a great recovery.

YOU however.........JUST tell me why YOU think this persons personal health issues are important to this board!

I suppose the obvious reaction to aussieal's post is to say how horrible he is for the things he has said, whilst asking ourselves how someone could show such little compassion to anyone that is going through what Khun John is.

However, as someone that has never replied to any of the many posts that have been made by Khun John with regard to his boyfriends situation, this thread concerning the problem with his b/f's eyes and previously, in regard to his HIV status, I have to say that I think aussieal has a point in what he has said above.

The one thread of Khun John's that I did reply to and was happy to do so, was when he asked about where any of us thought would be a good place for him and his b/f to go to, in June. Whilst I consider myself to be a compassionate person, I gave up reading the other threads because of the fact that the threads resembled soap operas in which we were all waiting for the next installment. Not very enthusiastically in my case I have to admit, so much so that in the end I stopped reading them.

As a result I too must ask Khun John: WHY, WHY, WHY.......are you posting this story and the others? WHAT do you want us to do? I have seen many post in reply to your threads in which they have offered their moral support. What more can they do than this and have done many many times already.

With regard to what aussieal says here: Given that you have had no other replies to this (new) thread as many who enjoy this board are maily here for fun and do not wish to read such depressing, albeit humaitarian stories. That being taken as a 'given' many (maybe most) don't give a flying Fuc* about your posts.Whilst I won't be as harsh as he was in saying that most don't give a flying fuck about your posts, although that may be quite possible. I on the other hand don't see what more those that have replied to your posts in the past, can possibly say that they already haven't said to you many times. You can only say sorry so many times before it looses it's meaning.

I am sorry if this post of mine upsets you Khun John, but I am certain that both aussieal and myself are only saying what others are thinking, but are not as blunt as us by posting as we have done, in order to tell you what I believe is the truth where these threads of yours are concerned.

In closing and to reiterate what was said above by aussieal, let me tell you that I feel exactly the same as he does when he says, that in spite of everything we have raised, I too wish your friend every best wish possible, and am sorry he is unwell and hope he might have a great recovery. I also feel that this is something I can only say once to you, in order for it to mean anything, as I have said above.

I hope that you try and understand what has been said in both of our posts, as opposed to flying off the handle as you did before and perhaps, you just may be able to see where we are coming from and if you can, you may also be able to answer our questions, especially as to how you think we can help.

G. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Peace.gif

January 28th, 2008, 21:37
For very first time I don't agree with George and what him wrote.
On another post we speak about barebaking, I think it's good for many of us to hear and to read what is the reality of HIV and AIDS.

And I am not in Kun jon mind, but if that help him to share, his feelings, his sadness, and his daily life with fighting against sickness of his BF, with us by this forum, why not ?

Yes, gaylife need fun, happiness, and we need to laugh, all together, we all know we have to kick this fucking disease out (only barebaker dont know).

But sometimes when you are alone at home, dont know who to phone, to speak or to go to see, why no let people think they can share a kind of their life in a forum or not to be alone fighting darkness ?

And if Kun jon feel better after write his post and give us news, and feel stronger to no stop the fight, this forum is really making a good job.

January 28th, 2008, 23:14
Keep posting Kun Jon, if some of the members don't like or can't understand why you post then they can do what all of us have the option of doing...Ignore and don't read!

Good luck to both of you.

January 28th, 2008, 23:16
>many (maybe most) don't give a flying Fuc* about your posts<

I've had enough replies both on the Forum and as Personal Messages to know that people are interested in my reports. But as I've no desire to visit a Forum where such ignorant and obviously unpleasant people as you also see fit post your nasty little messages I won't be back.

I had assumed that only those who where interested would read them as I always made the subject obvious. I'm very sorry for you that you can't even manage that, what a pathetic little prat you are.

To those who have offered genuine support thanks and farewell.

January 28th, 2008, 23:25
Kun Jon

Please keep posting The posts about your BF are clearly marked as to what they are about and if other posters like Ausaieal or George find them out of place, depressing or whatever, then I suggest they don't read them. Just as shops that display goods we don't like, we would be wrong to ask for them to be removed, someone will buy them.

