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January 21st, 2008, 10:54
Just got back from a long weekend in Bangkok where I had the most amazing experience; 1st night I offed a young masculine "with attitude" boy and for 1200 had 2 hours of excellent sex.
Next day at a different bar I again offed a similarly butch guy and after also having a particularly good time mentioned that he looked very much like my 1st; only to be told that they were brothers !!!!
And to top it all off it was a younger cousin that introduced them to the life; apparently when the cousin after finding work in a "hotel" started coming back loaded with good clothers and a new motor bike it did'nt take much to convince his cousins that getting fucked wasn't such a bad idea; and they all claim to be straight!!
Always thought that the straight boys would limit themselves to kissing, oral and topping, but my 2nd claimed that he had problems getting an erection as he wasn't attracted to men so bottoming was actually easier!!
Is this usual ? In my various visits to Banhkok and Pattaya this is the 1st time I'vecome across family members working in go go bars.

January 21st, 2008, 11:17
I've known a couple of boys who have taken me on a tour of bars to meet their cousins and brothers

January 21st, 2008, 11:44
simply find the openess amazing; guess being new to the Thai scene these things still amaze me; in other contries like Brazil where there is also a lot of prostitution it is all much more hidden/shameful and nobody wants to admit to being a rent boy or s bottom, even if they're gay; yet in one weekend I fucked 2 (supposedly) straight brothers like its the most natural thing in the world...
Speaking of natural popped into Nature boys...what a disaster...6 skinny boys playing with themselves, trying to get a hardon...without success..bit pitiful...

January 21st, 2008, 12:07
I don't suppose you would name bars and numbers would you? Seems the obvious question - maybe they would both like to be together!

January 21st, 2008, 12:11
... is a popular straight threesome fantasy

January 21st, 2008, 12:48
in fact think brothers work for the same 'company", bangkok Boys(entrance on ground floor) and I think Dream Boys next door, entrance you go upstairs....cannot recall numbers...sorry..and Hominterm...yes is/was a fantasy fucking a str8 guy... but the fact that it all seems so OK with them both kinda dilutes the naughtiness factor...
Guess its just business....

January 21st, 2008, 13:15
Brothers, cousins whatever, OK...but when you manage to DO identical twins at the same time please post details. Now, that would be amazing.

There are identical twins guards where I live. At first I thought he was just everywhere, then I saw them together.

January 21st, 2008, 13:28
I knew two brothers who worked at Screw Boys.
Dom, the younger brother was very handsome and masculine (masculine until bedtime anyway)
I wonder if they are still around, I'll check when I arrive in a couple of weeks.

January 21st, 2008, 16:14
There are many brothers and cousins working on the scene.

I was offered a threesome adventure once by the older of two brothers who didn't bat an eye when saying that his younger brother can be on the bottom, and the younger brother didn't bat an eye when he started smoking his older brother either. Quite an event - I must say.


January 21st, 2008, 16:21
I knew brothers that worked at the OLe Macho Bar in Chiang Mai years ago. The were Burmesse and cut (Shan I believe) and both were extremely handsome. The older one was a little over 5 inches but the yougner one was 8 inches and very thick. The older one became the BF of a friend of mine but unfortuatley died on the kings birthday 8 years ago the result of a high speed motorbile accident. The younger one is today just as handsome as ever and we keep in touch as best we can. This was my first experience with losing a great friend there and also my first experience with how the asian's view death and I try to visit his grave when i am in Mae Sai (he is buried on a hilltop that over looks the border area).

January 21st, 2008, 17:54
Not such an unusual situation. I know of two brothers working in separate bars in Boystown. Mom works at one of the girly bars. They all live together.

