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View Full Version : The standing dead, or were they just asleep????

January 26th, 2008, 13:01
We went out bar hopping through the GOGO Bars in and around Boyz Town last night and were shocked at the lack of life, movement and concern of the boys in most of the of the bars. The worst was Sawadee Boys. The boys just stood there yawning and when the mamasan came over and ask if I saw anything I liked I said, "They are all sleeping", to which the mamasan responded, "Oh, no..they awake." Just then I pointed at a boy yawning, as mamasan looked at him he said to me, "What I do????" To which I said, "Wake them up." Mamasans response was a shrug as she walked away. Second prize for the worst bar of the evening went to Chrystal Boys. Not only were the boys asleep in place but the mamasan was down right rude.

I want to end on a positive note, so the best bar of the evening was Dynamite Boys. The bar was packed with customers and the boys were fun, alive and all were having a good time. The 11:30 show was good....I hope the Kevin stops by to get a few ideas for his new show at the Birdcage.

January 26th, 2008, 18:31
I totally agree with soi 10 Tom. I usually go to Sunee. Not usually ng different and visitto the go-go bars, but to the beer bars to visit with friends. A few days ago I decided to do something and go to the Boys town area.

Since Oscar's was full except for a few seats in the a/c part with no view of the street, I tried to get a seat next door at ??Serene beer bar. They also were very full and actually waited for a customer who was leaving to get a seat towards the front. Since a few days previous it was very hard to find a seat at 3 of the beer bars I enjoy going to in Sunee, I thought, "Good! The high season seems to be here" After 2 drinks I thought I'd check out some of the go-go bars on soi 2 and 1. I was so disappointed!

Dream Boys use to be one of my favorite bars several years ago. The boys were always laughing and playing and the waiters were really great. It use to be a really fun time. Sawadee Boys used to be owned or operated by Noi. He previously had a few different go-go bars in Sunee Plaza. When he had K-boys years and years ago I thought it was also a really fun bar. When he opened Sawadee in the Boys Town area I went there and found the energy and playfulness that he had in his other previous bars. When I went in on this night I sat in disbelief. It was a Tomb. Nothing fun. Boys just sitting on stage. They didn't even rotate. I was sorryI had already bought my drink. I should have noticed that there were only 2 or 3 customers in the bar and walked out. I asked one of the waiters if Noi still owned the bar. The waiter said no that an English man owned the bar but Noi opened one across the street.

I really can't remember the name but did go in and saw only 4 or 5 boys dancing and it seemed dark so I learned my lesson and left before buying a drink.

I decided that I had enough "fun" for one night :( and just walked around a bit more and thought what has happened to the fun bars?

Maybe my memories of the past have made those days more fun than what they were. But if I was a first time visitor and had the experience I had a few days ago, I would have left on the next flight out.

It is ture that I am not one that likes to off boys very often. I enjoy joking around, buying a boy or two a drink and then giving them a tip and going on my way. It seems to me that in the past the go-go bars were just more fun for that.

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 26th, 2008, 20:59
"The boys just stood there yawning"

perhaps it was you who had that effect upon them. :tongue:

January 27th, 2008, 00:20
Pattaya Male, there was a thread on this subject some time ago, but I couldn't find it. It dealt with the memories of how fun the scene was for the first time, compared to our impressions of now. The thread seemed to conclude that is not so much how the scene had changed, but how, looking back, our perceptions of it have become jaded. FWIW, I don't know if this helps; maybe it was just a bad night.

January 27th, 2008, 11:41
Bad management is the curse of the boy bars and when there is no direction, no one in charge, the bar dies.

The boys need direction and if no one gives them direction, they tend to lose motivation and find the lowest common
denominator and just laze about, leaning if they can , sitting if they can and smoking cigarettes if they can.
You can't blame the boys, this happens in any business without strong leadership.
Motivated boys leave bars like this and move on to ones with people who run them intelligently and firmly.

If you just let things happen, the DJ will play horrible music as loud as he can as it is what he likes and maybe
the boys like. They don't give a shit if the farangs leave in droves and are angry and forget that the ambiance is
meant for the customer and not the wannabee disco DJ or the silly lady-boy waiters who flit around or the hideous
mamasans who only know how to be pushy and obnoxious.

Sawatdee was a good bar but with foolish owners the bar just falls apart and no one goes except drunken Russian-speaking
straights and women. I stopped going to Sawatdee long ago when they music hurt my ears and no one gave a shit.
Maybe the Russians and the other hetero tourists like that atmosphere but it is short sighted and Sawatdee deserved its fate.

Also agree Dream Boys used to be a great go go bar but same shit happened and foolish owners/managers fill the bars
with lady-boys and blast the music and the fucking cigarette smoking and bad attitude of the go go boys
make these bars a no go zone.

