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October 23rd, 2007, 13:45
The Pattaya Tourist Police have volunteers from England?
This is from "The Star", dateline London:

"Howard Miller, a British volunteer for the Thai tourist police in Pattaya..."

Does anyone here know Howard Miller?

I want to find out how I can become a volunteer Pattaya Tourist Policeman.

October 23rd, 2007, 14:33
You can apply here:



You can apply at your local tourist station only.
You need to have a permanent residence in Thailand where you spend at least 9 month annually.
You need attendance of a training course of around 2 weeks

Be aware:
Volunteers are usually needed for translation purposes.
Police volunteers have not police powers but do have powers of arrest (as everybody has).
You will not work alone but along with Thai police officers
You are not allowed to carry an weapon but can use various sprays, nightsticks and handcuffs.
You shouldn’t be involved in any fights etc.
Don’t expect any payment
Being a Police volunteer doesn’t qualify for a work-permit
Being with the police doesn’t make you very popular with your neighbourhood.

October 23rd, 2007, 15:01
"Does anyone here know Howard Miller?" (from Keystone, above)

Do a Google search for "Howard Miller Pattaya" and there is plenty.

He would appear to be

Howard Miller
Executive Director and Presenter
Capulet Take One Co., Ltd.
Producers of Pattaya City News

I guess that, when on the beat, he probably takes his TV crew with him in case they encounter one of those bodies that's "fallen" from a tenth floor apartment...

October 23rd, 2007, 15:50
Wow! Thanks for all this great information. I would have never guessed any this!
Actually, I am quite serious, but am not interested so much in the uniforms, guns, handcuffs, and all those accouterments.

What I really want to get in on is the TEA MONEY. I am an old age pensioner with vast experience in international law enforcement and have a hard time living on my meager income. Hence the request. Maybe I shouldn't be so forward about my inquiry, but there we are!

October 23rd, 2007, 16:01
Wow! Thanks for all this great information. I would have never guessed any this!
Actually, I am quite serious, but am not interested so much in the uniforms, guns, handcuffs, and all those accouterments.

What I really want to get in on is the TEA MONEY. I am an old age pensioner with vast experience in international law enforcement and have a hard time living on my meager income. Hence the request. Maybe I shouldn't be so forward about my inquiry, but there we are!

No Tea money for volunteers for sure. Not even for used tea bags ... :flower:

October 23rd, 2007, 19:21
Tourist Police seize over 100,000 indecent images from 75 Year Old English Man.

www.pattayacitynews.net/news_23_10_50_2.htm (http://www.pattayacitynews.net/news_23_10_50_2.htm)

Brad the Impala
October 23rd, 2007, 19:42
So Volunteers may not get tea money, but they at least get free porn?

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 23rd, 2007, 19:43
what else would one do it for but the uniform and the handcuffs ??

plus the powers of arrest..what fun !!

do you get one of these blue sirens you can clamp on the roof of the car ??

October 23rd, 2007, 20:00
OK, ttom, I can fully understand that farang volunteer policeman would have a hard time taking TEA MONEY directly. What I was thinking of was something more subtle and akin to what Mr. Howard Miller is doing in his volunteer efforts as a tourist policeman which enhances the fortunes of his media enterprise, Pattaya City News, since he is privy to information which is ordinarily unavailable to others. Miller├втВмтДвs dual roles as media mogul and tourist policeman remind me of Hearst├втВмтДвs comment ├втВм┼УYou provide the photos, I├втВмтДвll provide the war.├втВм

October 23rd, 2007, 20:01
Just be warned that you get the training for free but everything else you have to pay for:

Uniform has to be tailored
Walkie Talkie
Extra training courses
Badges and protection stuff

They seem to work most prominently on Walking Street and occasionaly ( for a treat ? ) get to arrest kotoeys and illegal workers.

They can get jobs easily as security guards at up to 240 baht a night.

October 24th, 2007, 01:28
They can get jobs easily as security guards at up to 240 baht a night.

