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November 11th, 2007, 06:00
I met Mr Suphot on the very last night of my first trip to Thailand in 2000.

It was a serendipitous meeting, wholly unexpected and frankly, almost missed. Only my tired contemplative sadness that I was leaving on a jet plane only 7 hours from that moment led me into my Bangkok hotel bar for a last beer, and to sit quietly by myself thinking about my experiences over the last 3 weeks ... mostly in Patong. As I have written about before, I took the left-hand path into the bar, rather than the right-hand walkway to my room . . . the place where I had expected to be only moments before after turning into the hotel grounds.

Serendipitous and ironic as well. The reason I was even in Thailand in 2000 was because I wasn't in Mexico.
I had made a trip to Puerto Vallarta the year before, and it had been a disastrous event, too soon taken. The love of my life (11 happy years together) had passed away in the spring of 1999, and later that year I decided to take a holiday in Puerto Vallarta, where we had always had so many good times together in the years before.
But around every corner, in every disco and restaurant, down there on the beach, riding the waves, hugging the owner of Mama Delores' breakfast cafe, was My Old Man. Now my ghost.
Suffice to say, the whole trip was a terrible idea, and I made the decision not to go there again for a much longer time . . . until the ghost had flown away from loneliness.

So it was off to Thailand the next year. And ever since.

Mr Suphot was standing behind the bar, washing glasses, arranging booze bottles and ready to shut up shop for the night. I sat at the bar and talked with him for awhile. Telescoping time a great deal, it was ~ in this order ~ a quiet proposition for massage, an invitation to my room, a massage of proper intensity, some appropriate 'extras', and and and ..... and in that little hotel room, 'something' happened.

Two months later I was back in Bangkok to find out whether that 'something' was real or imagined.
Seven years later we are still together. Still wonderfully happy with each other.
And ... strange as may seem, growing older together. Now a young Thai man of 32 has just turned 40. This middling-aged farang of 52 just moved into his 60's. I feel like Neil Young ... " ... Old Man, look at yourself, I'm a lot like you were ... "

So, how does a Thai man age? How obvious is it?

We all know Thai guys tend to look in general, younger than they in fact are. That generalization probably goes a long way in explaining the desire most of us on these gay Thailand Boards have for Thai men. Not the only function of the desire I'm sure . . . but that it's there cannot be denied.

I am obviously biased in my desire for Suphot (which has never diminished ... in fact quite the opposite), but his face has changed. It has become more "angled", more lined, and I think more mature. In his time-without-me (i.e. his family, village, working life) he has been through quite a lot in these almost-eight years, and it shows on his face. But strangely, unlike myself, not so much on his body, which is as lean and hard it was all those years ago.

I think you can see that in these 2 photos.
The first was taken (and has been rubbed raw in my wallet) doing the tourist thing in early 2001 in the grounds of Wat Arun, with the Chao Praya River in the background. The second picture is from 2006 at Cha Am ... sitting on the hotel balcony.
The little smile is almost identical in each. The dimple in that high Isaan cheek bone (his sister loves so much!) is in the same spot, though somewhat deeper. The smile eyes still have his characteristic squint. Can you see the impish sense of humour behind the face? It's still there.
Do lips lose their fullness with age? I think I see that in these two photos .. but maybe I'm seeing things.

On the phone last week we were talking about the logistics of meeting at the airport and he blurted out that he was looking in the mirror only moments before and had concluded quite seriously that, " ... I get very old now. Maybe you run away when you see me in airport ... "


So here we are now on the cusp of a bit different life than we had before (2 weeks to go ... some cusp!). This new one we will be together for much longer periods of time ... making a kind of household, watching our baht ... living in non-holiday mode. It's an experiment we both seem to be looking forward to making ~ even at our rapidly advancing ages.

Cheers ...

November 11th, 2007, 07:03
What a beautiful and touching story! Smiles, it is something like this that gives one a glimpse into what another person is all about. You are a charmingly sentimental and adventurous man. Wow! That last night of your first trip. All positively glowing. An experience of a lifetime. This is what it is all about, when coming to Thailand, dreams do come true far more often than one might imagine.

