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View Full Version : Isaan Boys

December 30th, 2007, 14:28
Hi there.
One of the things I have noticed in my few trips to Thailand is that Isaan boys seem (in my limited experience) to be cut, or are more likely to be cut than others.
Is this just me finding a rarity or is there some sort of social/cultural - or other reason for this?

If you have knowledge of this I'd love to know.


December 30th, 2007, 16:30
... Isaan boys seem (in my limited experience) to be cut, or are more likely to be cut than others. Is this just me finding a rarity or is there some sort of social/cultural - or other reason for this?It's a rarity. Most "working" boys are from Isaan and I've encountered very few (can't remember the last one) who were "cut". However most Thai foreskins retract easily so maybe you're confusing that with the other? Boys from the South are more likely to be so - "my cock is Moslem" as one of them remarked to me

January 1st, 2008, 10:34
Well, thanks for that. No I am sure they were actually cut.

Love the 'my cock is moslem' comment.

January 1st, 2008, 12:14
Well, thanks for that. No I am sure they were actually cut.As part of my indefatigable research on behalf of Forum members, I have had no less than five Isaan boys (chosen at random) since the first post in this thread. All were uncut

January 1st, 2008, 14:13
...I have had no less than five Isaan boys (chosen at random) since the first post in this thread....

I've been in LOS for less than 1 week and I've already had that many Isaan boys (chosen not so randomly, haha. I'm not kidding). 2 Isaan boys last night in Pattaya (Happy New Year!) and at least they all say they are from Isaan. None of them were cut. All cute, but none cut. :alien:

January 1st, 2008, 14:13
Hi there.
One of the things I have noticed in my few trips to Thailand is that Isaan boys seem (in my limited experience) to be cut, or are more likely to be cut than others.
Is this just me finding a rarity or is there some sort of social/cultural - or other reason for this?

If you have knowledge of this I'd love to know.


Hi Diao maa, you ask if your coming across Issan boys that are cut, is a rarity? As someone that lived in Issan for six years, in addition to having made many return trips since leaving, to see the Thai friends I still have there, let me answer your question by saying this:

Coming across a boy from Issan who is cut, I can state to you with absolute certainty, would be an extremely rare occurrence. In fact, it would be so rare an occurrence, that you would be more likely to come across Hommie, chanting the Mantra as a novice monk, at Wat Chai Mong Kol Temple in Pattaya Tai.

The only thing I can think of that would be more rarer than that, is finding that Hommie is intending to throw a Christmas Party next year at All Boy for all the members of this Forum, whilst agreeing with me prior to the party being held, to pick up the check bin for all expenses incurred.

I hope you can now see by my comparisons in answering your question, just how fucking rare it really is to come across a cut bot from Issan, by using the above examples. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/roflao.gif

As to how I am so certain about Issan boys being members of the cavalier brigade, as opposed to the Roundheads, I am afraid that I could not possible comment. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/whistle.gif

Chok Dee Diao maa and a belated welcome to the forum. By the way, please don't hesitate for a second, if you ever do find Hommie doing either of those two things I mentioned above, as if you do, I will show you a rocking horse that you are able to get shit from. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/biglaugh.gif


January 2nd, 2008, 00:39
I've been in LOS for less than 1 week and I've already had that many Isaan boysAnd this thread's less than a week old