View Full Version : 20 Questions: What do you ask number 23 before you decide?

November 21st, 2007, 05:20
If you're talking about one's "off of the night", why bother with questions?

On the other hand, if you're talking about somebody you've had a 6+ year relationship with, then I
can only come up with some questions that I should have asked:
(1) You're only planning on spending 4 years in college, aren't you?
(2) Won't the motorcycle last more than 3 years?
(3) etc.

I'm stopping there as, while I approached the questions initially with some sense of humor, suddenly they don't seem so funny...hehe.

November 21st, 2007, 05:57
But the most famous question of all (at least here on Sawatdee Forum) is:


Id card, please.


November 21st, 2007, 06:30
passive,active, Versatile?


November 21st, 2007, 06:42
passive,active, Versatile?


Dear Wes,

Reminds me of one of our wittier guys who was working.[ A nice person but not particularly successful in the offs department]

When asked by a customer his role, he replied:

You like boy, I'm a boy, You like lady, I'm a lady, you like versatile, I'm versatile!

Customer stayed with him for three weeks!

November 21st, 2007, 08:31
passive,active, Versatile?


Dear Wes,

Reminds me of one of our wittier guys who was working.[ A nice person but not particularly successful in the offs department]

When asked by a customer his role, he replied:

You like boy, I'm a boy, You like lady, I'm a lady, you like versatile, I'm versatile!

Customer stayed with him for three weeks!

Sounds like a good off to me, LOL ttyl,


November 21st, 2007, 12:23
If you are stuck in one sexual role in the sack and it is the most important thing for you, then by all means
have a Thai person write out your most important questions for the boy to answer in Thai, of course...

If you are kinky and into say water sports or some S & M or want someone to dominate and treat you
like a dog, then the card would be a real time-saver and money-saver.

I have found from experience that many boys will answer the questions the way they think you want rather
than factually. Why some farangs ask if the boy is gay is beyond me? The boy may have a very fem boyfriend
and in his mind he is not gay but his bf is..
It takes some time to get used to some of the ways Thais differ from the sexually obsessed and sexually fucked up world
created by the Judeo-Christian perversion of human sexuality..

Some boys lie... I know it is hard to grasp the concept but most of us will still give him the same tip because we
are afraid, or want to be polite, or can understand their disgust at our appearances, or because we are really
guilt ridden, or because we want to boys to like us or whatever madness possesses us to reward boys who con
us and don't do what they promised.. I don't fall for this and am known to have the lad vacate the premises in minutes
after they refuse to do anything but chow wow and only if there is a video playing with big titty ladies..

You might as well not ask the questions as the results back in the room are always chancy no matter what the answer is... :cat:

November 21st, 2007, 13:32
Dear Cat,

How right you are.

Also, as soon as you allow this nonsense to occur, you have totally lost control or should I say the situatuion is out of control and they are calling the shots.

The next thing they'll be throwing you a couple of magazines whilst they are playing video games in your room with their mates, or watching the football drinking out of your mini bar mumbling "Jai Dee " whilst they have a "Do not disturb around their neck" and a can of Singha in the hand!

You're paying, don't allow them to take the piss!

November 21st, 2007, 13:44
One reason to learn to speak Thai is so that you can talk to the boy before you get together and the boy understands what you are into and even how much you pay. So far I'm having pretty good luck talking to the boy in Thai, makes things go easier.

November 21st, 2007, 13:54
One reason to learn to speak Thai is so that you can talk to the boy before you get together and the boy understands what you are into and even how much you pay. So far I'm having pretty good luck talking to the boy in Thai, makes things go easier.


So can some of the rest of us.

If you have had good luck, I think it is more to do with how you have handled the situation than speaking Thai.

It does not stop them lying through their teeth to get an off and thinking about the consequences after.

Cat has found the correct way, in my opinion. If they don't wish to do as promised, get them off on their way.

It is the same as them saying they will stay overnight and then saying they have to leave as their Aunty is sick or they have an exam in the morning [ even though it is Sunday} etc etc.

It stops them thinking you are a mug and serves as a warning to any of their mates who think they are being clever.

Being nice is great, so is being fair and kind hearted but don't get the name as a mug!

November 21st, 2007, 14:41
I have learned that what we perceive of as kindness is perceived of as weakness or foolishness by many Thai boys
that work in the boy bars. We think we can buy their affection and some even delude them to the extreme and think
they can buy their love with money. It sometimes seems the older the farang the more foolish he becomes with his
money and what he thinks he is buying/renting with it. There are 40 y.o. flamboyant exceptions to this but usually the old
adage, "there is no fool like an old fool" and "a fool and his money are soon parted", hold true.

