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View Full Version : Crystal Boys Pattaya

November 15th, 2007, 17:24
Can anyone give an update on the Crystal Boys? How many boys there on an average night? What is the quality? I read early reports of "superstars". Is it Pattaya version of the Bangkok Tawan?

November 16th, 2007, 16:05
Is this place still in existence? Can anyone assist?

November 16th, 2007, 17:26
It is open.

Unfortunately, it attracts the blond Russian speaking women and their cigar smoking men.
I will check it out after high season when the hordes of straights leave town. Nothing is less
fun than a boy bar full of farang women and straight men and add alcohol and macho bullshit to
the mix and the bar is not a fun place.. Same problem at all the boy show bars in Pattayaland sois.

If you must go, then try these bars early and enjoy the 99B. drinks until 10P. Bearable from opening
until about 9:30P when the hordes descend on bars like BBB, Wild West Boys and probably Splash/Throb.

November 16th, 2007, 17:42
I agree with the posting by catawam.... though I have not been to Crystal Boys I was in Wild West Boys the other night and will be reluctant to go again as not only are the drinks over priced but the selection of boys and the show is nothing special; but mainly the problem is too many straights who gawk at the gay clientele and create a bad atmosphere.
Does anyone else get the feeling of a bad atmosphere with too many straights or am I being over sensitive?

November 16th, 2007, 22:03
Does anyone else get the feeling of a bad atmosphere with too many straights or am I being over sensitive?

Yes I do and in my opinion, no you are not.


November 16th, 2007, 23:56
I completely agree. When hanging out in Boyz Town or any of the show bars I have always felt as if we, as gay men, were part of the show that the tourist came to see. And I will admit that several of the posters here on the board are definitely a sight to be seen and photographed, but I chose not to be one of the monkeys in the zoo that the straight have come to see. We have to face it, Boyz Town has become an over priced tourist trap for those who know no better.

I think one of the big draws of Sunee is that we can sit around and enjoy some good company, drinks, and boys with out becoming part of the show. I know that some of the hyperventilating types on the board get all wound up about Sunee and its reputation, but given the choice I will take the Cornor Bar, Come In Bar, and TopMan...if you need a show, over any of the bars in Boyz Town.

November 17th, 2007, 09:24
Perhaps all those boring straight folks who mow the lawn on Saturday and wash their cars on Sunday are just jealous of the gay lifestyle and this is their way of getting a little peek at it.

We should charge 100 baht to pose for photos with the tourists, and maybe charge them 100 baht each to be herded through Boyztown (as quickly as possible) with a guide.

I walked through BoyzTown last night. A group of, I think Chinese, tourists gawking through the street following a guide complete with a guide flag. And you're right about the prices. We were in BoyzBoyzBoyz, and if you like muscle men, then the outrageous drink prices may not seem so outrageous to you. But, then they have a drag show to spoil the whole thing......

I was also in Star Boys, and the boys there are more "boy-next-door" types, more to my liking, but the hot-wax-drip "show" was not particularly exciting.

November 17th, 2007, 09:49
Thank you for contributions so far. I have not been to Pattaya for a couple of years but on my past visits I have always visited the Boyztown clubs early as those late "shows" don't do much for me and the straight tourists have not been an issue. Getting back to Crystal Boys, assuming you arrive early could I repeat my question as the quality and quantity of the boys and does it compare with the Tawan.

