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View Full Version : How the heck do you ship duty free

Khor tose
January 10th, 2008, 19:56
I am retiring to CM in June. If I get my non-immigrant visa here first the Thai Visa web sites say I can ship my household goods without paying duty. What is the cheapest way to ship, and who do you recommend to ship with. Are my goods duty free when they arrive or do I need tea money to get them back from customs? All help and suggestions would be appreciated.

January 11th, 2008, 08:15
I think that you are allowed to import most household goods free of duty when you move to reside in Thailand or work here and that this permission is valid for six months after your visa is used or issued.

I moved my household goods here in September using a much recommended international company, I think based in Hong Kong, fwindmme@chonburi.ksc.co.th. There is a good guy there who is English, called Paul, but I lost his phone number. I found them excellent. Nothing was damaged and the price seemed good. They can also advise you on the tax allowance rules and negotiate tea money which seems to be about 50% +of the tax due.

Very few people seem to import their stuff but I am very happy that I did as so many things have memories attached. Also second hand stuff in the UK is worth very little indeed.

I won't quote prices as I seem to remember it seemed about the same from the UK as it was from the USA but money values have changed.

The Thai Customs have a good website:
http://www.customs.go.th/Customs-Eng/Ho ... =HouseHold (http://www.customs.go.th/Customs-Eng/HouseholdEffects/HouseholdEffects.jsp?menuNme=HouseHold)