November 11th, 2007, 08:07
Smiles, Suphot it seems to me, has "grown into" his face and is now more attractive than when younger ... in my honest opinion.



November 11th, 2007, 08:24
I just discovered that there are more pictures of Suphot in Smiles' personal gallery. His pictures show some astounding photography, definitely worth taking a look at. I really enjoyed viewing them.

November 11th, 2007, 08:24
I have learned long ago that beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder..
Suphot is beautiful because we can feel the intensity and the pure joy from the words of Smiles and it enables us to also see what he sees.

I try sometimes to see the beauty some farangs find in kateoys and just can't relate but understand the range of beauty is unlimited or
perhaps only limited by the nujber of admirers and adorers.

I am endlessly amazed at the choices of my friends and fellow farangs and understand that beauty is in the eye of * :cat:

November 11th, 2007, 09:01
Nice comments, Khun Smiles, and you're obviously deliriously eager (and horney to boot!). I remain jealous as I still don't know when the time will come for me to spend longer periods in LOS. I simply dread one more winter in the hinterlands. But, then again, I'm a lot younger than you.... :clown:

What will be interesting, of course, is how things will change over the next many months and years. Hopefully for the better but likely change nevertheless - and I think that may be the grand adventure. When with the CM wonder, we have good days and not-so-good days (he's a moody little bitch some days.....which is probably what he's saying about me to his friends) but things always seem to be rather mellow the last week or so of my trips to LOS. The final parting is not fun.

Best wishes to you and Khun Suphot, you lucky bastard!

November 11th, 2007, 09:09
Ha ha ha ha ... duly note that I neglected to put my young/old jucks-ta-positioning snaps. And never will :blackeye:
The Thai guy is the sole guinea pig in this experiment, and I like it that way!

Cheers ... and thanks for the 'chok dee's'

And speaking of 'cheers' and 'chok dee's' . . . here's a cute Khun Suphot story.

Once we were hurtling down one of Bangkok's toll roads in his beloved pickup truck. As usual my eyes were mostly closed and the blood showing through the whitish skin on my knuckles which in turn had a stranglehold on the passenger seat armrest. Frankly, the solid 4 hour massive heart-stopping turbulence experienced on the Boeing 777 heading back across the Pacific one year was but baby's breath compared to this wild ride.

So we come to an off ramp ~ he had to slow down there, as did my pounding ticker ~ and looked head of us in horror as we entered (no way out!!) one of the most congested bumper-to-bumper traffic jams I've ever had the circumstance to be part of.

We inched through this rubbish for almost an hour, and our truck was so close to any and every other vehicle in the mess that I just knew we were going to lose some paint from the side of his Pride & Joy ... at the very least. A major crunch would not of been unreasonable either.
So we're moving slowly through this horror show, with Suphot weaving from lane to lane trying to make some progress, but in fact getting precisely no where. At each close call with our next door neighbours (close enough to smell the garlands) Suphot would exclaim " ... cheers! ... " in a loud voice, and with sounded like some anger.
I was being very quiet during all this, letting him do his best to concentrate on keeping me alive . . . but in my mind I was also pondering on what the hell he was saying " ... cheers .. " for. On the face of it ~ and under the circumstances ~ it sounded strangely inappropriate.

Never one for keeping quiet when a good question seems imminent, during a lull in the excitement I asked him what was up with the " .. cheers ... ". Naturally, that was NOT what he was saying, it was something else, and I was ~ in farang-speak ~ simply hearing the word "cheers".
That answer of course begged the next question . . . well what are you saying? Unfortunately the answer was not immediately clear enough to let me understand that either: he said " ... I say, 'shist' at other car ... ".
OK, it was back to pondering . . . "shist"?? Still didn't get it. So I asked for more information: " ... I don't understand 'shist'. What do you mean saying 'shist' in a traffic jam? ... "

Some few seconds later ~ in frustration (and still in the traffic jam) ~ he says: " ... you know, you know. Come from asshole. 'Shist' ... ". Thinking thinking thinking (get it right Dave, he's in a baaaad mood) . . . and then I got it! " ... Ohhhh, you mean 'shit'!! ... "
"Chai chai ... same same I say ... 'shist'!"