November 17th, 2007, 10:16
This urgent question would best be answered by an admirer of muscled men and wowpow comes to mind. Where is wowpow to
answer syd's question?
There are some well muscled lads at Crystal but it is not like Tawan but perhaps as close was you will get in Pattaya.
Pattaya is loaded with lady-boys, younger boys in general, and more Isaan (darker skinned) boys than in BKK..
Really plenty of every type but in general younger and everything cheaper than in the Big Mango...
Suggest syd checks wowpow historical postings and should find many references to both bars with loads of pix... :cat:

November 17th, 2007, 10:21
This urgent question would best be answered by an admirer of muscled men and wowpow comes to mind. Where is wowpow to
answer syd's question?
There are some well muscled lads at Crystal but it is not like Tawan but perhaps as close was you will get in Pattaya.
Pattaya is loaded with lady-boys, younger boys in general, and more Isaan (darker skinned) boys than in BKK..
Really plenty of every type but in general younger and everything cheaper than in the Big Mango...
Suggest syd checks wowpow historical postings and should find many references to both bars with loads of pix... :cat:

Dear Cat,

I go out and socialize a lot with Thai guys and many of them who off guys from the bar share your views and observations above.

Present comments from them, are the bars in Pattaya are flooded with Ladyboys of fem types saying they are gay, so as not to be classed as Ladyboys.

November 17th, 2007, 10:32
sorry kev,

you are correct.. I tend to call all fem gay boys, ladyboys, and mistake the use of make-up and long hair.
I have no problem with fem gay boys or lady-boys and realize there is a big difference.

I also socialize and know many Thai guys that like the fem boys and the lady-boys and they see the same
difference. :cat:

November 19th, 2007, 12:52
I visited Crystal Boys about a week ago when they had free buffet food for some sort of celebration. Even that was not enough, however, to attract in more than about half a dozen customers!

The boys there are something of a mixed - though consistently muscular - bag. Still worth the occasional visit to check it out, though, if that's your bag.

November 19th, 2007, 20:49
why Crystal isn't popular - there are two reasons - off fees at 400; or people dont like muscular older guys and prefer the opposite.

Personally, I found Crystal a good place to go with a few hunky ones - but it just shows what type of guys readers on this board fancy. They obviously don't like Crystal type guys. I'm not sure if an extra 100 bht for off fee (as opposed to 300) is something to put someone off.

November 19th, 2007, 21:24
why Crystal isn't popular - there are two reasons - off fees at 400; or people dont like muscular older guys and prefer the opposite.

Personally, I found Crystal a good place to go with a few hunky ones - but it just shows what type of guys readers on this board fancy. They obviously don't like Crystal type guys. I'm not sure if an extra 100 bht for off fee (as opposed to 300) is something to put someone off.

I can't imagine the extra 100 baht in off-fee to be such a big problem. If a punter is into big boys, he's into big boys. 100 baht isn't going to change his taste in boys, surely?

What is more likely though is that Pattaya's reputation for small-sized, fem boys is too strong, such that those who like bigger boys stay fast in Bangkok. If that's the case then it's going to take a while, and lot more marketing - outside of Pattaya - to make Crystal a success.

November 19th, 2007, 23:39
For quite a few years I have spent 4-5 months each year in Thailand with a great deal of it spent in Pattaya, and I agree that Pattaya's reputation, supported by the reality of what most bars have to offer, is to have the small, fem lads or ladyboy-types. In past years, this was not so much the case. If this is what you seek, then you have a great deal, currently, from which to select. I have seen on occasion pictures posted here of bar openings in Jomtien with photos of the lads--I think one a while back was Rock Hard boys, and another in the Jomtien complex--and many posters commented on what handsome lads they were, but all the lads were obviously feminine--when someone commented on that, one poster took offence that the lads were NOT nellie, but pretty, cute, handsome boys--some poster operate under the assumption, it appears, that if a "lad" is not a full blown ladyboy--the long hair, fake tits, etc, that it is a manly lad--for some gays who like softer, more fem boy types, that may be ok, but there are many gays who prefer masculine young men of legal age that look of legal age as well and simply to watch the too young-looking fem boys with the girlish behavior is not appealing at all--so as macaroni said, bangkok has many more bars and lads for those that prefer men and lads and not something that passes for a young girl.

