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View Full Version : La Cage aux Folles in Bangkok

February 18th, 2006, 08:42

Sadly nearly all the info is in Thai but I have gleaned from www.Thaiticketmaster.com (http://www.Thaiticketmaster.com)

Performed by dreambox.co.th
Dates: March 18,19,25,26 April 1,2 Matinee 14.00 hr Evening 20.00hr (2nd April matinee only)
Prices from Bt400 to Bt3000
Bangkok Theatre, EGV, Big C near Central World Plaza

February 18th, 2006, 18:30
Hi Wowpow,

I agree that the information is difficult as it is only Thai. The question that I have is about the performance. Do you think that it is in English or Thai?

February 18th, 2006, 20:30
these are all thai superstars. my boy tells me the show is all in thai. too bad.

February 20th, 2006, 09:06
has been superb including the US movie..and that's some feat.

Will it translate to Thailand ??...mmmm :idea:

February 20th, 2006, 12:04
has been superb including the US movie..and that's some feat.

Will it translate to Thailand ??...mmmm :idea:

I remember seeing the live version what must be 20/30 years ago..

The finale of act 1 a very heart rending and emotional " I am what I am" It started very slowly, almost spoken built up gradually to the emotional climax. This was musical theatre at its finest, shared with an audience that had been through all of that and understood.

Nothing like the pop version you hear in discos and bars.

I have read about the impact Brokeback Mountain had on film goers, but that pales beside the emotional scenes
in the foyer at the interval of La Cage. Grown men and women, suited, casual, old, young, out or closeted, tears streaming down their cheeks and making no effort to hide them.

G&L is now very public, on TV, in oscar nominated films , people from all walks of life coming out,
but in those days there was hardly a mention of gay life in the media except in a very negative way.

La Cage was a watershed for many gays.Every time I hear Gloria Gaynor or someone else doing a disco version,
I feel sad for they dont understand how powerful the number was in the show, nor how timely it was for gay rights.

I doubt if a Thai could get inside the part or the song. I hope I am wrong.

I still get goose bumps remembering that night.