You may think you are kind when you overpay for a boy who does nothing, even when he says he will do it all.
What are you teaching the guy? I think we ruin things for ourselves and think we are being kind or generous but
really we are a joke and the boys have a good laugh when our beloved/boy special/bf/boygod goes back to the bar and tells
his workmates, what an easy fool that old man was and how little one has to do and still hit the jackpot..

and so it goes :cat:

by the way, I do believe in the redistribution of wealth from overrich countries to underpriviledged ones and try to make my
contributions as generous and frequent as I can but I would almost rather lend money to unscrupulous farang borrowers (confidence men)
but on second thought, not really... It is a fantastic party and if you can afford it, believe what you will and since it is unbelieveable that
you can have endless dreamboats in your bed, why should one worry about reality unless you get your heart broken once too often..

November 21st, 2007, 22:51
I have learned that what we perceive of as kindness is perceived of as weakness or foolishness by many Thai boys
that work in the boy bars. We think we can buy their affection and some even delude them to the extreme and think
they can buy their love with money. It sometimes seems the older the farang the more foolish he becomes with his
money and what he thinks he is buying/renting with it. There are 40 y.o. flamboyant exceptions to this but usually the old
adage, "there is no fool like an old fool" and "a fool and his money are soon parted", hold true.

You may think you are kind when you overpay for a boy who does nothing, even when he says he will do it all.
What are you teaching the guy? I think we ruin things for ourselves and think we are being kind or generous but
really we are a joke and the boys have a good laugh when our beloved/boy special/bf/boygod goes back to the bar and tells
his workmates, what an easy fool that old man was and how little one has to do and still hit the jackpot..

and so it goes :cat:

by the way, I do believe in the redistribution of wealth from overrich countries to underpriviledged ones and try to make my
contributions as generous and frequent as I can but I would almost rather lend money to unscrupulous farang borrowers (confidence men)
but on second thought, not really... It is a fantastic party and if you can afford it, believe what you will and since it is unbelieveable that
you can have endless dreamboats in your bed, why should one worry about reality unless you get your heart broken once too often..

This stuff rings true for me as well. And actually, these words are quite possibly the wisest comments I have ever read on this forum!

November 21st, 2007, 23:33
Its funny , I am mostly a top...and have never had to ask what the boy would do or not do....? And i have never been disappointed......I am 42 and look maybe younger.......and i will do a boy 3 or 4 times thru out a day...and only have to pay same as only one time...never had a complain about it.......only want to stay me longer time.....I guess i have been lucky so far.

November 22nd, 2007, 00:27
as with most thais in this GAME, they mostly say what they think you want to hear

November 22nd, 2007, 03:55
If I admit to the Deadly Sin of envy, would you be prepared to admit to the peccadillo of bragging?

November 22nd, 2007, 04:10
Yes maybe a little , but it just seems like so many here having problems with boys not living up to expectatios or having to give buis card with preferences and the like........Im just sharing my experiences. I have seen boys extremely jealous and possesive.....But all have been very cute and nice bum I love Thai Boys..so much

November 24th, 2007, 23:42
i see where your cumin' from with this one rainey,* Is the lad gay? (more likely to enjoy their work and be inventive, not just task focused),
but must say that some straight guys from bars are so good at kissing its surprising, but thats about all they do 555555.

November 25th, 2007, 09:16
I have had great sexual experiences with guys that identify as gay king. Gay king translates to me as straight guys
who are tops and receive oral. Reality is different in the bedroom and I find that almost all boys/guys including gay kings
do it all if the conditions are right.

One condition is that you keep what happens in the bedroom in the bedroom. No babbling that #5 lets me do this ,
why don't you? This condition is probably not that important as most of us cannot communicate clearly enough to
cause this problem.

Another condition is trust. Some farangs are sadistic and actually don't care at all about the boys. Some farangs
actually hurt the boys and cause bleeding. Trust and comfort level are critical as some of us are raging assholes
and short sighted. Some of the worst of us actually get beat up and knifed when they revisit their victims environs.
Some of the worst are drunks and don't even remember , but the boys do.

Last condition is economics. Cheapskates will get a reputation quickly and treated accordingly.
Almost as bad is not showering before and after.
Some of us have a problem reaching body areas due to excess weight and any odours
that would bother us, really bother most boys to the extreme.
Boys that identify as straight often have fem bfs, so go figure.
Also economic need is a factor and most boys/guys perform better in low season when the pickings are slim...