In Pattaya, Crystal does offer a speciality offering and for some it is popular--a few other bars, like Wild West, A-Bomb and BBB, offer some more masculine lads. It does seem stange to see some very elderly, overweight, balding farang walking down the street or coming out of Sawatdee Boys, etc, holding hands with some slight thing that could pass as his granddaughter in how "she" walks, dresses, and talks. Someone even suggested on this board a while back that those who post here or go to Pattaya should really be called "boysexuals" as what we really all want is that young looking boy--this only further gives the wrong impressions that gays are in Pattaya for underage boys--Sunee, oh, I'm sorry, the new gentrified Cafe Sunee does us all a favor with its reputation.

November 20th, 2007, 00:39
I will try to visit Crystal Boys the next time I am in town. I visited a bit less than one year ago. I made the mistake of going early just as they had opened and was the only customer. To their credit, I was not bothered by anyone insisting I take a boy and everyone was friendly. A Lao boy who spoke good English was very friendly and sat by me to chat and not in a "Hello, what your name, where you from" way, but a bit more interesting conversation. It was just a nice chat. I just didn't find anyone to my liking. The build of the guys that night were big but not natural looking. I found other places where the guys were smaller, but their builds were more natural and for my own taste, more what I was looking for. I think they kept the best looking guy in the place outside getting customers to come in.
I visited Wild West boys on my previous visit but was turned off by a large group of very loud women in there and the female owner(?) who kept walking through the place. I left shortly after I finished my drink as it was early in the night and the atmosphere with the women customers was not to my liking.

Since everyone likes different things, this was just my own personal experiences and reaction. I'll be visiting again in a few months and will try to provide some detailed reports. I miss those types of reports from short time visitors and never tire of reading them!

November 20th, 2007, 08:10
I can't imagine the extra 100 baht in off-fee to be such a big problem. If a punter is into big boys, he's into big boys. 100 baht isn't going to change his taste in boys, surely?

What is more likely though is that Pattaya's reputation for small-sized, fem boys is too strong, such that those who like bigger boys stay fast in Bangkok. If that's the case then it's going to take a while, and lot more marketing - outside of Pattaya - to make Crystal a success.

I was just trying to think of all options that would not make Crystal popular - yep and I totally agree with your points. It's probably why on a lot of occasions it hasn't been easy to find what I like in Pattaya - prefer to muscular type - although BBB is fairly good but maybe I should stick to Bangkok.

November 20th, 2007, 11:04
And that's why I generally stick to Bangkok too.

The one advantage that Pattaya has over Bangkok is the beach at Jomtien - at least it's possible to spend a relaxing day. In Bkk, it's stress and hassle through the traffic anywhere you go. Still, how many days can one spend at the beach? So it's often a quick visit to Pattaya for me.

Quick visit or not, I appreciate the fact that bigger boys are available at some bars, othewise I'd be bored to death in the evenings and eventaully avoid Pattaya altogether. For a while A-bomb was my favourite, but it's good to have Crystal and perhaps Boyz3 as options. I hope they stay in business and not fold up.

November 20th, 2007, 11:41
yes, wild west does have some straights and women enter--it's on a soi with lots of pussy bars, but just as throb/splash and bbb did, they attract the "lookers/curious/tourists" to look at the lads or the shows--it is, realistically, what the bars must do to survive--with the lowest of low seasons just passing and another not so high high season ahead (if it is anything like last year's high season, it will be a tough go) the bars have to take the baht in where they can. Also, only on rare occasions did I find the "lookers/curious/tourists" all that interested in the other customers and more looking at the lads or the show--sometimes some gays who travel here are so deeply embedded in their closets at home that they get a bit paranoid about anyone who might possibly be straight seeing them at a supposedly gay establishment--actually many of the bars do not call themselves "gay" bars, but boy bars or male bars and openly welcome anyone who wants to pay for drinks and off a lad--certainly if any of the "intruders" act inappropriately, they should be asked to leave, but more often I see what looks like fellow gays being the ones acting inappropriately in bars---how many have seen in the bars, our fellow gays, thinking that the show was designed for them and thinking it is appealing for them to perform along with the regular show performers, or kissing or fondling the lads openly and embarrassing the lads in front of others (bad enough some like the small dark corners of some bars where they think they can sit with a lad, not buy him a drink or give any tip, and are free to molest the lad) but openly in front of others to take the lads time and then offer no tip at all or buy the lad a drink, when in many bars, the lad gets NO portion of the drink price, or or fellow gays who come in on an evening as if they just came from the beach or the 60 plus, overweight gays who come in decked out in the spandex and leather pants --there should be some rule that at a certain age you must start dressing age appropriate and no more spandex. cut off sleaves, leather pants, etc.