I am glad to hear Dynamite is back on course. I stopped going long ago due to the DJ playing ear blasting music, the boys smoking
cigarettes on stage and the mamasan being total arseholes.
They have lost many customers and it will take a long time to recover, if ever..

Wild West Boys was a great go go bar but now it is a tourist stop for blond women and straight couples and all the hot boys have moved on..
This decision to cater to high season heteros will cost them when low season rears its ugly head..

Sorry to be so negative about Boyztown (yes, I know only Pattayaland soi 3 is actually Boyztown, but nobody gives a shit about this either)..
On the positive side:
Funny Boys is filled every night with customers and boys as is BBB.. Toy Boys does a good job but Throb/Splash is another bar on the
hetero circuit and is managed by dinosaurs without a clue how to attract gay men..

I hope things change drastically when the fucking cigarette/cigar smokers are prevented from spreading their poisons and filth and the boys
will not light up either.
Calling it dreaming or whatever but it will happen and I for one will not buy a drink in any bar if I see anyone smoking
tobacco and let the bosses know why. Of course, this is after the NO SMOKING ban starts new month.
It doesn't work as they don't give a shit but it makes me feel better.

I refuse to sit down in any bar with blasting music and I let them know but again they don't give a shit and pretend to lower the blasting if they
do anything at all. Well, they keep losing my business and if others did the same, things would improve but I am afraid Boyztown is doomed
to becoming a freak show for heteros tourists and a money pit for the foolish owners who just don't get it!!

January 28th, 2008, 23:41
Amen, Catty!!!!!! You hit the nail on the head. Every organization is a direct reflection of its leadership: be it Bushland or a GOGO bar.

January 29th, 2008, 02:34
Quite some rant of yours above puddycat. However, there's nothing you have said in your post, that I could find fault in or disagree with, which is I think, both a pity and a shame. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/frown.gif

I stopped going to the bars mentioned above a long while ago for the exact reasons highlighted in your post and the posts of all the others in this thread. I find the boys in the go go bars of Sunee much more enthusiastic in the energy they display which makes them fun to be around, as well as creating a better atmosphere for everyone.

I am glad to hear that there are still some bars that are worth going to in Boyztown, although by what has been said here, they are unfortunately very much in the minority.

Thanks to all of you guys above for your reports and opinions. It would be nice to think that things will change for the better in the future, although I guess it wouldn't be wise to hold ones breath in wait of it happening.

Choc Dee,

George. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Peace.gif

January 29th, 2008, 02:53
Neither Sawatdee Boys, Crystal Boys, Dynamite Boys or Dream Boys are in Boyztown. They are in neighbouring Sois that have always tried to live off the back of the bars in Boyztown.

As previous posters point out in this thread, Oscars, BBB, Funny Boys and Serene are all full and all in Boyztown.

Boyztown is full, and full of gay men. They know of Sunee. Many have no doubt visited Sunee, but they chose to spend in Boyztown. Perhaps they are deluded but, while their delusion lasts, Boyztown will continue to thrive. Soi 3 is far from doomed.

January 29th, 2008, 04:51
in reality, as others have said, it is mainly all about the type of lad one lusts after--if you are not into small, skinny, nellie things flitting about the stage like young girls, then no matter how much enthusiasm they show or energy produced, you will not find that bar to your liking--same if you do not lust after the more masculine, defined guys (not muscle boys), then you will not find certain other bars to your liking.

January 29th, 2008, 09:43
Pink Silom, I would point out to you that of the four bars you mention that are within Boyz Town's "city limits", not in the suburbs of one and two blocks away, two are beer bars with quiet and subdued waiter/host boys, and of the two gogo bars you mention BBB has lost its way and throws its doors open for the Chineses tourist lead by guides with a flag to look in and laugh at the patrons and boys in the bar. Face it! If you are in Boyz Town you are allowing yourself to be one of the monkeys in the zoo that straight tourists are brought in by guides to stare and laugh at. I have not been to Funny Boys and can not offer any opinion of that bar.

I think that everyone who has made the walk to Sunee realizes that Sunee is rising as the destination of choice by most gay men, and Boyz Town has become a tourist trap for first time visitors and straights.

January 29th, 2008, 10:55
Escorting a friend around Sunee Plaza boy bar just last nite, we encountered a mob scene at Krazy Dragon. This was second nite
this week that I couldn't get a seat and the place was packed with customers. Of course, one can seat on one of the many stools but
the couches are so comfortable and so much fun to entertain one of the table top dancers on.
The new stage look impressive with a rich red pleated curtain covering it at the moment.

The Sunee Beer Bars were all very busy and it is definitely high season in Sunee Plaza.

Jungle Bar looks great and the renovations look complete or close to it.. A few more boys is all they need and they
are on their way to becoming one of the must stop and see go go bars in Sunee Plaza
JJJ also very busy and one has to get their early if they want their favorites..
Sundance Go Go also chock full of boys and customers and fortunately my choice was there .
Minou Boy Bar (no longer lady boy) very short of boys but should be fun when they get staffed up..