Cheers ...

November 11th, 2007, 09:35
Enjoyed the story of meeting you BF, Suphot. It sounded right to me, as I'm still so happy with my BF whom I met by chance, and I still look forward to the next visit. I am bit of a cynic in my outlook sometimes, but when It comes to visits to Thailand, I suddenly become Buddhist, and think love and compassion. I find more warm fuzzes in Pattaya than anywhere else in the world. You may know I am a fan cruise ships and of Mexico and just love a jaunt to Rio, but Pattaya is where I meet my BF, and that makes Pattaya, "Numero Uno." He was 24 when we met and still looks like a teenager to me, but on the high side of 68, all in their twenties look superb.

November 11th, 2007, 09:54
Oh for God's sake. Given that the average non-American honky now lives to be 80, at 52 you are hardly 'old'. Don't you know that 50 is the new 40, and 60 is now the new 50? JESUS!

Eat properly, don't smoke, don't drink excessively and excecise for 30 min a day. Now shut up and get on with it, or are you going to be spending your time hanging around the old people's home waiting for a bed and daily visits from Suphot?

November 11th, 2007, 13:31
Eat properly, don't smoke, don't drink excessively and excecise for 30 min a day.

I'd prefer an early death.

November 11th, 2007, 21:29
The present and on-going chaos in my life doesn't allow time to post much now (yes, I hear the sighs of relief from the sarcastic aboard) but I do keep up somewhat with the threads, and this one was a real "upper". Thanks for sharing it!

I especially liked the "cheers" follow-up post! :cheers:

Best of luck on your new adventure.

November 12th, 2007, 02:51
Same as Smiles, I met my Thai friend on my first visit to Thailand in 2000. Such a short visit and I had but a brief time with him but it was enough. On our last night together he passed me a letter, written in Thai with an English translation. He said to me, "Not open now, open later"; " I shy, maybe you no like". For sure I opened and read it and was touched forever. But on my return in two months he was gone to his village to reunite with his parents who had been separated for years. Sadly both mama and papa were killed in a motorbike accident and he returned to Pattaya after two years. Naturally, when I heard this, I returned to rejoin him once again and freed him from the bar scene.
Looking at his photo I think, oh so young and moi, oh so old! Being there is a forty year difference in age I do not look in advance when he has 50 years. Really, I cannot wait that long!


November 12th, 2007, 04:22
I met Mr Witchitpanya (Oh) in 1999.

We met on the first night of my first ever visit to Thailand. During that two weeks of hedonism I met many handsome young men, but I could not forget Oh. He wasn't the most atrractive, nor the best in bed, but there was a connection (something we both acknowledge).

He's now 33 (34 next month) and I'm 37. We're both frustrated that we're both relatively young and yet we can see no realistic way to be together long term until we're both old!

So good luck Smiles, I'm jealous! I have to make do with just a month in LOS starting on the 29th November - wish we could meet but alas, I think we won't be in the same town, as I'll be spending most of my time in the North East.

November 12th, 2007, 08:51
Yes, the "baby-fat" is definitly gone from his face.
Now its going to start moving to his tummy.

But the body is just the shell on the outside. It's what's inside that's important, right Smiles?

November 12th, 2007, 20:03
Sorry to be pedantic, Smiles, but I'd be very surprised if Suphot was actually saying 'cheers' or 'shist', both of which would be harder for a Thai to pronounce than the word 'shit' itself. The tricky part of that word for a Thai is the initial 'sh' which doesn't exist as a sound in Thai, the nearest equivalent being 'ch'; the 'it' sound at the end crops up in numerous Thai words and should be no problem at all for a Thai. Therefore, most Thais would say 'chit' and I'm not sure why Suphot wasn't saying that. Anyway, all these misunderstandings will disappear once you've done that intensive Thai language course which I know is a top priority of yours...