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December 27th, 2007, 20:06
Benazir Bhutto 'killed in blast'

Benazir Bhutto had been addressing rallies in many parts of Pakistan
Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been killed in a presumed suicide attack, a military spokesman has announced on TV.
Earlier reports said Ms Bhutto had only been injured and taken to hospital.
Ms Bhutto had just addressed a pre-election rally in the town of Rawalpindi when the bomb went off.
At least 15 other people are reported killed in the attack and several more were injured. Ms Bhutto had twice been the country's prime minister.
She was campaigning ahead of elections due in January.

Full article

Sorry it's not gay Thailand but I wanted to share - so sad. Perhaps a message for self exiled Prime Minsters returning?

December 27th, 2007, 23:01
It was only a matter of when.

sad nonetheless

December 28th, 2007, 07:10
Sorry it's not gay Thailand but I wanted to share - so sadIs this a general principle for posting Forum messages - "I think it's important so I don't give a shit about Forum rules"? Note it's always believers who act so badly - agnostics have never, to the best of my knowledge, committed a terrorist act. Yet it's believers who claim that their beliefs give them the only basis for morality, and agnostics, being godless, must be totally immoral. It may be sad if you have a sentimental view of the world; "inevitable" is more logical reaction especially as it involves the Axis of Evil - Judaism, Christianity and Islam

December 28th, 2007, 08:28
i don't think anyone on sawatdee
gives a left hand wank
give it a rest wowpow

December 28th, 2007, 09:30
Benazir Bhutto 'killed in blast'

Sorry it's not gay Thailand but I wanted to share - so sad. Perhaps a message for self exiled Prime Minsters returning?

Well maybe Mr Thaksin will take some notice and see what happens when the wheels well and truly fall off ... but I doubt it. I think he believes he is above us all.`

And wowpow, I think it is sad that Benazir Bhutto is dead also.


December 28th, 2007, 13:01
"...agnostics have never, to the best of my knowledge, committed a terrorist act..." [Homintern, above]

Au contraire, mon ami, there are plenty of examples from history. Bolsheviks in pre-revolutionary Russia and the widespread international anarchist movement of the early C20 would be just two examples.

Lunchtime O'Booze
December 28th, 2007, 13:11
terrible thing but I half expected this at any moment when she went back to Pakistan. When they are out to assassinate you it's virtually impossible to stop it happening.

I've always worried about the great Imran Khan..fan that I am of this wondrous cricketer. Now under house arrest but I hope he gives up the idea of a political career. Doubt he'd last too long.

I think it's time to revive the anarchist movement..terribly glamorous. How about Homintern ?..we can wear black berets, talk a lot in cafes and naturally , drink a lot of red wine.

December 28th, 2007, 14:00
i don't think anyone on sawatdee
gives a left hand wank
give it a rest wowpow

How sad bedbugy, you have to display your ignorance and ill mannered mind set on a public forum. Now run along and try to get a life or at least some compassion!

December 28th, 2007, 14:46
if i'm not mistaken 115 innocent people died on her first attempt on her life
she continued on her way another 16 innocent people died
this was her own doing
saying come on kill me
sympathy yes for the innocent who died

December 28th, 2007, 15:14
If you think Toxin was corrupt. She was the worst, Mrs 25% she was known as in the Muslim world and her husband was knwon as Mr 40% Good riddance to the bitch

December 28th, 2007, 15:17
"...agnostics have never, to the best of my knowledge, committed a terrorist act..." [Homintern, above]

Au contraire, mon ami, there are plenty of examples from history. Bolsheviks in pre-revolutionary Russia and the widespread international anarchist movement of the early C20 would be just two examples.

Indeed Marsilius. And of course Carlos the Jackal was well known for his careful observance of the Buddhist faith, just as Baader-Meinhof of Germany were equally celebrated for their elaborate religious rituals. And let's not forget that the Japanese, during the rape of Nanjing, prayed to Mecca five times a day like all good Muslims do. So at least then the Chinese got a moment's break from being raped, burnt, buried alive, bayoneted, pillaged and otherwise murdered by the Japanese, and I'm sure they were very grateful for it too.