I find you story heartbreaking and although it depresses me to read I am happy there are people like you out there who care and don't walk away. What you are doing for this boy is saving his life. As for what you expect from us as the same two posters ask. I would say you are looking for nothing but compassion and support in your and BF's time of need. You must be tearing apart and any support even from some of the freaks on this board is I'm sure a help.

We don't know his identity so it is irrelevant as to posting someones private medical file here.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that amongst the gay community there are some who just want fun fun fun and shut out anything bad or sad. A sister is a sister is a sister and when things get rough for us girls we should stick together. You have my support and prayers and I hope that everyone including the objectors to your posts never find themselves in the same boat.

Aussieal the bit you wrote about soliciting funds was below the belt. Kun Jon has never even gone near indicating he was asking for financial help.

Kun Jon if you decide to stop posting I will PM you with my private email address and would like to receive regular updates about BF

January 28th, 2008, 23:34
Well said allieb...

Don't let the other guys beat you Jon and deprive those of us that genuinely care ( with updated information) for both what you are doing and what your boyfriend is struggling to do.
Please carry on posting you are a credit to us all.

Brad the Impala
January 28th, 2008, 23:47
What is this forum for, unless it is to share our experiences, good and bad, of life in Gay Thailand?

A rhetorical question I think.

January 29th, 2008, 06:29
If anybody believes that I was being uncaring or rude in what I posted above, I suggest they go and read my post again. I did choose as was suggested above to stop reading Khun John's posts prior to him making this one. I did this, not because I didn't care about his plight, but for the reason I didn't understand what his motives were for making these posts. One thing more than anything else puzzled me about his posts and I will explain what that was a little further on in this post.

I was also at a loss to understand why he was abusing certain members in some of his posts for offering him what I thought, was some very valuable advice and information. I am doing nothing more than being honest in what I say here in the exact same way I was above. I will repeat that nothing I said in my earlier post was what I would consider to be rude or uncaring, as contrary to what some may believe, I try to avoid being seen in the way of either of these two negative traits and in my opinion, I succeed in this the majority of the time.

It's strange that what aussieal said about this thread receiving no replies was true, well at least up until he posted it was. After his post followed by the one which I made, it became all of a sudden a thread which members, unlike prior to our two posts, one in which they now very much wanted to post in. I wonder why some of these members allowed it to sit here unanswered for a couple of days without a reply. Perhaps I am asking for too much honesty in expecting a reply from anyone in answer to that question. It doesn't matter a great deal if no one does reply, as I believe I already know the answer to that question.

I will probably get slated again for what I am going to say next, but as I am being honest in what I say, it does not concern me in the slightest if I am. I am going to explain what it was that I earlier stated puzzled me more than anything else about Khun John. I was wondering to myself, why after all the things that I had read from Khun John concerning his b/f, was he still in England instead of being by his b/f's side here in Thailand? Before anyone accuses me of being unfair in asking this question, on the grounds of my not knowing what his circumstances are, in as much as he may not be able to do anything about this, let me just say this to you:

If Buddha forbid, it was my b/f that was in the same situation as Khun John's is, and I was not in Thailand at the time, there is nothing in this world that would stop me from getting to him as quickly as it was possible for me to do so. I wouldn't give two fucks what my circumstances were on hearing this news, as not only would I move heaven and earth to get to him, it would become my number one priority to do so. Fuck, am I alone in being the only one here that doesn't understand why Khun John isn't with his b/f, as I would be in his situation and as I have no doubt, a large majority of you reading this, would be too.

I believe it is a very fair question to ask, as well as being a logical one in the circumstances that Khun John's b/f is in. I also believe it to be a far more logical question to ask than the one he did, when starting a thread inquiring where would be a good place in Thailand to go with his b/f in June. I don't know whether I am being overly dramatic, I don't believe I am, when I say that from all I have read in Khun John's posts about his b/fs condition, there is no guarantee whereby I can see, that his b/f will still be here in June.