Working as security guard requires a work permit. And I doubt that any foreigner will get one. There are enough mean Thai people around who where interested in this kind of easy sleepy job. And they usually know just the right person to contact тАж

October 24th, 2007, 11:34
My expertise is in International Criminal Justice specifically an area more formally called ├втВм┼Уevidence extraction├втВм

October 24th, 2007, 11:46
We coulde organise our own vigilanty group and dress up in black leather (or rubber if you prefer), roaming the streets relieving corrupt politicians and businessmen of their illicit extra change.

What do you think the effect of that would be on nightlife in Pattaya as we know and love it?

October 24th, 2007, 12:21
I have a feeling keystone maybe a troll. But, if not, you have no right in being a volunteer policeman, if the only reason to do it is to profit from it.

You are right on John. This guy reeks Troll.

Isn't it obvious that he is playing with everyone who responds to him in a serious manner?
His name, Keystone, is a give a way as someone earlier noted.

October 24th, 2007, 12:40
Au contraire, mes amis, I am quite serious.
Be aware that we may yet come face to face sometime in the near future, all the more so if you are trying to keep some skeletons stored in your closets.
As I said quite clearly, the revelations about all this have piqued my interest, and this is my field.

October 24th, 2007, 14:24
How very Agatha Christie this keystone is.

October 24th, 2007, 20:19
A program was started in Chiang Mai for having these 'wanabee' cops hanging around with the Tourist Police. What a joke! "To Protect and To Serve" they say on their baseball caps... seems they have dreamed of being a cop most of their lives but couldn't pass any mental nor physical exam. Now they get to wander around trying to look official whilst caging drinks or whatever else they can while in uniform. Another waste of good air!

October 24th, 2007, 20:48
In almost every case you are absolutely correct bbf, and I am glad to see you fully understand the issues involved.

But I too would like to become one of those clever people who can make the position work for him and bring financial returns either directly or "in kind". Some put their efforts as a volunteer policeman to good advantage in their callings as erstwhile "ambulance chasers" cum paparazzi under the pretense of being "journalists" or media moguls. This latter is the same kind of sleight of hand trick that I would love to pull off.

I'm working on it. Thanks to all for your very helpful suggestions.

October 25th, 2007, 14:37
The truth hurts doesn't it Botting.

Hey... why doesn't your buddy Howard Miller ever do any follow ups on his stories?

I would love to know how the case of Mr. Peter Fritz Alfred, aged 53, a German National, owner of Crazy Dragon bar in Sunee was disposed of. Those photos that Mr. Miller published of Mr. Alfred were simply wonderful, but since they caught Mr. Alfred in bed, according to the news story, having sex with an underage boy, couldn't we have been treated to a few photos of that as well? And of course, the photos of his very newsworthy house, car and motorcycle were riveting as well. http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownew ... 0000002542 (http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownews.php?IDNEWS=0000002542)

And speaking of photos, why weren't we treated to better close ups of the 100,000 photos that Mr. Alan Charles Mawson, aged 75 of room number 95 at the Diana Estate? Those looked really filthy and I would like to see better detail of just how disgusting they were! How perverted can one get?

October 30th, 2007, 20:34
We coulde organise our own vigilanty group and dress up in black leather (or rubber if you prefer), roaming the streets relieving corrupt politicians and businessmen of their illicit extra change.


What's the salary and can I be a General please???

October 31st, 2007, 00:10
As they're called "Police Volunteers", that should give you a good idea of the salary.

October 31st, 2007, 07:04
Some of them were paticipating in the sunee raids a few days ago.

November 4th, 2007, 00:53
Why so modest? I won't settle for anything less than Field Marshal.. with a baton and jackboots of course.


An absolute must are the boots and baton, and don't forget you must be photogenic and be prepared to attend the Police station at any hour for an interview as to why you are a great Policeman and Detective!

November 4th, 2007, 10:50
Why so modest? I won't settle for anything less than Field Marshal.. with a baton and jackboots of course.


An absolute must are the boots and baton, and don't forget you must be photogenic and be prepared to attend the Police station at any hour for an interview as to why you are a great Policeman and Detective!

General Quill, I for one salute you! If anyone around these parts deserves a gold medal, it is you. You are a great warrior and should receive, at the very least, a solid gold sword!