View Full Version : Why a Rice Barge? And where is my damn board?

October 22nd, 2007, 13:03
Hello dears, I've been away and I am back to play.

Why a Rice Barge, you ask.

Dears, I spend so much fucking money in our precious land of smiles that I don't qualify as anything else. I can't seem to learn my lesson. Those sweet and beautiful young Thai men hold out their hands, and I fill them with baht. Who am I to say no? At least I am a butterfly, but I think that makes it worse. So when the boys see this rice queen coming, they see a barge resplendent on the waters laden with coin.

Call a spade a spade, dears, and call a rice barge like you see it! Me mum would be so proud.

Now that is out of the way, my but how the board has changed. Where are all my favorite posters and targets? No more Hedda (and my god has she gotten dreary in her new playground--who let the air out of this once great Pattaya institution?). No Duchess or David Cal? Where is Pearl? And Edith? What has happened to MauRICE of the dissapearing posts? BBB is driven away? Dodger no longer posts? No sign of Dick, and poor Brad Impala and Sen Yai are pale, pale imitations of their former selves. The cut-and-pastes of WowPow are seldom to be seen on these pages? Pete1969 is not here to offer sappy relationship advice? Cute Black Guy and the dear, dear Colonel have been forced to take new identities? Thaiquila is no more? Luvthai has followed Hedda out the door? No more Silom? And horrors of horrors, the Boy Genius has been banished, prehaps living with Druken Sailor and Granny! And a tip o' the hat to the dear zzz. RIP, old friend. Most horribly, Smiles has become a grumpy old man! Oh my. How things have changed.

Ahhh well. I'll have another drink and settle into the new neighborhood. Don't mind me while I poke about. At least I won't be poking you!

October 22nd, 2007, 13:15
No, can't be BoyG. he was literate, insulting but well written. Must be BBB?

October 24th, 2007, 07:52
No, can't be BoyG. he was literate, insulting but well written. Must be BBB?

Nope, not BBB either. He was illiterate insulting and badly written.