My last question for which I consider there to be a very good reason for asking, but which I will not reveal here as to why I am doing so, is to ask if there is any member here that knows Khun John personally and whom has either met him in his own country, or in Thailand when he has been visiting?

Before anyone starts jumping down my throat as a result of this post, ask yourselves first if any of the questions I have asked were unreasonable or it was wrong of me to ask them. Believe me when I say, I have asked what I have, mainly because of my complete failure to understand why Khun John is not here. There are other questions I am tempted to ask, but will resist doing so. Let me say, that the only circumstance which I would consider as a valid one for Khun John not being here, is one whereby he was incarcerated. However, I don't believe this to be the case.

Sorry if this post of mine offends anyone, but you can at least rest assured, that it has been made without any malice, any axe to grind, or any ill feeling whatsoever on my part toward anyone. It is instead, a post that has been made very much from the heart. Regardless of what was said by Khun John in his post above, where he stated that he would no longer visit this forum, it is my strong belief that he will continue to visit, if only to read further posts made in this thread.

So in saying this, when you do visit John and read this post of mine, please consider dropping me a pm to let me know whether you can understand where I am coming from by the questions I have raised. You have my word that if you do this, your correspondence will remain confidential between the two of us.

I think that deep down you do know where I am coming from and why it's irrelevant what anyone else says to me here, because as you are only too aware, the only person that can tell me whether I am right or wrong in what I am thinking, is you John. I will keep my eye out for a pm from you, but wont hold my breath waiting for it.

Choc Dee Khun John, sawadi and may Buddha be with you. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/0003.gif


January 29th, 2008, 06:59
I have read this post over the last couple of days and tried to ignore it. I have obviously not succeded.
May I ask:-
1...What do you hope to achieve from these posts? (Be assured your friend has everyones sympathy!)
2...Most posters here don't know you or your friend so what is it that you would like us to do?
3...If the post is made to solicit funds for your friend, why not just come out and say it, the answer will be in the negative I think.
4...Does your friend know that you are posting his personal, unfortunate illness on a global web board?
I would be distraught if someone was discussing my illness on this forum. It could be considered an invasion of privacy.
5...Given that you have had no other replies to this (new) thread as many who enjoy this board are maily here for fun and do not wish to read such depressing, albeit humaitarian stories. That being taken as a 'given' many (maybe most) don't give a flying Fuc* about your posts.

WHY, WHY, WHY.......are you posting this story, WHAT do you want us to do?

Once again I wish your friend every best wish possible, I am sorry he is unwell and hope he might have a great recovery.

YOU however.........JUST tell me why YOU think this persons personal health issues are important to this board!

Let me toss in my very humble and probably useless opinion but hey this is an open forum and as I have said before - everyone has an opinion - they are like assholes they all stink.

I do volunteer HIV testing and counseling at a clinic here in Milwaukee. In my opinion HIV is a life changing event for both the person who is HIV positive and for their loved ones. I don't read the details of the posts about the thai boyfriend because to be honest I don't care. But if a person whose loved one is HIV positive needs a space, a forum, etc... to talk about what is going on in their life as a way of dealing with the issue, well then post away.

If I don't like a post I don't read it. Maybe posting here is a way for the person to work through their thoughts and emotions.

I am sure that many posters will now shoot back... Well then the person needs to get an analyst and work through their issues there and not a public board.. etc... My reply .. fuck off you empathy challenges cunts. If you don't like a post don't read it.

January 29th, 2008, 08:05
and its not the worst thead here!

January 29th, 2008, 09:11

Please do not let two posters negatively influence what you think or write about. ALL self help groups whether Alcoholics anonymous, Narcotics anonymous, Gamblers anonymous or lying on the couch in a doctors office all provide a helping hand when we need to share our feelings.

Internet forums are no different in this aspect.

Sharing is a GOOD THING in spite of what a couple of egocentric posters believe.

Shame on them for talking about what is important to them (business ventures or whatever) and then question your motives.

To hell with them.

Post away my friend if you feel the need.

