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February 18th, 2006, 08:22
Law and order deteriorating in Pattaya


I will be returning to Pattaya in four weeks time and am becoming increasingly concerned by the apparent deterioration in the law and order situation in the city. I have been a regular visitor to the city over the last 17 years and the current situation is the worst that I have witnessed in that time.

Only this morning I received a phone call from a friend who is currently in Pattaya to say that he was robbed last night as he slept. The burglars must have been as close as 2 meters from him and his partner as they carried out the robbery.
My friendтАЩs partner phoned Pattaya Police in the morning to report the burglary but it seems that the police are not interested. As it is now evening in Pattaya a day has been lost, during with they could have collected forensic evidence which would have enabled conviction if the perpetrators were to be apprehended.

If this is the attitude of the police then a rethink of their role is overdue if Pattaya is to present an image of a safe destination for tourists who are vital to the economy. The responsibility for the rethink must start with those in command, and if they are unable to provide satisfactory answers and actions quickly they should be dismissed quickly, making way for individuals who will restore a safe environment for tourists, and keep that safe environment in place over the longer term.

Your paper reports felonies every week, ranging from burglaries, muggings and murders. This, surely, is indicative of the worsening situation. Clearly the current prevailing attitude is that тАЬfarangsтАЭ are fair game, an attitude which is steadily destroying Pattaya.

Only when the mayor, who clearly has good intentions, and the forces of law and order get to grips with the felons will Pattaya justify any claim to be a destination worth visiting.

Doug Smillie

February 18th, 2006, 10:15
I work in the Eastern Seaboard area and North Pattaya as been my home for almost 2 years. When I watch the Pattaya TVNews in English at night, it makes me want to NOT go out due to the shootings, killings, robberies and so on... (and one knows not all of this crime is reported on the news or to the police). BUT when one examines who is involved, it is usually not the normal "Joe" or "Lek." Many of the shootings involve young punks on motorcycles that happen to have a grudge against another Thai or gang... and this "shooting sport" happens after midnight on 3rd Street or Sukemivit Hwy. Next, the tourists that seem to be "taken advantage of" are usually intoxicated after the 2 0'clock closing of bars and/ or are walking by themselves along the beach walkway (along Beach Road) after midnight. And yes people, don't Carry a bag of valuables with you, put them in your pocket. Pattaya does of its share of social rejects and shady characters but if one takes precaution, they should be able to have a safe, enjoyable time in the city... Taking precaution is the norm in most cities around the world. I am from Chicago and you wouldn't see me walking around certain parts of the city after midnight--- especially drunk. So just use good judgment.

PS Oh, there is one unusual precaution to take in Pattaya than in most cities.... stay away from the balconies with your "honey." There are sure a lot of "suicides" from men jumping from their balconies at night...their girlfriends just happen to be in the other room when it happens. :idea:

February 18th, 2006, 13:25
Myself and my buddy sexy lofty sexy dont come to Pattaya now due to the crime going on there. We decided to risk the tidal waves and set up in Phuket.
Well we were plesantly supprised how nice this place is. The Gay scene there isnt to in your face and i think a nicer type of venue there. I and SLS have now decided never to go back to sin city again now weve found Phuket.

February 18th, 2006, 13:47
Well thats good Dony Darko,no doubt you and Sing Lofty can complain about kitchens there.You blokes have no idea how to be streetwise,i love walking the beach at night and i rarely have any probs .
I have problems in Sydney every night with crime.Na stuff it,i get called every name every night in Sydney.I had to laugh at the little old lady who stuck her finger up at me ,i felt like whippin the old fella out and showing her my weapon.The old bitch.Only trouble I had in Pattaya was I had 4 teenagers try to grab me once last July in a laneway just opposite White Knight about 3am one morning but they left on their motorbikes.
I dont have much problem ,in bangkok i think you would get mugged at night but not pattaya.I had two swedish blonde girls try to rape me and sit on my face in a bar in walking st and i complained to the cops and now im having theraphy .Every time someone mentins the word pussy i think of her blonde twat.This board is very wuuuude! Its deterioterating!
Swedish blonde backpackers,we cant talk about that ! This board is only for wooly moofs !