View Full Version : The BBC in Thailand

November 24th, 2007, 21:07
Just wondered if one can get Live BBC News 24 in Thailand, if anyone wants to try:


is the actual link, then there is a link at the top somewhere which says "Live" - be grateful if someone could try.

November 24th, 2007, 23:01
The live link that you mention does connect but currently has an announcement saying that Sports World cannot be broadcast worldwide due to copyright. You need to have a computer with Real Player or similar downloaded to listen. Now it's broadcasting BBC World Service.

All BBC Radio programs are available via the Internet at http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/ and many programs and new items are listen on demand.

Thai True TV and others have BBC World TV which is mainly news.

November 24th, 2007, 23:40
http://news.bbc.co.uk/ is the actual link, then there is a link at the top somewhere which says "Live" - be grateful if someone could try.

I had bookmarked this page ready for next month.
I'll be interested in any positive reply from Thailand.

November 25th, 2007, 04:10
I took time to look a little closer at the BBC News link page provided by White Desire. The range of news services that the BBC provide is mind bogglingly huge as is the website.

Just above the 'listen live' button is a choice of UK news or International News to choose from and it works fine. Obviously you need to have a computer and a sound source speakers or earphones. Real Player or Windows Media Player needs to be installed - I guess that most places have this already. I am not quite sure what News 24 is but there is BBC World and UK news available. You can also see 1 minute news with a tiny fuzzy video and video clips of important events.

I think that all these services are available worldwide unless blocked locally - e.g. BBC Burma in Burmese. You should be able to check these out at home to see which service you like.

I love the Listen Again programmes and Podcasts and stuff available for one's favourite programmes. I listen every week to Any Questions, Any Answers, The News Quiz, Brain of Britain, Excess Baggage and suchlike on Radio 4, Classical Music on Radio 3, Local Radio on BBC Cheltenham is available, BBC 7 has lots of old stuff like Round the Horn and comedy programmes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/ I used listen to Classic FM but they only broadcast to the UK now - copyright problems.

If you have True/UBC television then it has radio as well and BBC World is there as well as wonderful BBC entertainment.

Roll on Global Television?

P S I am positively in Thailand.

November 25th, 2007, 05:33
Just wondered if one can get Live BBC News 24 in Thailand, if anyone wants to try:http://news.bbc.co.uk/ is the actual link, then there is a link at the top somewhere which says "Live" - be grateful if someone could try.Works fine for me - I use Loxinfo as my broadband provider. When you first select it, you can decide on the connection speed and the media player - Windows Media Player or Real Player

November 25th, 2007, 07:16
.. just wondered if they banned it as there are some sensitive news broadcasts on it, especially today about Burma and Thailand

November 27th, 2007, 15:31
I used listen to Classic FM but they only broadcast to the UK now - copyright problems.

P S I am positively in Thailand.

On my last trip about 6 months ago, the classic fm website used to ask for a valid UK postcode as it could only broadcast to the UK, so I entered my own and it worked fine.

On this trip, started two months ago, I haven't even had to do that as the broadcast has come through at most of the internet shops I've used. I'm listening to it live now as I browse the internet, simply by visiting www.classicfm.co.uk (http://www.classicfm.co.uk) and clicking on the words "Listen now". A player loads itself and after a bit of buffereing, it comes through clearly.

I am also positively in Thailand!

November 27th, 2007, 20:52
Chris UK - I am positively delighted and listening to Classic FM as I write. I reregistered to my UK Poste Restante and it seems to be working.

I noted that it only works with Windows or Safari and is not Firefox friendly which is a surprise. Maybe they will change as Windows Media Player for Mac is not going to be updated.

Their FAQ says:

"How can I listen to Classic FM if I'm outside of the UK?

Unfortunately, since 1st April 2006, Classic FM has been required to restrict access to our Internet Audio Streaming to people who live in the United Kingdom. This is happening because of a change in the way we are allowed by the music industry to stream on the Internet. New license terms are changing the way royalties are collected on the music being broadcast and listeners outside of the United Kingdom will be unable to proceed to the audio player on www.classicfm.com (http://www.classicfm.com) and the websites of many other UK commercial stations."

Anyone resident in the UK but using an ISP with a USA or non UK based server will also be blocked from listening on line. Some AOL subscribers may have problems with this.

Oh dear I seem to be getting rather a lot of drop out - it's like listening on a badly scratched LP. Maybe it will right itself.

November 28th, 2007, 07:28
I also listen to it most days in Thailand, never had a problem with the link. click on http://www.classicfm.co.uk/Article.asp?id=421143

and listen - simple really!

November 28th, 2007, 21:56
I wonder if one can get TV programmes from the internet from the UK now. The internet for instance ITV now put programmes like Coronation Street, the full episode from the night before, on the internet. Would be interested to see if someone could try


Loads of catch up programmes on there, but interested if someone could try. Or have they put a block on it.

November 28th, 2007, 22:30
I wonder if one can get TV programmes from the internet from the UK now. The internet for instance ITV now put programmes like Coronation Street, --------
have they put a block on it.

It is to be hoped that as a service to the viewing public programmmes in the ilk of Coronation Street are blocked.

Wow Pow is correct that a lot of UK broadcasting is blocked outside of the UK because of the new royalty payment laws, you can overcome this simply and cheaply by subscribing to a UK registered ISP then simply logging into their browser from Thailand via IE or Firefox
and thereon to whatever broadcast you want to listen to. VM & BT certainly works although as AOL has American based servers their access is a bit hit & miss.

November 29th, 2007, 00:36
... not sure how it would actually work in practice i.e. how would you pay for it in the UK and then call up their browser in Thailand. Surely, anyone can call up a IE browser, i.e. BT, their home page or TalkTalk for instance, wherever they are, without paying.

November 29th, 2007, 07:24
... not sure how it would actually work in practice i.e. how would you pay for it in the UK and then call up their browser in Thailand. Surely, anyone can call up a IE browser, i.e. BT, their home page or TalkTalk for instance, wherever they are, without paying.Good heavens, dear boy, you are remarkably obtuse for a City FX trader. Even a bald, fat, old cunt like me can work out you would log on to their Web site, using your ID and password, and then have access to all their resources just as if you are in the UK

November 29th, 2007, 08:31
... I see what you mean now Hom; although my provider TalkTalk does not do that it directs you to ITV. I think BT might offer something like that; but you have to pay a bit for it. Cheers anyway.

November 29th, 2007, 13:51
... I see what you mean now Hom; although my provider TalkTalk does not do that it directs you to ITV. I think BT might offer something like that; but you have to pay a bit for it. Cheers anyway.

If you are in the UK and your provider redirects you to BBC/ITV then you can listen to the output as you are shown as being in the UK.

Try accessing BBC or ITV from overseas without your UK's supplier account and your ISP will show as a non-UK ISP and the restrictions will apply. The reason for logging into your UK's ISP account is that you are simply using their browser which shows up as a UK based one, wherever you are in the world. As you are using their bandwidth to download the content any programmes you listen to through you account will count towards your account download limit.