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View Full Version : "human trafficking" from E-San

January 21st, 2008, 10:58
Over the last 4 years is spent a lot of time in the Pattaya Gay areas and always wondered why so many young and straight boys choose to work as "as social worker" in Pattaya.

On several occasions I thought that I found out, but I was never sure.

In several threads in this forum, posters are suggesting that the boys are exploited by their family or that boys go to the "Promised Area" because they are bored with their life at home.

On one accasion, I was for example in a well known bar in Sunnee, when just after opening hours (yes, I was a bit early), 10 boys arrived. They looked around as if they saw water burning. They were posted in a corner of the venue, and I have to admit......there were some cute buffalo chasers among them.
After 5 minutes they were taken away. I asked a waiter who they were, and he answered that that were the new boys, just brought in by minibus from E-San. "Every week new boy come!!"

On another accasion, I was witness of the payment from one barowner to a lady who just had delivered 3 boys: THB 3,000/each.

If you encounter an honest boy, and you ask him, whether his parents know about his activities as "social worker", they usually answer: "Mama think I work restaurant", or "Mama think I work hotel/shop".
I also went on several occasions with a certain mamasang to villages in the E-San, with boys who would like to visit their families or just to pick up new boys. Everytime I was told, that the "old" boys were working in a restaurant/hotel and that the "new" boys were about to start working in a hotel, of which I was supposed to be the owner.

So in many cases the family sends out their children to find a job in hotels/restaurants/shops in Pattaya. The most obvious reason to work in Pattaya at the moment is of course as a construction worker.

So, what's the point of my post?
There are obvious reasons to work in Pattaya, Patpong, CMX or Phu. Own choice or family's choice, imho it's just in a few cases a boys' own choice. Of course there are a lot of boys, who were taken under fals pretentions, but as soon as they found out that it was pretty easy money: dance in underwear, go with farang, masturbate/smoke the farang and cash at least THB 500 for half an hour.

In 2 cases I managed to get a boy so far, that he decided to return home. They were both 16 and brought to Pattaya to work in a restaurant.

January 21st, 2008, 11:25
I'm not going to pretend to understand Thai attitudes to prostitution, but think that a combination of economic necessity and freedom from western "Christian" morals allows them to easily enter into prostitution; even if its only part time.
Reason I say part time is that I like masculine men and my favourite passtime is cruising "normal" guys off the street; 6 weeks ago stayed at the rose hotel in Bangkok, there was a construction site in front, had no problem picking up the young guys, what a pleasure, not a single shaved pubic hair...all natural; guys were so open about it that they even joked/competed amongst themselves to be picked...afterall easy money, only takes 30 minutes, get to take a hot shower and back on the site before lunch is up.

January 21st, 2008, 16:29
I think the boys know what it is they are getting into but some decide that it isn't for them and go back home. Some are brought by friends who arrive back home with money and jewelry or riding new motorbikes. Most are from poor villages and the wild life in pattaya offers a change to their humdrum lives while also a chance to help the family. I am just thankfull that they do arrive and the chance to meet them for how ever long a time they stay. Iam one that continues to be friends with them long after the sex has stopped.. I think I still know most everyone that I met on my first trips there.

January 21st, 2008, 20:10
as "as social worker" in Pattaya..

Did you used to post under the name King Kong? He was tight with the boys in brown.He knew where all the hidden cameras were in Sunee. Come on now, would a real "social worker" from some western NGO? post on this board?

So, what's the point of my post?

With an inflammatory title like "human trafficking" invoking the image of slavery, sex slavery no less, it appears to me that your looking to cause some controversy troll style.

In 2 cases I managed to get a boy so far, that he decided to return home. They were both 16 and brought to Pattaya to work in a restaurant

You talked to them and next thing you know they are back to Issan on the first bus to plant rice. What did you say? You pay for the bus tickets?

January 22nd, 2008, 12:19
[quote=joseph44]as "as social worker" in Pattaya..

Did you used to post under the name King Kong? He was tight with the boys in brown.He knew where all the hidden cameras were in Sunee. Come on now, would a real "social worker" from some western NGO? post on this board?

