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View Full Version : Gaybutton On Power Trip?

January 27th, 2008, 07:47
It seems that the moderator over on GayThailand has gone a little power-crazy. There are many threads which seem to be going "missing" just because they challenge something Gaybutton doesn't fancy.

Here are some quotes from a few current threads on GayThailand in which Gaybutton says...

"The moderators here make the decisions without getting involved in public discussions or debates about it. Suffice it to say that when trolls appear on this board they, their posts, and their threads don't last long."
"The bars are about to become a smoke free environment. Why not follow suit and have this board become a troll free environment? So, since you say that we're going to ban people based solely upon whether we like what they say, and since you're obviously doing your best to be a troll here, three guesses who's most likely to be next . . ."
"Like I said, this board is and will remain a troll-free environment. Think whatever you like, but this board isn't here for any further personal attacks on people, including me. This thread is now locked. And yes, I will wipe any further such posts. If that upsets you, the complaint department is a PM."
"If such people want to find someone to blame, they need only to look in a mirror."
"The 'almighty moderator' has returned. "

Sounds like a pissing contest. Does this seem like normal moderator behaviour?

Black Label

January 27th, 2008, 07:53
Same song. Same tap dance. Just like when he had his own site at gaybutton.com. A very intelligent man, helpful in many ways, but at times power-drunk.

So sad.

January 27th, 2008, 10:20
Yes, I'm afraid Gaybutton has "form". His moderating Fatwa was set out by Hedda in her Blog The true hopper two years ago - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=299 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog_entry.php?e=299)

January 27th, 2008, 11:50
This is a cut and paste on your post to gay thailand as oliveer

Wow. This board has become the Nazi headquarters of Thailand's cyber-info super highway. It must make you feel so big, Mr. Gay Button to wipe out users and messages at the stroke of a key. No doubt, this message and my user ID will make the cut just for mentioning it.

Now, to be a little clearer and less accusatory, let's just stop for once and let this thread REALLY display the opinions of the board members. Every other board about Thailand certainly has rules and occasionally has to ban users, but it is done VERY sparingly. This is because opinions are not damaging -- unless they are a personal attack of some kind or a legal issue. Challenging the management of a board certainly doesn't fall into one of those categories in my opinion.

What do others think? Speak quick before Gaybutton wipes out all the messages except his regurgitated news feeds.


This is your post to baht-stop as Lordy

Just when you thought that things could not get any worse at GayThailand board, they got even worse when La GayBottom decided to put his unform back on and play Fuhrer. If you don't believe me just go and take a look at the thread styled "Missing thread who got the needle?" on the GT board. YOu'll reocgnize it because it's probably theonly one posted today or for the past week !! For those of you who missed it, one of La Bottom's nemises, Loeploh and Nalac, who may be the only funny thing to arrive there in the last year, recently returned to that board after a long absence and some wisecracks about LaBottom were inevitable ---and quite funny if you keep your sense of humor about you. Not for LaBottom, who promptly and very quietly erased the whole thread without notice or comment and with promises of more to come. It was so reminisent of the days when Kaiser Jinx was doing the same thing at SF and came close to killing that board with all the deletions and erasures. It now looks like LaBottom is up to the same old tricks at GT and it's probably going to be the witch who finally nails down the coffin. When you're averaging one post a day I don't think it's very wise to start erasing any, even the ones you choose to label as trolls. I wonder if LaBottom knows how to turn off the lights when he's left there all alone and has to close at night.

here is the last para of gay Buttons response. Very clever I thought

Given the kinds of posts Lordy makes here, "LaBottom" is an interesting moniker for him to apply to me. As far as I can tell, simply add a "y" to the end of that term and you'll have a good idea of a word that describes precisely what that gentleman appears to really need.

Another poster commented on Lordys use of Tabloid Headline and abuse, thought he might be earwig

January 27th, 2008, 13:09
Those who know gaybutton in real life versus as an internet forum identity, know he is a super friendly, warm and
open man who would give his shirt to anyone in need.