I will do my level best to update some of the Boyztown bars this week.. Technically,Pattayaland soi 3 is Boyztown but everyone calls
all three sois (Pattayaland soi 1, 2, & 3) Boyztown much to the chagrin of the diehards who insist it is only soi 3.
Nobody cares about the distinction made by a few and Boyztown is all three sois, like it or not...

Agree that Pattayaland Soi 3 is healthy and in good shape even if it is due to the straights and women to some extent.. More on Boyztown bars soon!!
Also agree with Soi 10 Tom but I realize the bars have to make money and the gay men have drifted away to Sunee Plaza and now maybe
Day-Nite too, if "Marsha" doesn't make Birdcage a fem fantasy.. A good start would be to drop the "Marsha" shit and become a man, but that is only
my humble opinion... :cat:

January 29th, 2008, 11:32
....if you are not into small, skinny, nellie things flitting about the stage like young girls, then no matter how much enthusiasm they show or energy produced, you will not find that bar to your liking.....

And that's a shame since they are also the best dancers!

For the first time this trip I started to notice the body language of the boys as new customers come in the door. If they are "intrested" they perk up and start to "aim" their dance at the customer. If they're not interested they stay bored looking and their eyes wander to the floor/ceiling/walls/mirror etc.

January 29th, 2008, 15:47
'If you are in Boyz Town you are allowing yourself to be one of the monkeys in the zoo that straight tourists are brought in by guides to stare and laugh at.'

I have been frequenting Soi 3 for many years and I can say with my hand on my heart that I have never been conscious of anyone staring or laughing at me. If this is your experience, I understand why you are not comfortable in Boyztown. Although, without knowing what you look like or how you behave, it puzzles me as to why people would chose to stare or laugh at you.

January 29th, 2008, 16:20
Pinksilom needs to re-read soi 10 tom's post. Soi 10 tom did not say they picked him out to laugh at. He used the words "patron" and "if you are". I think most understood that. Pinksilom seemed to be trying to twist his post to make it personal.

I do like the beer bars on pattayaland soi 3. I also really enjoyed the go-go bars in the Boystown AREA in the past. The majority of those bars have really changed. They are not nearly as fun, not as customer oriented, more expensive; not worth going to for me. Funny Boys is an exception. It can still be a fun and enjoyable bar.

I don't mind the cost of a drink (150 - 250 baht) if the bar is entertaining. But to just have people sit on a stage or show no enthusiasm is not worth it at any price!

January 29th, 2008, 16:22
Having sat in Serene recently i have seen the hordes of straight tourists being led through Boyztown. It often amuses me to wave to them, and to take their picture if I have my camera with me.

January 29th, 2008, 20:40
Having sat in Serene recently i have seen the hordes of straight tourists being led through Boyztown. It often amuses me to wave to them, and to take their picture if I have my camera with me.

While all these posts are true about the great straight hordes, I think it is only fair to say there are times when they are turned away. There is a sort of security on that soi in a man who patrols the area. I do not know who he is employed by, maybe BBB, but I have seen him doing his job. When one of the hordes descends into Soi 3 with their cameras, about to take pictures, if he sees them, he quickly ushers them away. Too few are sent off, unfortunately, and it is discomforting to see a parade of Chinese girls entering BBB, sitting right next to me and giggling as they sip their drinks.

Maybe if you have a camera you are given one treatment, if you have baht you are given another.

Fortunately the hordes don't stay in one place for too long.

January 30th, 2008, 00:22
it is discomforting to see a parade of Chinese girls entering BBB, sitting right next to me and giggling as they sip their drinks.

Discomforting for you, maybe, but some of the many "gay for pay" boys in BBB will be only too happy to be as comforting as they can!!

January 30th, 2008, 03:17
Funnily Enough -I found Sawatdee boys to be the beat bar that i visited on my last trip! Admitedly I'm back 12 days now, but its the only place that both myself and BF found boys that were attractiv to both of us!

We brought 2 of his friends on another night - and they both offed boys from there!

So maybe things have changed a lot - or maybe its just horses for courses!

Noy's new bar is known as Kawaii Boys (maybe a mis-spelling of Hawaii - as BF reckons its not Thai) This was also a very lively bar on my trip with around 20 boys - all performing interesting tricks with the firemans pole

Dynamite is not as good for me as in its Hay-day when Mama Rose was in charge,but the management there are generally good funand always ensure a good atmosphere

Dreamboys is a disaster, it seems like there are never more than 8-10 boys working there any more.

Lucky 777 was a disaster, on my one and only visit there were only 5 boys dancing there... and that was at 9pm! I don't know why i didn't just turn out and walk away. The young (belgian?) farang that runs this place obviously has money to burn!