January 22nd, 2008, 05:48
A very few years ago I went to B and N massage. I chose a lad very much of the type I appreciate. Slimmish (not wowpow style at all!), very good looking, lovely eyes, slightly fancy hair, studded belt to highlight the waist and fiercely streetwise gear. Yes, I'm a sucker for a clich├й! We sat over a drink and, after the usual conversation, cheerful and positive, he said, 'You like take brother with me... he twin... not have work today'. He gestured towards a gaggle of boys round the bar, which disappeared around a corner, I could see no one like him, and my alarm bells rang (trying to set a 'mate' up with work? -recipe for failure). I politely declined the offer and we went off to one of the best massage sessions I've ever had. Very little massage (which bores me to tears) and 50 minutes of riotous sex. He bottomed like a doe rabbit, laughing and cavorting around out of what seemed to be sheer high spirits.

I could not get this guy out of my head, and a few days later I went back to B. and N. I was delighted to find him there and called him over. As he sat down I greeted him by name, but the reply was, 'Me no xxx... me yyy... he my brother... no here today'. I did not confront him and we went off to another stupendous 'massage'. He was not only a look-alike, but an action-alike, so by the end I was pretty puzzled. Was this guy just having a bit of fun by pulling my leg? I had to get to the bottom of the matter (though in one sense I already had - twice!), so I suggested making a date to meet with the two of them - crafty way of finding out the truth! No problem.

At this distance in time I'm no longer quite sure what I expected, but I'm certain I was prepared to find it a joke, or that, to save face, the guy would not be there. However, when I went into B and N, there they were, standing side-by-side waiting for me, wreathed in smiles and quite indistinguishable. Even now I find it hard to find words to describe this exhilarating and strange experience, and I'm reduced to the vulgarity of remembering that I did to (apparently) one boy, simultaneously, things that are physically and logically impossible in 'real' life. But to put it like that does not catch the euphoria that these brothers created, in such perfect harmony that it really didn't seem turned on for the occasion. If it was acting, well, they deserved Oscars. Utterly appropriately, I tipped them ourageously, hoping the money would be spent on sanuk and not the rear end of a new buffalo. I left Bangkok a few days afterwards, knowing that I should never come across these twins again.

This was, undoubtedly, the high spot of my long life of sexual encounters - at least, so far! I realise it's the material of a hundred porn blogs and no doubt many falsified photos, but I am sane and not a fantasist. In the face of such experiences I'm perfectly happy for them to hang on to that motto 'Amazing Thailand'. And, in fact, I don't find it's necessary to fantasize in Thailand. If you take things as they come, open yourself up to what may happen, there really isn't much time or energy left for fantasy.

January 22nd, 2008, 06:27
My story of Brothers is not so exciting. Just a bit humorous...
On my first trip to BKK a friend took me to Tomahawk. Used to be across from Tawan.
I saw this fantasy guy at the bar. Went to pee and when I cam back I ask the Mamasan to invite him over.
But something was not right. he was not as big as I had thought. And a bit neely.
So I excused my self and went back to the toilet.
On my way, I saw my first love, still sitting at the bar.
After conversation with the Manasan, I found it was the BROTHER I was attracted to...
I explained and my table guest was more than happy to fetch his brother.
And I was happy as well. We became good friends and I see him every trip to BKK.
I see the other bother also, he is now married to another Thai Go-Go Boy and lives happily in Ratchaburi.
Life in Thailand is always full of surprises and joy!!!

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 22nd, 2008, 06:38
I once had a b/f who was working the Pattaya scene to purchase a tuk tuk just as his father had. Dad had shown him the way.

This isn't too different from the west where daughters can follow mothers into prostitution ( and possibly sons like fathers but spoken off less)-it just doesn't carry the ridiculous moral calamities like the guilt ridden west .

January 22nd, 2008, 07:17
Luvthai Quote

The older one was a little over 5 inches but the younger one was 8 inches

How convenient, you can fit em both in your pocket...55555

daa raa
January 22nd, 2008, 09:11
I have had identical twins, but not together and not in Thailand. I know of 2 brothers who work in the same bar on Pattayland Soi 3.

January 22nd, 2008, 11:29
A very few years ago I went to B and N massage...............................
I went into B and N, there they were, standing side-by-side waiting for me, wreathed in smiles and quite indistinguishable. .....................

This was, undoubtedly, the high spot of my long life of sexual encounters -

A few years ago and NOW you tell us! I as sure they have moved on.