View Full Version : Black Account Detail Box

February 23rd, 2006, 17:13
"Look, I don't like the black box either. Who would? Please be patient. This is fresh out of the box. We are working on it." Elephantspike

I found out how to access the other forums. Click on Account detail at the top of the box and a page opens where you can see " Sawatdee Gay Thailand Sawatdee Gay Thailand Forum" which you click on and the forums are viewable.

February 24th, 2006, 02:31
OK, I think I straightened-out an error in the coding. This should not affect your ability to view forums at all. Are you still having this problem? What kind of browser are you using? also what board style do you have selected in your profile control page?

February 24th, 2006, 05:25
26th Feb 06.24 hrs Thailand - Its gone. Back to normal.

February 24th, 2006, 05:46
I've disabled it for now while I iron-out the kinks with the programmer. When we get it to properly record the points, I hope to make that box into a window that pos-up only when you click on a link to it.