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October 30th, 2007, 19:52

October 30th, 2007, 20:00
It's gratifying to see members believing what they read in the newspapers. Only the other day Tourette was holding forth about how the British had done nothing diplomatically about the monks' protests in Burma because nothing had been reported in the newspapers

October 30th, 2007, 20:35
Our favourite Pattaya Paparazzi Volunteer Police (Pee-Pee V. P.) is on the scene again ferreting out pedos in Sunee!

Does this story have any legs unlike the one they published on the highly regarded owner of Crazy Dragon a few months ago?
http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownew ... 0000002542 (http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownews.php?IDNEWS=0000002542)

I really wish Peter would get out there and fight these media moguls who run riot with this topic which has become a joke!
Was it Goebbels who said that if you repeat something often enough, people will believe it?

October 30th, 2007, 21:28
No, it wasn't Goebbels who first expressed that theory. Lenin, for one, said it before him...

тАЬIf you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.тАЭ Joseph Goebbels.

тАЬA lie told often enough becomes truthтАЭ Vladimir Lenin.

October 30th, 2007, 21:34
Not only for this excellent quote but also your very welcome comments in other threads.

October 31st, 2007, 00:00
Oh Yes, Sunee Plaza is now all cleaned up!

Cleaned up ? No one will go to Sunee Plaza ! :clown:

October 31st, 2007, 03:11
of course, sunee is all "cleaned up"--one poster, during the recent postings related to the other canadian pedo who had fled south korea and ran to thailand then sunee, said sunee was now "gentrified"--lots of explanations and excuses, but sunee is what it is--after some raids and an occasional crackdown, it is back to business as usual--unfortunatelu, I have friends who like it and fail to heed warnings, but then they prefer the smaller, fem lads that sunee specializes in, and too many bars offer the smaller, underage, fem boys--that behavior taints all of pattaya.

October 31st, 2007, 07:06
I saw at least 3 raids in the last 10 days. Everything was back to same same next day - and in one case a few hours. Some of the notorious bars closed early before the raids commenced.

October 31st, 2007, 07:08
if they had nothing to hide and everything was "cleaned up", why do they close?

October 31st, 2007, 16:59
Should I take the word of a leading Asian psychiatrist seriously? Or should I believe the hysterical buffoons keeping the pot stirred over this hoax: the police, the media, the NGOs, the saviours-of-humanity, etc., all of whom profit handsomely from this nonsense?

Emil M. L. Ng, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China in his essay entitled "Pedophilia from the Chinese Perspective":

"In traditional Chinese medicine, there has never been a mental disease akin
to, or called, pedophilia or homosexuality or most of the so-called sexual variations for that matter."

"to the Chinese, who are particularly conscious of the importance and priority of
social (and hence, adult) values, to single out for discussion the child
consent issue in pedophilic activities is blatantly irrelevant and
hypocritical. Even in Western culture, where individual human rights are
strongly emphasized, how often do the adults try to ascertain valid consent
from their children before getting them to do most things? Have the adults
sought valid consent from their children before baptizing them soon after
birth? Or, when their children express by words or action that they do not
want to eat, sleep, play games with adults, or go to school at certain
times, do the adults not use reward, threat, punishment, persuasion,
luring, seduction, deception, or any other workable means to manipulate
them back to the "right track"? Have the adults ever explored and studied
the "trauma" that may be caused by forcing all those "good" things on to
their children without their valid consent? There are certain occasions
when the adults do respect the children's wishes and ask for their consent,
but only when the choices given to them are within the adult acceptable

November 1st, 2007, 00:12
Dear Raw Sugar

You may believe you have the right to be fisted by ten year olds but when the knock comes at the door all yoer collected papers will be as useful as Mr Mawsons albums

November 1st, 2007, 00:53
Hi Wazza!

It is simply great to see your brilliant commentary brought to bear once again on this board! I can't tell you how happy I am to see you!

Just for starters, you have missed this one. It's the one everyone is trying to forget, but it just keeps coming back every time someone like you makes an appearance.

Do you really want to keep stirring this pot of lovely stuff like the 10 year old fisting suggestion you have made? Is that what keeps your mind occupied when you read scholarly articles?

http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownew ... 0000002542 (http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownews.php?IDNEWS=0000002542)

November 1st, 2007, 01:13
Wazza was the nutcase who wrote the entry titled "ON PEDO WATCH AT GOOGIES" and it turned out the PEDO he was watching was a guy who is married to a Thai woman and the kid he was with was his son who just came from a swim class.

Wazza, if I were you, I would be very careful just where you have your delusions concerning PEDOS!!!

Another one for the "Ignore List".

November 1st, 2007, 01:47
There are no question there are pedophiles in Thailand just as there are in any country of the world. The ratio of gay and straight is likely to be normal for any country. The name that Thailand has as a sex tourist country is not entirely accurate nevertheless, some pedophiles do take advantage of opportunities that would not be as easy in some other countries. However, stopping them in any country is almost impossible and even Oprey Winfrey has problems in her multimillion dollar school in Africa. So, Sunnee has its reputation, if you would like to be associated with that particular reputation I would suggest you not enter. However, to try and stop others from going in with constant posts about it will not deter some one who has flown thousands of miles to partake of the industry that is prevalent there and it seems that the Anti pedophile dissertation is only beating a dead horse. People will do as they please and if they are caught it is their own ass that will be screwed in Thai or American or UK and German Jails. So,l let the boys in brown do their job, when the local population wants to do something about it they will, until then they will continue to sell their children to those who are willing to pay. There is little that this forum of a dozen more like it will be able to deter anyone who has that particular predisposition.


November 1st, 2007, 02:22
Another one for the "Ignore List".

Spoken like a long time member, whatever your name is today.

November 1st, 2007, 02:33
I largely agree with what you have written Wesley.

It is almost impossible to change anyone's behavior even in areas involving drives far weaker than sex.

But that there is an irrational hysteria over this topic cannot be denied.

Personally, I wish everyone would just shut up about it, and refused to respond in "knee-jerk" fashion every time there there is a hint of this.

Also, I really don't understand why more people don't campaign for a lower age of consent as has been done in England adn elsewhere in the West. Half of America has a 16 year old age of consent law and at least two states are even lower. Japan is 13! There is now a lot of pressure from the gay liberation groups in UK to lower the age even now from 16 to 14.

But even an adjustment of the age to 16 here would make it impossible for absurd cases such as were brought against the owner of Krazy Dragon earlier this year. That was simply idiotic. But there are those on this board that will insist that he is a pedo which is absolutely false. And the press made a huge issue of it to sell more papers. (A lot of this is a case of "follow the money".)

We must be more realistic. Look at the age gap that already exists here with most people and their sex partners. A lot of people in the West resent the fact that a 50 year old can even find an 18 year old to have sex with. There are several components to all this, and it would help if people didn't become so irrational when the topic comes up. Your comments are most welcome in this regard.

November 1st, 2007, 02:47
Actually, my name is Pepsi Cola. I look at content.

Or are we all McLuhanites here and the "Medium is the Message"? He said "The content hypnotizes you while the media destroys you." I am in no position to contradict anyone of the stature of McLuhan.

Well, there are are a lot of destroyed wrecks floating around here anyway.

Fret not, Jinks. I'll be leaving the Kingdom soon for greener pastures to another place which I shall not name. I have just about done my job here anyway. Time for a change where there are fewer Western "basket cases".


November 1st, 2007, 05:33
Keeping under age guys out of bars would help lower temptation.Most hotels do a good job in keeping them out too. Keeping them off the streets is another problem- almost impossible.

November 1st, 2007, 08:21
.... Japan is 13! ....

It isn't as simple as that. Under the Japanese Civil Code the age of majority is 20, and under Articles 176 and 177 of the Penal Code the age of consent for sexual activity for both males and females is thirteen (13) years. BUT the municipalities and prefectures can - and have - established their own laws on child protection (i.e., corrupting minors) that in some case effectively raise the age of consent to somewhere between 16 and 18 (it is 17 in Tokyo, for example, I believe, and 18 in Hiroshima), and these laws take precedence over the national ones. So anyone coming to Japan for sex needs to know not only what the national law is but also what both the applicable prefectural and municipal laws are on child protection/corrupting. And for that you need to be able to read formal, legal, Japanese!

The attitude of Japanese to sex tourism abroad can be judged by the fact that in April 1999 the Japanese Diet passed a "Law for Punishing Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and for Protecting Children," criminalizing sex offences committed by Japanese nationals abroad against children under the age of 18. It includes internet crimes.

On the other hand, sodomy is not a crime, and homosexual prostitution is deal with - where it is dealt with at all - under local laws not national ones as the 1958 Law on Prostitution doesn't cover male-to-male prostitution (only genital to genital or male to female intercourse).

November 1st, 2007, 08:27
Hello? Japan Airlines? I'd like to cancel a reservation...

November 1st, 2007, 11:44
In the last analysis, who cares what the law is. Even in the West, all sex outside of marriage to a person of the opposite sex was totally illegal up to very recently. That didn't stop anybody!

The Japanese have a good attitude about sex, unlike those from most Western countries. The best porn available today is coming out of Japan. It is simply fantastic and it seems, to my eyes, to totally disregard age since there are a lot of what at least appear to be very young males. The web it full it, even for free! It is really amazing. And the Japanese have gorgeous boys of all ages!

Did anyone here realize that about one-and-a-half billion (yes, BILLION) people in Asia live under legislation that makes same sex activities a serious offense, and in the case of over a billion people, a CAPITAL OFFENCE?

No one is going to change what he does because you pass laws against sex. You could have public hangings in Sunee and the guys who like young boys will still come because there are there. Wasn't it Willie Sutton who was asked why he robbed banks and he replied "Because that is where the money is."

If we exile all the young boys under 18 to remote islands guarded only by robots, then maybe the PEDOS will no longer come. Until then, why don't you all forget about the issue. It's a big hoax to begin with along with that other great big hoax, "the war on drugs".

As I have said over and over, these are big issues, drugs and underage sex, precisely because millions are making vast sums of money by keeping this illegal. It was the Mafia who wanted to keep alcohol illegal during Prohibition in America exactly because they made enormous profits from it being illegal.

Today it is drugs and underage sex. This should be clear to all, but no.

November 1st, 2007, 11:48
" ... The Japanese have a good attitude about sex, unlike those from most Western countries. The best porn available today is coming out of Japan. It is simply fantastic ... "
URL's please ... or hold your peace.

Cheers ...

November 1st, 2007, 11:55
Some jerk kidnaps an 8 yr old boy and sells him for sex to some Sunee Pedos and the reaction here is we should lower the age of consent?!?!

Some folks better get their heads out of their asses and screwed on straight!

November 1st, 2007, 12:03
Hey kenc. You believe everything you read in that scandal sheet they call a newspaper? Why don't you wait for a decision from the courts before you open you big mouth and condemn someone without a trial. Or are you a Ku Klux Klan type who likes a good lynch party now and then? Maybe you believe the Thai police also? Ha-ha! Poor fool!

Hey kenc, that avatar you have looks like a boy that can't be more than 12 years old! Is that what you go for? I'll bet your the biggest PEDO around!

I know about all these pots calling the kettle black! It's the favourite pastime in this forum.

November 1st, 2007, 12:21
Getting Board'ed Boygeenyus?
Because ... you're certainly Boar-ing everyone else within cybershot.

For instance:


" ... Hey kenc, that avatar you have looks like a boy that can't be more than 12 years old! ... "

(and earlier) FROM RAW (Broken record) SUGAR, ABOUT KENC:

kenc ... I have taken a good look at your avatar kenc, and I am certain that that boy cannot be more than 10 years old.

Cheers ...

November 1st, 2007, 12:37
The truth is always boring Smiles! Who can resist calling attention to all these closet PEDOS and their hypocrisies.

Boar... Boar... Boar!

November 1st, 2007, 12:40
The truth is always boring Smiles! Who can resist calling attention to all these closet PEDOS and their hypocrisies.
Boar... Boar... Boar!
The truth is never boring buster. Stupidity is ... Mr R Sugar and yourself.

Cheers ... :geek:

November 1st, 2007, 13:09
Kenc's avatar speaks for itself. That looks like a 10 year old boy I saw in the Plaza last night right in front of Corner Bar who told me he was waiting for his farang friend.

Now that's what I call evidence!

November 1st, 2007, 13:52
" ... Kenc's avatar speaks for itself ... "
It does not. It speaks only for yourself.
You talk yourself into it ... revel in it then, all by yourself.

Have a happy .... :cyclopsani:

Brad the Impala
November 1st, 2007, 14:00
Kenc's avatar speaks for itself. That looks like a 10 year old boy I saw in the Plaza last night right in front of Corner Bar who told me he was waiting for his farang friend.

Now that's what I call evidence!

So just why were you chatting up a ten year old boy in Sunnee Plaza? I think that they call that self incrimination. The pedo witch hunts on the threads are pathetic anyway.

"Your boyfriend looks younger than mine so you must be an evil pedo"!

November 1st, 2007, 14:29
Hi Brad,
I am doing undercover work for foreign media interests and for the Bangkok Police. OK?

November 1st, 2007, 15:00
Hi Brad,
I am doing undercover work for foreign media interests and for the Bangkok Police. OK?

In other words, the Pete Townshend defense. hahahahaha

November 1st, 2007, 15:08
But with a Dubai twist thrown in for good measure.

It's not a defence Gomez. TALKING to anyone is not against the law. Not yet anyway. But if these loons on this board have their way, it could well be in the near future.

I don't have any avatars of my 10 year old fantasy boyfriends posted either. I am into Fat Black Cats!

By the way, Peter Townsend was so fucking stupid that he ordered kiddie porn and paid for it with credit card on-line.

No, my dear Gomez, I am quite comfortable talking to anyone I like. And anyway, I don't think that 10 year old in Sunee would take Peter Townsend's credit card! But maybe he would. I can't say for sure.

November 1st, 2007, 15:18
Usually, Smiles doesn't let the newbie invasion of renamed and rehashed former posters get under his skin but
it must be that time of the month..

It would be a wise policy, in this humble poster's opinion, for all of us to stop using young boy's photos as avatars
and then no one would question if under or over age or what the relationship is.. I really doubt any Thai boy would
be pleased to know his photo was used as an avatar on a gay Thailand forum..

As Smiles knows all too well, the nature of open forums allows the wackos free range until they are identified
and dragged out into the open. Then, they do it again, but it gets old and boring and some guys just don't get it when
they aren't wanted and despised. And they never will.... keep on smiling Smiles and don't let the sun catch you crying...... :cat:

November 1st, 2007, 20:36
TALKING to anyone is not against the law. Not yet anyway. But if these loons on this board have their way, it could well be in the near future.I assume you're talking about Aunty here. Tourette is forever trying to get me banned for mocking her (among others)

November 1st, 2007, 23:29
Fat Black Cat has a Billy sound to his postings.

November 2nd, 2007, 00:22
kenc, you have removed the pretty young boy who looked as if he were about 10 years old as your avatar.

What statement are you trying to make by doing this? I just can't imagine.

November 2nd, 2007, 07:23
It would be a wise policy, in this humble poster's opinion, for all of us to stop using young boy's photos as avatarsI've not seen a member yet who is using a young boy's pic as an avatar. Young man, perhaps. A young boy is a five- or six-year old

November 2nd, 2007, 07:55
....The Japanese have a good attitude about sex, unlike those from most Western countries. The best porn available today is coming out of Japan. It is simply fantastic and it seems, to my eyes, to totally disregard age since there are a lot of what at least appear to be very young males. The web it full it, even for free! It is really amazing. And the Japanese have gorgeous boys of all ages!.......

The Japanese form of porn - particularly the anime and manga forms - containing images of young men and boys (or bishounen) is actually largely aimed at women, not men. For some reason, Japanese women find this type of publication irresistible.

November 2nd, 2007, 07:58
Too bad they're largely hung like gherkins.

November 2nd, 2007, 08:31
The Japanese form of porn - particularly the anime and manga forms - containing images of young men and boys (or bishounen) is actually largely aimed at women, not men. For some reason, Japanese women find this type of publication irresistible.You forgot to mention that the main form of incest in Japan is mother-son and many Japanese mothers accompany their sons on the honeymoon

November 2nd, 2007, 11:46
kenc, you have removed the pretty young boy who looked as if he were about 10 years old as your avatar.

What statement are you trying to make by doing this? I just can't imagine.

Ain't removed anything so I don't know what you're seeing. The "boy" for your information was 20 when the pic was taken.

Seemed to have pulled this kitty's tail too hard.
Did I hit too close to home Black Kitty Cat?

I think some people ought to actually read some age of consent statues. If they think an "age of consent" of 15 means they can go around bonking 15 year olds they will be sadly mistaken.

November 2nd, 2007, 13:34
TALKING to anyone is not against the law. Not yet anyway. But if these loons on this board have their way, it could well be in the near future.I assume you're talking about Aunty here. Tourette is forever trying to get me banned for mocking her (among others)

You don't 'mock' other posters beryl, (you narcissistic ninny), Surly you don't think you posses the subtlety or finesse to actually achieve that, do you? What you do is to insult, abuse and defame other posters, because of your severe psychologically disturbed state. Elephantspike regrettably allows you to usurp his property to abuse others who also use it. There is no legal right that protects your 'right' to use the property of others to abuse third parties. What a silly, preposterous and thoroughly self-serving suggestion of yours. In effect what you are doing is to selfishly drag him into your nonsense by making him a party to it. It's his pejorative not to sanction, control or ban you. It's also mine not to financially support his board because of it. I'm not into self-abuse.

November 2nd, 2007, 13:42
The Japanese form of porn - particularly the anime and manga forms - containing images of young men and boys (or bishounen) is actually largely aimed at women, not men. For some reason, Japanese women find this type of publication irresistible.You forgot to mention that the main form of incest in Japan is mother-son and many Japanese mothers accompany their sons on the honeymoon

Well, as someone said, "Happiness is having the kin you love to touch!" He also said, "Happiness is rolling your own!"

November 2nd, 2007, 20:30
You don't 'mock' other posters beryl, (you narcissistic ninny), Surly you don't think you posses the subtlety or finesse to actually achieve that, do you? What you do is to insult, abuse and defame other posters, because of your severe psychologically disturbed state. Elephantspike regrettably allows you to usurp his property to abuse others who also use it. There is no legal right that protects your 'right' to use the property of others to abuse third parties. What a silly, preposterous and thoroughly self-serving suggestion of yours. In effect what you are doing is to selfishly drag him into your nonsense by making him a party to it. It's his pejorative not to sanction, control or ban you. It's also mine not to financially support his board because of it. I'm not into self-abuse.I hope you feel better for that now, Tourette. I think we all know you don't go in for self-abuse - we have the story of one of your one-night stands as evidence for that ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 46-30.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/in-reply-to-homintern-s-comment-on-billy-s-disappearen-t12846-30.html) ). The doctors are still worried though about whether you're still taking all your medication

November 3rd, 2007, 14:39
Wanted paedophile arrested in Canada

Police in Canada have arrested Orville Frank Mader, 54, who was the subject of a manhunt in Thailand after reports he abused boys as young as 8 years old.

Canadian authorities in Vancouver arrested Mader, who had fled Thailand to his home country after a warrant was issued for his arrest, said Pol Col Apichart Suribunya, head of Thailand's liaison office for Interpol.

"We have asked Canadian authorities to extradite him because he has committed crimes in Thailand," said Pol Col Apichart.

Mader is accused of paying 600 baht to an eight-year-old boy last Saturday night for oral sex. Police said they believe Mader abused at least three other boys.

Mader allegedly stayed in the same hotel as Christopher Paul Neil, 34, another Canadian who was detained in Thailand two weeks ago following a worldwide manhunt because he was wanted on suspicion of having sexually abused young boys.

The Thai police warrant for Mader's arrest issued early this week was accompanied by photos of Mader taken by security cameras at the Ben Mansions Hotel in Pattaya.

According to Thai police, Neil has also had checked into the Ben Mansions two days before his arrest in Nakhon Ratchasima.

Mader allegedly stayed in the same hotel as Christopher Paul Neil, 34, of Maple Ridge, who was detained in Thailand two weeks ago on suspicion of having sexually abused young boys.

The Thai police warrant for Mader's arrest issued early this week was accompanied by photos of Mader taken by security cameras at the Ben Mansions Hotel in Pattaya, a sex-trade hub 110 kilometres south of Bangkok.

According to Thai police, Neil has also stayed into the Ben Mansions.

(BangkokPost.com from agency reports)

November 3rd, 2007, 20:30
... Pattaya, a sex-trade hub 110 kilometres south of Bangkok

November 3rd, 2007, 20:51
"...photos of Mader taken by security cameras at the Ben Mansions Hotel"
"...Neil has also had checked into the Ben Mansions"
"...Mader allegedly stayed in the same hotel"
"...cameras at the Ben Mansions Hotel in Pattaya"
"...Neil has also stayed into the Ben Mansions"

But what's the name of the hotel?

November 9th, 2007, 17:19

Yospol admitted taking boys to sell sex to foreigners. He charged 500 baht on each occasion, keeping 400 baht for himself and giving 100 baht to the boy. He drugged the boys with ya ba so they would be in a condition to obey him. He had about 10 boys under his control. Yospol said he left the boys at several bars on Soi Sunee, and that he knew in advance when the police would come, so he had the opportunity to escape with the boys. He said earned a good living with this service.------------

Yes, proof that Sunee is now all cleaned up !!!

November 9th, 2007, 19:56
well, naughty, of course Sunee is all cleaned up-do you have your head in the sand--some posters even called it cleaned up and "gentrified" now and referred to it as Cafe Sunee--the outdoor bars and stroll around the streets just like a Parisian cafe experience.

November 9th, 2007, 20:34
well, naughty, of course Sunee is all cleaned up-do you have your head in the sand--some posters even called it cleaned up and "gentrified" now and referred to it as Cafe Sunee--the outdoor bars and stroll around the streets just like a Parisian cafe experience.

No doubt soon we will be seeing the appropriate 'Le paradis du molester's' signs replacing the existing Soi signs.

November 10th, 2007, 00:11
No doubt soon we will be seeing the appropriate 'Le paradis du molester's' signs replacing the existing Soi signs.

From December 1, 2007 through January 31, 2008 a Pedo Lottery will be held for the boy turning in the largest number of molesters in the greater Pattaya area. A grand prize of 10,000 Baht will awarded to the winner with 5,000 Baht for runners-up.

Kickoff will be at Rainwalker├втВмтДвs party at Corner Bar, Sunee on December 1st.

Come watch the smelly old molester farts turn red-faced and squirm as they are ├втВм┼Уouted├втВм

November 10th, 2007, 09:34
.....Yospol admitted taking boys to sell sex to foreigners. He charged 500 baht on each occasion, keeping 400 baht for himself and giving 100 baht to the boy. He drugged the boys with ya ba so they would be in a condition to obey him. He had about 10 boys under his control. Yospol said he left the boys at several bars on Soi Sunee, and that he knew in advance when the police would come, so he had the opportunity to escape with the boys. He said earned a good living with this service.------------

No matter how much some might like Sunee Plaza, no matter how we might turn a blind eye to the sex trade, this type of thing should give EVERY poster pause.
This is utterly appaling. This is Human Trafficking at its worst.
There should be absolutely NO tolerance for this sort of thing.
Shame on the bars, shame on the punters, shame on the police who turn a blind eye, and shame, shame, shame on Madame Sunee who pretends she doesn't know who leases her property. Does the old bag even know what her name has become synonymous with?
Maybe someone should tell her.

November 10th, 2007, 09:48
.....Yospol admitted taking boys to sell sex to foreigners. He charged 500 baht on each occasion, keeping 400 baht for himself and giving 100 baht to the boy. He drugged the boys with ya ba so they would be in a condition to obey him. He had about 10 boys under his control. Yospol said he left the boys at several bars on Soi Sunee, and that he knew in advance when the police would come, so he had the opportunity to escape with the boys. He said earned a good living with this service.------------

No matter how much some might like Sunee Plaza, no matter how we might turn a blind eye to the sex trade, this type of thing should give EVERY poster pause.
This is utterly appaling. This is Human Trafficking at its worst.
There should be absolutely NO tolerance for this sort of thing.
Shame on the bars, shame on the punters, shame on the police who turn a blind eye, and shame, shame, shame on Madame Sunee who pretends she doesn't know who leases her property. Does the old bag even know what her name has become synonymous with?

No one can get through the gates,

although her daughter makes an appearance now and then, usually the worse for wear.last time I saw her, she demolished a load of motorbikes with her Mercedes trying to get out of the Soi.

What a driver, and no one said a word!

Maybe someone should tell her.