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View Full Version : Vaccination and Immunization Requirements for Entering USA

December 8th, 2007, 14:16
Hello All,
My boyfriend just got his F-1 visa approved (hooray!) But now, I'm not clear about immunization and vaccination requirements for a student coming to the USA from Southeast Asia. I've scoured the State Department website to no avail. It says "depends on the country" but that's all.

Anyone have some experience with this?


December 8th, 2007, 14:22
I would suggest you call the Embassy and ask them to send a letter of the requirements.

December 8th, 2007, 22:05
see http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants ... _1331.html (http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_1331.html)

Not sure if there is any diff between student visas etc but these are all
good vaccinations to get in any case.

Besides this list, I would add Hep A vaccine as well. Unlikely to get Hep A in
the US but it is not unheard of and if it is available why not?

I would suspect as well that he would need a TB test and a statement
clear of STDs and any other infectious diseases. Again all good
things to get cleared up in any case.

Sadly, HIV+ is still one they will refuse entrance for.