January 29th, 2008, 09:29
Khun Jon, allowing one member here to run you off is a little crazy, in light of the fact that the vast majority of replies to all your threads on your friend's AIDS struggle have been very supportive ... either by a gentle sentence (" ... what can one say? ... "), or at some length and with technical/medical knowledge. You do that group a disservice by taking a powder (in a huff) from the Board because one member disagrees with you.

If I recall, recently (in another thread) you also went after a member named Uncle Sam, simply because he asked some hard questions of you ... and he used none of the rather rude language of the poster in this thread.
As far as I could make out, Uncle Sam seemed very knowledgeable on the subject, and the questions seemed reasonable.

Your skin seems rather thin for this sometimes tough Board, where everyone can say their piece. And do.

Cheers ...

January 29th, 2008, 10:30
Khun Jon, if it helps you and/or your boyfriend keep on posting. I know only too well how writing and sharing what you are going through can help you get through difficult times. Sometimes I could write here what I could not talk to anybody about.

You and your b/f are in my thoughts

January 29th, 2008, 10:35
My reply .. fuck off you empathy challenges cunts. If you don't like a post don't read it.

In a nut shell, yes. But it's good to know they are in fact reading. I suspect there's sometimes also the fear factor involved. Hear no evil, speak no evil blah blah. We don't want to know, and we will make that aggressively plain?
It's hardly a unique response and one I am sure Kun Jon should be by now quite familiar with. Gays are certainly no exception. Then there are people like "UncleSam" who unfortunately although having had a good point have no clue as to how best bring this across.

I would say Kun Jon I hope you're made of tougher stuff than that, but of course I know it is not always possible, not always, contrary to what Smiles will have us believe. But try and bear in mind anything and everything you tell us might in fact be helping others out-there. If nothing else your posts keep the issues in the open.

HIV continues to kill even today, and not only in undeveloped parts of the world not by a long shot. One of the biggest dangers and threats to our health 2008 is that people believe that there is in fact a cure.

"Hmmm" your information in your last response to the last thread on this subject of clinics/doctors well versed in drug resistance were three years out of date, and didn't sound all that hopeful, I thought at least. Anyone know what the present situation is in fact in Thailand regarding drug availability and
doctors, especially regarding drug resistance and suitable alternatives also knowledgeable in their administration? Please let us know if you do?

January 29th, 2008, 13:27
Kun Jon, may I emphasize the fact that I mean you or your boyfriend no harm. !Quite the opposite
Considering that your post was on the board for almost 24 hours without any reply/message until I posted on your subject, I sympathize. The goody two shoes who have been offended by anything I have said here should have replied to you sooner and given you the audience that you deserve.
I agree that it sometimes helps to share feelings on such a forum as this but I sincerely doubt the benefits one might achieve.
I sincerely hope your boyfriends health improves and that your stress levels over the matter dissipate, I still do not believe this is the medium for discussing such personal matters but if you feel better by doing so....go right ahead![/b]

January 29th, 2008, 15:37
And I know for sure Aussieal, that Kun Jon doesn't need your permission either.

January 29th, 2008, 16:04
And I know for sure Aussieal, that Kun Jon doesn't need your permission either.

OHHHH.....goody another riddle!!!
Why would he need my permission or otherwise ?????????
Please explain Oh wise one?

January 29th, 2008, 16:52
Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt, aussieal.

I find that the attempts around here by some to dictate how others should use this board or live their lives (and I'm not talking about criticism given to those who, without provocation, abuse and belittle other members in an off-topic manner) and, what value one should get in using this board to be the height of arrogance, stupidity and demonstrating an abject lack of simple class.

Kun jon, you should just ignore those people, you go right ahead and use this board to communicate your bf's situation and your own feelings about it as much as you like. There are men here like me, who actually give a damn and who are interested. You know posting on an Internet forum is not really about others, it's about ourselves and we do it to meet a need in ourselves. If your need at this time is to post here, do it. And if nothing else, at least in doing so it will provide you with some small comfort, for god alone knows, far too many of the men around here can offer you neither comfort nor encouragement, only criticism, demands and abuse. But then you are not here for them, (use the ignore button) and understand that their behaviour reveals much about them and the dark and unhappy people they really are.

January 29th, 2008, 18:40

January 29th, 2008, 20:19
I'm not so sure that all the blame lies squarely on Khun Jon's shoulders. What I read of his story told me the bf did little to help himself early on. If he hadn't waited so long to see a doctor, the condition wouldn't have become so bad. As I see it, Khun Jon is coming from a position of helplessness and desperation. He doesn't know what to do except to share his experience for perhaps nothing else than to confirm there is nothing else he can do.

"God helps those who help themselves," and Buddha would have to agree. It just didn't seem as if the bf tried hard enough to help himself.

If the bf didn't care, and members on this forum don't care, who's left to care?

Kuhn Jon stands alone.

January 29th, 2008, 21:34
I think Aussieal and George are a bit ignorant. They want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend this horrible disease doesn't affect those of us who love asian men and everything that comes with them - HIV and AIDS included.

Fuck you, Aussieal and George. Khun Jon - your reality story might well be a kick in the face for those ignorant old cunts - but for most of us it is a timely, appropriate and all-too-frightening reminder of the real world.


January 29th, 2008, 21:52
For a first post you go really strong Saigonite (what this kind of disease ?)

You come here and think you can insult guy like george and aussieal just because you no like what they say.

I dont agree with what george wrote and I said it, but that not mean I own the truth, and if you read some of his post, maybe you will think in another way to know who between him and you is ignorant. Same for aussieal.

Everybody react like he can with HIV-AIDS or sexual disease, and if Kun jon need to write what him live to feel better, like I say before : why not !
But many people no want or not need or whatever, read about that ! Or no understand why to do ?

I am big upset about barebaking, I say to a poster he was really stupid, but with my 15 post and my 42 years, who am I to say more, or to say things like ignorant or fuck you.

I hope you will take time to read many of post here, and I hope you will understand why I think yor first post was really inapropriate.

Take care.

January 29th, 2008, 22:02
Hi Jomtien2007

Funny I was just reading your post on another thread about the barebacking massage and thinking "what a sensible guy!" (despite being French ... I forgive that too!)

I'm sorry to offend you, them or anyone else. The thing is that Khun Jon is posting an honest account of HIS experience in Thailand, and it isn't all about fucking moneyboys (something I love, by the way!) without consequences. He posts about real life. Those two posted opinions which question his motives, like they prefer not to know. Well, that is their right, as is their right to post their opinion, as their my right (and yours) to post ours! I simpy side with the "if you don't like it, don't read it" crowd. Now Khun Jon has made the emotional response to their personal attack on his motives but pledging not to post again, and we are all the worse off for it, thanks to those two old cunts.

I have been reading rubbish posts on this board for years and never posted, but have loved the good and the bad, the highs and lows, the reality and the fantasy of the posters. I even enjoyed the provocative post of Aussiel and George in response to Khun Jon's tragic story - so much so that I registered and replied!

Oh no ... I hope this doesn't become an addiction!

January 29th, 2008, 22:29
aussieal wrote " I Give Up"

Yippee...................... :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

I think now Khun Jon you will have realized that you have much more support on this board than the few who actually think they should dictate what we read/feel about posts so please don't allow them to chase you away, and continue to keep us up to date with your boy friends battles. You are of course always welcome to PM me with any questions that you might think I can help you with.
Keep your head up buddy, every day is a new day............

Brad the Impala
January 29th, 2008, 23:12
Oh no ... I hope this doesn't become an addiction!

It will become an addiction, trust me!! Fortunately it is an addiction that is less harmful than many others, as the subject of this thread demonstrates.

Welcome, the more opinions the better.

January 30th, 2008, 03:18
No problem with me, Saigonite, or no problem with what you want to say but only with how you say it !

George and aussieal take time to write a real answer and real post and I was just trying to say to you your "Fuck you" was a little bit short.

It's OK you can be "not agree" with them, but there is a way to do it.

