View Full Version : North Island of New Zealand struck by large quake

December 20th, 2007, 15:42
Gisborne on the east coast of the North Island has been struck by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake tonight about 1h 30 min ago. No reports of deaths, yet, but damage is widely reported, the degree at this stage is unknown. Communications with the city are patchy and the power is off. Most of the country was shaken.

http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiap ... index.html (http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/12/20/newzealand.quake.ap/index.html)

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/1/sto ... d=10483633 (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/1/story.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10483633)

Catherine Watson
There's no power. Everyone is on the street. The house was shaking and we were all swaying. We stood in the door frames. Smashed glass everywhere, frames, ornaments smashed and on the floor, wine everywhere. Food has fallen off all the shelves in the pantry. Water pipes have burst so flooding all through the house. Everyone is driving out of town and the streets are all backed up with cars.

Its terrifying

December 22nd, 2007, 19:26

December 23rd, 2007, 08:27
... noted as "gay life in other countries" do we assume the earth moved for a number of pooftahs in Nw Zlnd? Else why isn't this thread in the Global Forum?

Lunchtime O'Booze
December 29th, 2007, 21:10
"Catherine Watson
There's no power. Everyone is on the street. The house was shaking and we were all swaying. We stood in the door frames. Smashed glass everywhere, frames, ornaments smashed and on the floor, wine everywhere. Food has fallen off all the shelves in the pantry. Water pipes have burst so flooding all through the house. Everyone is driving out of town and the streets are all backed up with cars.

Its terrifying"

personally I've yet to meet a New Zulunder who isn't in the grip of some sort of drug..perhaps they need to be to live there.

Sounds like Catherine was just having a bad mushroom's trip.

December 30th, 2007, 08:36
Everyone is driving out of town and the streets are all backed up with cars.My drains were backed up the other day. A very cute plumber came around to unclog them