So, what's the point of my post?

With an inflammatory title like "human trafficking" invoking the image of slavery, sex slavery no less, it appears to me that your looking to cause some controversy troll style.

In 2 cases I managed to get a boy so far, that he decided to return home. They were both 16 and brought to Pattaya to work in a restaurant

You talked to them and next thing you know they are back to Issan on the first bus to plant rice. What did you say? You pay for the bus tickets?[/quote:2b9j9ovd]

I don't know King Kong and I am NOT close with the boys in brown.
The title is "human trafficking" and not human trafficking.
I still have contact with the boys I managed to get back to E-San. Both are studying at a vocational college and support their education (partly).

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 22nd, 2008, 14:33
human trafficking ?

it sounds like what happens in Thailand is absolutely no different to most other countries-according to the Economist report in another thread. Just the attitude is less "moralistic"

King Kong was acutually filmed by those secret cameras snooping around Sunnee and questioned by police who wanted to know the source of all the "inside" information he kept posting on here. There was a report and snap n one of the more sensational tabloids..

January 23rd, 2008, 00:14
Joseph 44,

you ask "what's the point of (your) post" ?

For once, I have absolutely no idea at all!

Over the last 4 years is spent a lot of time in the Pattaya Gay areas and always wondered why so many young and straight boys choose to work as "as social worker" in Pattaya.

I have never heard a bar-boy or freelancer describe theselves, or be described "as social worker"; are they who you are obliquely referring to?

On several occasions I thought that I found out, but I was never sure.

Maybe someone forgot to let you into the secret - money!

If you encounter an honest boy, and you ask him, whether his parents know about his activities as "social worker", they usually answer: "Mama think I work restaurant", or "Mama think I work hotel/shop"....I also went on several occasions with a certain mamasang to villages in the E-San, with boys who would like to visit their families or just to pick up new boys. Everytime I was told, that the "old" boys were working in a restaurant/hotel and that the "new" boys were about to start working in a hotel, of which I was supposed to be the owner.

And your point is what - the boys are liars? The parents are stupid? Or simply that everybody (except, apparently, you) knows exactly what is going on but it is more acceptable for all concerned not to state the blindingly obvious?

So in many cases the family sends out their children to find a job in hotels/restaurants/shops in Pattaya.

In my experience, in very few cases are they actually "sent"; most go on their own to meet a working friend or with a friend who is going back to work.

The most obvious reason to work in Pattaya at the moment is of course as a construction worker.

Anything but, in fact. Not only is there far less construction going on in Pattaya than Bangkok, but living costs are higher. Addiionally, teams of construction workers are generally "recruited" as a team from one village or area, moving (as a team) from one site to another. A lone itinerant labourer is very rare. Anyone coming to work in Pattaya as an unskilled construction worker would find it very difficult to either find work or to pay their way until their first pay packet, paid after 20 days (2 weeks work + 5 days in arrears).

So, what's the point of my post?

Please, let us into the secret!

Own choice or family's choice, imho it's just in a few cases a boys' own choice.

In my experience, the total reverse is true - good bars will attract boys and their friends and it is only the more desperate who acually have to go on a recruiting drive to Isan, at least on a regular basis.

In 2 cases I managed to get a boy so far, that he decided to return home. They were both 16 and brought to Pattaya to work in a restaurant.... the boys I managed to get back to E-san. Both are studying at a vocational college and support their education (partly).

Are you sayng they worked in a restaurant or a bar? Did you smuggle them home, helping them to escape from a locked bar, with a gang of merciless mama-sans, katoeys and bar owners tracking you? Or did you just give them what they had come to Pattaya for - money?

None of the above need answering - just tell us what planet you are from instead.

January 23rd, 2008, 02:27
them what they had come to Pattaya for - money?

None of the above need answering - just tell us what planet you are from instead. Whatever one it is, in my opinion, it is definitely not planet earth. Like you GF, wiith regard to the question by Joseph 44 as to what the point of his post is, I also have absolutely no idea whatsoever. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/shrugs.gif

Choc Dee,

George. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/Peace.gif