That's one thing you can always rely upon from Beryl. She never allows a fact to get in the road of her presumptions and opinions. Oh no sirree! Just like Margaret Thatcher, the lady is NOT for turning!

December 28th, 2007, 15:44
I don't see the relevance to this forum.
Pakistan is not Thailand & would at best have a very quiet gay scene as a result of the repressive beliefs which are predominant in that region.

December 28th, 2007, 15:50
It's not about Gay. It's about a disaster. Let's not be too shallow or parochial.

Mrs Bhutto to Pakistanis was the one person trying to do something for the poor there which is about 95.5% of the country. Her assassination is like the death of President Kennedy to them and many in the world.

Perhaps it's time to be moved.

December 28th, 2007, 16:00
When they are out to assassinate you it's virtually impossible to stop it happening.

So true, Doris. Thank your lucky stars they confine themselves to the verbal in your case.

Lunchtime O'Booze
December 28th, 2007, 16:50
Benazir Bhutto was certainly "guilty" of plunder..but only in the way of her country. It's difficult for us westerners to understand how this sort of corruption works..after all , we have our own ways and they end up being perfectly legal half the time..even when it's outright corruption.

It's like trying to pin down the way bribery works in Thailand...in a way...it does actually work and let's face it, we who are descendants of the great British empire refined corruption to an infinite degree. I never judge corruption when it's part of the fabric of a country...and "corruption" is possibly the wrong word.

The real great worry with the assassination of Bhutto is what it will eventually mean for the Pakistani people..and it doesn't bode well.

I think this subject is extremely important..even to Gay Thailand. We live in a quickly moving world and none of us are isolated from events.

except me..that's why I just keep drinking..it's the only way.

(incidentally you cannot drink in Pakistan !! as I found out once on a 4 day visit !!..how can a nation of people survive without a chemical outlet ???..be it cocaine, yabba, hashish or alcohol ?) :idea:

peteruk..I'm not worth the price of a bullet.

December 28th, 2007, 23:03
-No one may think that the world should worry about "little" Pakistan, but its like a ship off course and let's face it, though there are many educated, civil, peaceful Muslim citizens in Pakistan, (yes, I have visited Pakistan and have friends from there) they don't dare voice their opinion against the fanatics without facing the fear of being killed...so who will eventually take over the government? --Some fanatical leader backed by the wanna-be terrorists and ...they will have control of the atomic bomb. And "poor" George Bush will have wasted his time in Iraq when he should have been focusing on Pakistan and Afganistan.

December 29th, 2007, 01:07
The real great worry with the assassination of Bhutto is what it will eventually mean for the Pakistani people..and it doesn't bode well.

I think this subject is extremely important..even to Gay Thailand. We live in a quickly moving world and none of us are isolated from events.

You are absolutely right Lunchtime. I remember that a reasonably obscure assassination of a European Royal that took place in an equally obscure European town that had nothing to do with the United States, New Zealand, Canada (or Thailand for that matter) had, before that decade was out, resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of our citizens. That assassination started WWI.

The murder of Mrs Bhutto has everything to do with gay Thailand. The Middle East is ripe with instability, and reminds me in many ways of pre WWI Europe. A disintegrating Pakistan is likely to drag India into the conflict. Both these countries are nuclear armed, and Aunt and Uncle Osama and Alymain are just waiting to pick up the odd nuke to take to New York. Iran may choose to support Pakistan's Islamofascists and it may become involved in the conflict facing off against India. Afghanistan may go back to the dogs. Turkey may decide to move into Kurdish Iraq resulting in Iraq going back to the dogs. And before you know where you are WWIII has broken out. And if that happens, the US will be broken. It doesn't have the resources to stem the blood loss from the sub-prime fiasco on the one hand, and fight a full scale war on the other, without substantial sacrifices from the American people, who have grown fat, bloated, self-absorbed and weak. It will go the way of the British Empire after WWII. Weakened and bankrupt after too many wars.

International tourism will collapse and oil will be at $250 a barrel. And your little trips to Thailand to fiddle with its young men, well you can kiss goodbye to those, eh?