There are many post where we can not be all OK, but I think some are too important to just go to insult, (we are not speaking here about a gogo, a bar, sex we like, guys we off or a what we do in our room, where we can joke or call us by so many birds name) We are speaking about life, sickness, sadness, about human, and I think your answer not worse the time aussieal and george try to explain their point thinking with any bad word or bad feel about kun jon.
You dont agree them, same me, but I think there is better way to argue, and insult come only for people who no have argumentation. And like your second post, you are more clever than your "Fuck you".

PS : maybe I am wrong but I take your "sensible" for a compliment, and I know I will shock many guy on this forum, but when I said "sorry, I am still French" it's was only a joke, because I am proud of it !
And just, I always think moneyboy was a "fucking job" but never mean "fucking boys"

January 30th, 2008, 04:15
[quote="Aunty"]Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt, aussieal.

One of my favourite sayings Aunty

January 30th, 2008, 13:33
.....Some of these silly cunts will wake up to themselves.
YES........I give up, I give up posting about the drivvle that started this thread, NO I don't retract anything I have said regarding this thread so the moralistic wankers who have been offended by anything I said can go fuck themselves very hard and enjoy it while they can.
AIDS and H.I.V. are a very real and present danger in our society and have been so since the 1980's at least, anyone who has contracted that disease through sexual contact since that time was obviously not being as vigilant as they could. A failure to seek appropriate medical attention is foolish to say the least.
So, in conclusion, to all the sympathic/pathetic/do-gooders/humanitarians/etc. etc.
I reiterate....GO FUCK YOURSELVES, WAKE UP.....especially you Aunty our resident queen and apparent closet Australian. (You chose the wrong side of the "ditch" ya wanker!)

January 30th, 2008, 14:14
It just didn't seem as if the bf tried hard enough to help himself.

Explain me? :scratch:

January 30th, 2008, 20:48
aussieal........."Some of these silly cunts will wake up to themselves".

What a charming man..... :cheese:

January 31st, 2008, 04:53
Keep posting Kun Jon. The majority seem to be on your side. You can't please everybody and there are a few on this board who like to take exception to almost everything as can be seen by the number of posts they make. Seems to be some out there with no life. Lots of people in this world don't like to be reminded too much of the misery that really exists out there.

While I am on my soap box, and although it may not be particularly relevant to this thread ,there seems to be some posters who look at the prostitution industry through rose tinted glasses. I may not live in Thailand, but I have travelled there for over 30 years and experienced enough to see and know the dark side behind all those lights in the red light districts of Bangkok, Pattaya, and elsewhere. Many on this board like to see the whole scene as a service industry and just another business. For the most part the business owners are, in my opinion, irresponsible to their employees and there is no way around it. If they had any concern for them they would set strict standards as to how they educated them with regard to HIV and other communicable diseases. The boys and girls who work in the clubs are for the most part ignorant of just about everything when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases and therefore take risks. The employees are just meat for the bar owner. I am no saint and don't pretend to be one, but I don't tend to disguise prostitution as a service industry and try and present it as a ligitimate business enterprise when in fact it is illegal in Thailand. The fact that it exists is because of basic poverty and a corrupt police. I am not in any way fooled by the smiling faces because I have seen the other side too. I have known only too many guys with HIV and yes some that are no longer with us. Anyway you look at it, that industry has greatly increased the number of HIV infected people in Thailand. (and Yes there is a reason why I put this here)

So to those of you who don't want to be depressed over such issues as Kun Jon has with his boyfriend, just keep your head buried in the sand. You can simply ignore his posts and refrain from showing your lack of sensativity for something that might be a difficult issue for someone else. If Kun Jon's tale gives just one person something to think about and that person changes his behavior then it has been worth relating the story. Some of us who have been through what he is going through can relate only too well. I am sure that he would love to be able to be there helping his boyfriend. Sometimes circumstances just don't permit that.

As to the question of Why Why Why does he post his tale, one could ask that about 90% of the crap posted on this forum. I truely enjoy postings such as Kun Jon's as it kind of makes one feel as if there are some human beings behind the names instead of a bunch of bitchs who feel they must make a comment on everything that is posted.

Enough said!

January 31st, 2008, 06:50
That sums up how I feel Bob.Hiv is very real and maybe aussie and george are frightened of that reality and prefer to deny it exist.They have a right to post here but Im disapointed with them for the possibility of a poster with a real problem not coming back to these forums. Hiv is not going away and there is no cure.We should be understanding of anyone with the disease and those trying to help. Rocket

January 31st, 2008, 11:40
Hiv is very real and maybe aussie and george are frightened of that reality and prefer to deny it exist.

That's just what aussieal has accomplished with his original post followed by foul language and curses upon us all. This HIV problem has gone elsewhere. ie Jon has said he wont post here any more. Well I hope if you are taking a peek at these follow up posts Jon you will come back.

And as for you aussieal why don't you disappear you malignant cunt. (language you will understand)

January 31st, 2008, 13:29
Hiv is very real and maybe aussie and george are frightened of that reality and prefer to deny it exist.

That's just what aussieal has accomplished with his original post followed by foul language and curses upon us all. This HIV problem has gone elsewhere. ie Jon has said he wont post here any more. Well I hope if you are taking a peek at these follow up posts Jon you will come back.

And as for you aussieal why don't you disappear you malignant cunt. (language you will understand)

:bom: another bleeding hearts club member!

January 31st, 2008, 14:11
This post isn't about Aussieseal personally, as much as he would love it to be. Its about all of us. There are risks associated with sleeping with boys in Thailand. They have one of the biggest hiv/aids problems in the world, difficult to avoid in fact.

I like what the one poster said about the fact that there is 100% chance everyone out there has slept with an HIV positive person (within the sex industry of course) it just makes you realise it's a concern for most people here.

Now no need to panic, like Aussieseal has done, we just have to give ourselves a reality 'cheque' every once a while, so that we continue to play it safe and continue to enjoy.

I for one have seen a life long friend battle and then succumb to the disease, he passed away a year ago. It was a roll-a-coaster of emotions, triumphs sadness all mixed together. He lived in London and had the best care possible. He eventually grew tired of the drug regime and threw in the towel aged 41.
Believe me it is not put on hold with a few pills once a day, the treatment is gruelling and often heart breaking, and eventually you die. In-between your life can be good. But no one in their right minds would choose a lifestyle like that if they had the choice, and most of us might still have.

I love hearing about KJ's boy-friend it lifts the soul, just as it brought
a tear to my eyes to hear about his failing sight.

January 31st, 2008, 16:46
One poster has a problem with this sad tale and of course others would rather not think about illness and
suffering. One needs a thick hide to post actively on gay forums as critics and nitpickers are ready to pounce
and show us all how smart they are and why they are miserable lonely old codgers.
Post away and let those who don't want to read personal tragic events, just skip the offending thread and move on.

I would like to see more men post the rough times and sad stories that happen, so everyone can get the full picture
and not just the non-stop battle between Sunee Plaza lovers and haters, Pattaya lovers and haters, you're a pedo , he's a
pedo and breast beating ranters and ravers..
Many of us are ashamed when our relationships sour, especially when many told us the odds of sucess. Many of us
are embarrassed to reveal that we have been conned and tricked and had ours hearts broken. Many of us think we are
the only one to suffer the slings and arrows but it is a rare bird that flies thru the gayThailand scene without some angst and

Some posters have started personal blogs or sites with photos and a diary of the events they live thru. Most of us don't mind the
ones that post hot photos of the boys but sometimes the boys get sick and that is all part of the way things are... :cat:

January 31st, 2008, 17:28
assieal wrote " another bleeding hearts club member!"

Thank God there are more 'bleeding hearts' out there than the opposite as the many supporters of Khun Jon prove.

Thank you to Bob T for a well written post that hit the nail right on the head. Yours is the type of 'bleeding heart' that we need more of, well done sir.

January 31st, 2008, 19:48
... a reality cheque ...Is it in the mail? Or is this a reality check?

February 1st, 2008, 08:30
... a reality cheque ...Is it in the mail? Or is this a reality check?

Probably be dishonoured anyway!