He does take the moderating job seriously and has standards. He was powerless until recently because of the
absurd games played by one of the owners of his forum and gaybutton was subject to personal abuse and troll antics
especially by one poster coddled by one of the owners.

gaybutton's frustration ended with his resignation from moderating duties and only when he quit, did the management
change it's protective policy of playing favorites.
One can only imagine the fear and dread that struck one of the owners when he realized he would have to moderate himself
and perhaps the reality that this was his second moderator to quit over the same issue of his deranged policy of playing
favorites hit home..

If you don't like gaybutton's style or policies, don't go there! It seems simple enough to me and troll control is the only way to
keep the poison pens and liars from their sociopath behavior.. I, for one am glad to see gaybutton got his balls back and that
his site is no longer a place for trolls to call home.. gaybutton redux.. :cat:

January 27th, 2008, 14:11
This is a cut and paste on your post to gay thailand as oliveer

Another poster commented on Lordys use of Tabloid Headline and abuse, thought he might be earwig

Earwig = Lordy = same-same.

January 27th, 2008, 14:29
This is a cut and paste on your post to gay thailand as oliveer...
This is your post to baht-stop as Lordy...
Another poster commented on Lordys use of Tabloid Headline and abuse, thought he might be earwig

I think you might be a bit mistaken. You have discussed 4 different user names, none of which happen to be mine. I have never posted on bahtstop before, but will have to go check it out now. I was just posting this because I noticed a big change in the gaythailand board's moderating recently.

Like you said though, good or bad, you decide whether to go. I for one won't until they become a little more "user friendly." And judging by the lack of posts over there, I have a feeling many others agree.

Black Label

January 27th, 2008, 15:55
Queer decision to move a thread about a forum called Gay Thailand from Sawatdee Gay Thailand Board for Sawatdee Global Forum.

January 28th, 2008, 03:09
I can only speak as i find.
I met GB when on my first Thai trip and he gave so much free time to show myself and my friend (admit it GB, he was the main reason) around Pattaya which enabled us to enjoy the holiday so much more. So I cant really understand why he comes in for criticism so much by a few posters. I found him to be really nice guy. Maybe he expects everyone else to be nice too but i really dont know. Either way if the rules are that you dont get to slaughter another person or their business or whatever then play by the rules or dont post.

January 28th, 2008, 03:23
... he gave so much free time to show myself and my friend (admit it GB, he was the main reason) around Pattaya which enabled us to enjoy the holiday so much more... Psychologists might argue that this was just as much a power trip - "See how much I know". Human nature's a complex thing

January 29th, 2008, 00:13
... he gave so much free time to show myself and my friend (admit it GB, he was the main reason) around Pattaya which enabled us to enjoy the holiday so much more... Psychologists might argue that this was just as much a power trip - "See how much I know". Human nature's a complex thing

I think this is spot-on, Homintern. On my first trip to Pattaya a number of years ago, he was quite kind and free with his time to "show me around", which included liberal amounts of advice on any number of subjects. I was new and it was all very much appreciated. But.... when I began to have some opinions of my own about how I wanted to proceed in Pattaya, it quickly became an irritant to him. He's a very nice man, yes; but, often he has difficulty tolerating divergent views. (Yes, I realize that's quite an understatment.)

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 30th, 2008, 20:56
"The moderators here make the decisions without getting involved in public discussions or debates about it."

I've never read such never-ending tirades from the man when challenged by another poster but I certainly agree with this:

"If you don't like gaybutton's style or policies, don't go there"..sound advice I believe taken by most. Although I believe the word "troll" in this case means a person who doesn't agree with the moderator.

As for Hedda's hopper-is she still going ? Such a fussy school marm.

January 31st, 2008, 00:35
Although I believe the word "troll" in this case means a person who doesn't agree with the moderator.And used by some posters on SGT to denote a poster whose opinions or behaviour they don't like - usually because he pokes fun at them

February 2nd, 2008, 11:12
At least he isn't locking all posts mentioning the distasteful though plausible rumours circulating about the passing on of scabies to sex-workers which have implicated G*****.
Maybe he just wants to get on with molesting under age chimps in the peace and quite of the little dictatorship he has carved out for himself.