Western logic would predict that gay boys are better in bed but my many years of experience tell me that the sexual
preference of the boy/guy is not the paramount issue. It is the boy and the chemistry between him and his customer.
Straight boys/guy who cannot stomach smoking or kissing soon leave the business unless they have other special talents
like big cocks or beautiful faces and can make it on those special attributes but the vast majority don't last if they can't
handle our aged bodies and wrinkled pusses.
I fall for the Western logic myself but have to remind myself that each boy is different and our logic is not a great
predictor of what will ensue.
Word of mouth is great and one can avoid some of the worst performers but as each
of us has his own specialties, one man's great is another's so so and vice versa...... :cat:

November 25th, 2007, 14:30
I have never had a problem in doing anything I like with a boy. I only ask one question when picking them up "are you gay" Usually they say 100 per cent which means nothing, as we know they say what they think we want to hear. The other thing I always do before touching them is to ask them to take a shower with me. A long time is spent in the shower with a lot of soap and bath gel etc to make sure that both of us are a clean as a whistle.

I have know of many farang looking for short time just getting off the bat bus with the trick and straight on the bed and perhaps that is why the boy will do a little as possible. In my mind it is paramount to make the sexual experience for boy and me as pleasent as possible. There is nothing worse than a smelly old farang who needs a good wash. And remember we can smell bad to Thais even if we don't smell bad to ourselves.

The moral of this is. We sweat more that Thais and often stink of booze after leaving a go go bar. Use mouth spray Lott's of soap bath gel and perfumes and let thm see you do it just before hitting the sack and you shouldn't be disappointed with boys performance.

November 25th, 2007, 16:18
The other thing I always do before touching them is to ask them to take a shower with me.
That strategy also reduces the opportunities for the invited guest to scour the room for valuables while you shower alone. [cynic mode: off]

November 25th, 2007, 19:53
The other thing I always do before touching them is to ask them to take a shower with me.
That strategy also reduces the opportunities for the invited guest to scour the room for valuables while you shower alone. [cynic mode: off]

bkk gwm,

Excellent point, I bet a few are putting that one in the memory box!

November 26th, 2007, 00:56
i have only had good luck with boys i've offed. i'm mostly top too
and have never asked the big question in advance, and i've never
had a problem. this is my third year coming to bkk/pattaya.

once after a couple of hours of making out and other fun, my
absolutely gorgeous boy-for-the-night asked me sweetly in bed,
"You want make love me?"

he didn't have to ask me twice (or 3 times, or 4!!). and he stayed
the next day too.

i'm also an in shape, decent looking guy who looks younger than i am,
so maybe that helps. but to the boys' credit, they can tell when a
farang is genuinely nice to them and treats them with respect, or
when they just want a piece of thai tail.

the questions i ask in the bar (or where ever i meet him) are
questions i would ask any guy i was meeting for the first time.
questions like: where are you from? do you study at university?
do you like to go dancing? do you like karaoke? then we make
jokes about the mamasan or just talk about anything except sex.
if the boy is polite and acts interested in me i ask him if he wants
to go with me. i almost always take a boy "long time." and if it's
early enough, we'll go to a disco or karaoke, or to get something
to eat or drink before we end up at the hotel. i never make a
boy feel like he's just a money boy and only good for quick sex,
but i treat him like a date, like a friend, and he treats me the same.

one boy i met my first time in pattaya still phones me in the
usa after 2 years, and he's never asked for money! could it be
possible that not all of the working boys are greedy liars out for an
easy score? and maybe not all of us farangs are stupid, horny, old

November 27th, 2007, 06:40
I completely concur with your experience.....and mine is very much as you described

November 27th, 2007, 15:24
Is it raining in your province? Or are they planting rice? I usualy lie about the hotel thinking it puts them at ease. I am not a predator, quite relaxed and happy to be the hunted, if playful enough. If face to face with wide shiny eyes, fluttering eyelashes, sweet warm breath and cute plump moist cherry lips, I generally put my finger to them and whisper in a weak hoarse voice, have you come far? Leaves them in deep thought, long enough to concentrate on the massage.

November 27th, 2007, 23:47
What do you ask number 23 before you decide?

You can ask 1000 boy's ! They will answer things that you knows already ! :clown:

November 28th, 2007, 09:41
Just shows G.O.D should've made Eve first! :blackeye:
