View Full Version : Board members having sex with board members

October 24th, 2007, 10:52
I don't know if I should post this.... Anyway.... During this holiday, I have met and talked to different Thai guys that I have chatted with on the Internet. One guy in particular seem to be a lot of fun to talk to and on the Internet we talked about some of the things we may do when we meet.

We did meet and we did many of the things we talked about. It turns out that he had a boyfriend or lover that joined us. His lover is a Farang. I did not come to Thailand to have sex with Farang guys, but I did this time and the sex was good. After the sex the Farang told me who he was and I could only smile after I thought back to some of the exchanges I had with the person on the Internet.

So when you are having fun with the new guy you met, take care, he could be the boyfriend of a fellow poster here on the board.

October 24th, 2007, 11:47
I just lost my lunch.

October 24th, 2007, 11:48
... Christ almighty, what next?!

You're good for a laugh Buck and I don't doubt you for a minute.


October 24th, 2007, 12:09
After the sex the Farang told me who he was and I could only smile after I thought back to some of the exchanges I had with the person on the Internet.

So when you are having fun with the new guy you met, take care, he could be the boyfriend of a fellow poster here on the board.

Hmmmmm.... You could only "smile" Bucknaway? Is that a clue to the farang you had sex with and exchanges with on the internet? Got to be careful on what you say on this forum.

Brad the Impala
October 24th, 2007, 12:19
colmx, are you in LOS now?!

October 24th, 2007, 12:53
Lesbianism to say the least.

October 24th, 2007, 13:43

That's it, I'm not reading any more of your stuff, yucky Bucky.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 24th, 2007, 14:15
was an item with that bizarre Dame Sanitree Na Parkin for a long time.

Apparently Homintern has now hooked up with her :wan:

It's a hideous thought ..:shaking:

October 24th, 2007, 14:19
I know I should be appalled, but I'm just not. I can't stop laughing. And the rest of you don't help ... you just make me laugh harder.

I am fascinated as to who it might be.

Over to you team.


October 24th, 2007, 15:01

October 24th, 2007, 15:11
I know I should be appalled, but I'm just not. I can't stop laughing. And the rest of you don't help ... you just make me laugh harder.

I am fascinated as to who it might be.

Over to you team.


My nominations

wx40afp [billy] -------surely he did go home

Monty--------- I know he is into everything, and he is legally blind

October 24th, 2007, 15:15
was an item with that bizarre Dame Sanitree Na Parkin for a long time.

Apparently Homintern has now hooked up with her :wan:

It's a hideous thought ..:shaking:

Oh Lunchtime, please. Have mercy, man! You don't suppose, shock horror, that they wear each other's bloomers?

October 24th, 2007, 15:17
[quote="Brad the Impala":80uv2gaa]colmx, are you in LOS now?!

No he's not, but I am!!!![/quote:80uv2gaa]

Is there anyway we can 'ignore' a thread?

October 24th, 2007, 15:51
I only met yukky bucky once, while I was taking a quick steam in the Babylon before a massage, he was screaming for it on all fours, however I was only there for the massage. Least I think it was him, it was a bit dark where he went down, and he was fast. He wouldn't let go of my leg until I had dragged him across the floor and into the cold plunge pool.

October 24th, 2007, 16:30
Wow, we all know which poster is into muscle guys like Bucknaway

October 24th, 2007, 16:52
I know I should be appalled, but I'm just not. I can't stop laughing. And the rest of you don't help ... you just make me laugh harder.

I am with you 100% on this one krobbie. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/roflao.gif


October 24th, 2007, 17:19
I think the replies are more entertaining than the orginal thread! I laughed with every one of them! :)

October 24th, 2007, 22:39
more hehehehehehe

October 24th, 2007, 22:49
Although the members I have met are quite nice and friendly people in person, seems when no one can slug them, they are quite brave on the forum and much more of a nice person in person.. I have met a couple who I thought were quite handsome but not sexy in any way.

Keep it up Bucky they are just jealous.


October 25th, 2007, 01:17
colmx, are you in LOS now?!

I'm a complete rice queen.... so not guilty M'Lud!
66 Days till I arrive :cherry:

October 25th, 2007, 01:59
66 Days till I arrive :cherry:

Well then put it in the calendar :clown:

October 25th, 2007, 03:39
I think the replies are more entertaining than the orginal thread!

somewhat more hair than the original ! :clown:

October 25th, 2007, 03:55
George posting on TingTong:
In this pic he seems to say "it's nothing to do with me"

But in this pic Bucks looks more than a little guilty and George looks like the cat that got the cream and even points to the evidence!


October 25th, 2007, 04:24
And there's that huge gold chain which disappeared mysteriously at Babylon recently. (Doesn't Buck haunt Babylon? Hmmmm ...)


Cheers ....

October 25th, 2007, 04:36
Doesn't Buck haunt Babylon? Hmmmm ...


Hyperlink tells : " very much " ! :clown:

October 25th, 2007, 07:22
Although the members I have met are quite nice and friendly people in person, seems when no one can slug them, they are quite brave on the forum and much more of a nice person in personTrust me, I'm a cunt in person as well

October 25th, 2007, 10:55
Although the members I have met are quite nice and friendly people in person, seems when no one can slug them, they are quite brave on the forum and much more of a nice person in personTrust me, I'm a cunt in person as well

I suspected nothing less of a cunt than to remain one. an old cunt at that. Those Stinky kind of cunts that smell like day old fish


October 25th, 2007, 12:54

October 25th, 2007, 13:27
Well, I'm shocked! Well not really and truth to tell ... your not alone on that.

Sorry Buck, but you're it.


Brad the Impala
October 25th, 2007, 14:37
colmx, are you in LOS now?!

I'm a complete rice queen.... so not guilty M'Lud!
66 Days till I arrive :cherry:

Acquitted, the defendant may step down, or go down if he would prefer.

Mi Cow Chai-old
October 25th, 2007, 22:46
We don't need to know everything.

October 26th, 2007, 00:40
I love details, he more the better,


October 26th, 2007, 01:40
I love details, he more the better,


http://i.fok.nl/s/pukey.gif http://i.fok.nl/s/pukey.gif http://i.fok.nl/s/pukey.gif

October 26th, 2007, 01:45
We don't need to know everything.

While the rest of us are laughing like fools at these threads regarding Buck, I suggest you avert your eyes if you are offended / bored by the detail.

Me? I'm in boots and all. It lightens my day to start with a laugh.



October 26th, 2007, 03:13
Buck and I met up last night as we agreed to do....and had a very nice evening.

October 26th, 2007, 07:54
Well, I'm shocked! Well not really and truth to tell ... your not alone on that.

You're cloning someone ?

October 26th, 2007, 08:48
Oh great.
From now on when someone writes they met another poster on their trip they're going to have to declare "But we did NOT have sex together"!

See what you started Bucky. :geek:

October 26th, 2007, 09:15
From now on when someone writes they met another poster on their trip they're going to have to declare "But we did NOT have sex together"!Will that have the same value as "I did not have sex with that woman"? I'm reminded of the story about the conversation between Hillary and Chelsea at the end of Chelsea's first year at university. Hillary enquired if Chelsea was having sex with her boyfriend. Chelsea replied, "Not according to Daddy."