November 20th, 2007, 13:41
Well said Sammy, now breath. For a guy that does not mind some pussy in the bars, strangely, you sure don't care much for the period. :geek:

November 20th, 2007, 16:51
Trongpai has a point and using periods would be helpful.

Sammy3 run-on sentence has a point thou (if not a period) and while the
behavior of some gay men in bars could fill many threads, the issue for many of
us, are the straights/women and their cigar smoking pimps/men, most Eastern
Europeans and mostly Russian speaking (from a poll of one biased farang). They ruin
the boy bars for older gay men, who cannot do very much except leave, when
a large drunken boisterous group of blond bimbos and cigar smokers enter a boy show bar
and change the atmosphere in a mini moment.

Granted, the bars are sucking wind most of the year and many expats are relucant
to part with their money and nurse a bottle of water for hours, but it is still worth bitching
about the takeover of our bars(we go off season and are very welcome then) , by the hordes from the frozen north.

The only way around this, is to go early to the show boy bars and if the straights are already in
the bar, turn around and leave. Let the bar mamasans and doormen know why you are not going in
but it is only for your own satisfaction as they really don't give a shit. I don't blame the bar owners
as they are in business to make money but I refuse to subject myself to the straights and pay for it... :cat:

November 20th, 2007, 17:48
When I was in Pattaya, the reason I rejected Crystal Boys is because I started my night at Wild West Boys and saw the show. After the show I paid my bill and left with my friend. We walked around a little and then the Touts of Crystal Boys saw us and we let them drag us into their bar. On their stage was the same show and performers as Wild West Boys. And to top it off the host wanted us to sit in the "screw you" seats.... My friend was pulling at my arm to leave, we didn't sit down and they didn't have time to offer us a drink, but they did offer us better seats. That was my one and only visit to Crystal Boys during my week in Pattaya.

I can't imagine the extra 100 baht in off-fee to be such a big problem. If a punter is into big boys, he's into big boys. 100 baht isn't going to change his taste in boys, surely?

What is more likely though is that Pattaya's reputation for small-sized, fem boys is too strong, such that those who like bigger boys stay fast in Bangkok. If that's the case then it's going to take a while, and lot more marketing - outside of Pattaya - to make Crystal a success.

I was just trying to think of all options that would not make Crystal popular - yep and I totally agree with your points. It's probably why on a lot of occasions it hasn't been easy to find what I like in Pattaya - prefer to muscular type - although BBB is fairly good but maybe I should stick to Bangkok.

November 20th, 2007, 17:59

The show will be the same, the owner moves it from Wild West [ or did] it's called budgets, cost saving, use of manpower, whatever.

Crystal Boys was better as Bubbles, the lady bar.

Honey boys [ the latest one] is full of fem types and has nothing new to offer. Nicely designed doors and paintings.

Wild West is OK. Slipping a bit from its earlier explosion on to the scene, possibly something that can happen when you have too many balls to juggle at one time.

Funnyboyz does seem friendly as ever and a good atmosphere. I enjoyed it.

November 20th, 2007, 23:21
The thing I noticed about wild west boys is that unlike in the past, the shows were entertaining and they had a purpose, but now it is just a bunch of solid-gold dancers dancing to music. Some seem to have some talent but when it is just one meaningless dance number after another.... I got up and left....

November 20th, 2007, 23:37
glad to see i have a point if not a period--but aren't periods closely related to pussies?